The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Our friendly neighborhood plumber left in an epiphanic panic when he realized what a fool he had been for years, and that he could no longer maintain the pretense. A shame too - he was the only remaining t supporter here who didn't seem to be just doing it as a troll.
Pot calling kettle black...
Izzy thinks all blood is Red except when oxygen-rich under the skin. Spare us your false anguish over the plight of the Kurds. You and Fries have the same hate for Trump and thus you both like hitching your pathetic wagons to any issue that feeds your hate. It has been extremely fun to watch your sloppiness. Laughing emojis are limitless. Please continue.

What is "false anguish" about sympathy for a true ally in a troubled region? All the Kurds have been interested in is their survival as a distinct culture. They have been our allies since the 40's in Iraq and Syria.

I don't think t is of a mind to allow refugee status for Kurds the way we did for the friendly Hmongs after our disasters in Indochina.
Is it too complicated? I'm running out of options for non-readers.

Huli Huli Boi now officially the only dimwit, from McConnell to EU to Pelosi to Rubio to Crenshaw to Pentagon to actual boots on the ground who's still trying to pretend this idiotic Syria move was a complete and total disaster from US strategic pov. But, of course, he's also the dimwit who wants you to believe that the bank has your house on their books as an asset, so I shouldn't be surprised.

Huli Huli Boi, dumber than we thought possible and consistently more wrong than any person on earth (save maybe Racist Joe, but he's got the whole wood alcohol excuse...)
Our resident tough guy with the nice hair, conspicuously absent...

"But the libtards in colleges are poisoning our kid's minds..!"

The con runs deep with all of you turnip truck rubes. Here's the truth, kids, Don the Con is a craven grifter out for himself - and not all that smart, either.

Now, let's hear the latest Syria excuses... Not even the cowardly House and Senate GOP can ignore this huge disaster...
All you stupid kitchen rejects who wailed about Iran and Obama, now watching Erdogan go into Syria after meeting with Rouhani and Putin and trying to pretend it was some clever move to "save our troops" or protect some ship in the Sea of Japan or something...

You are really a bunch of craven, dumb marks. No wonder Don the Con loves you so much. You're easier than drunk Iowa tourists trying to beat 3 card monte on a Times Square corner.

Huli Huli Boi now officially the only dimwit, from McConnell to EU to Pelosi to Rubio to Crenshaw to Pentagon to actual boots on the ground who's still trying to pretend this idiotic Syria move was a complete and total disaster from US strategic pov. But, of course, he's also the dimwit who wants you to believe that the bank has your house on their books as an asset, so I shouldn't be surprised.

Huli Huli Boi, dumber than we thought possible and consistently more wrong than any person on earth (save maybe Racist Joe, but he's got the whole wood alcohol excuse...)

What a waste of keyboard energy you display....

Until you own the home outright it's a " potential " asset for the Bank that holds
your loan note.....please don't embarrass yourself further by trying to dispute
this simple fact.

I see you have the same Ideology as Spola and the rest of the ignorant
Dumbocrats....Yeah that's the ticket...leave 50 or so AMERICAN TROOPS
in the middle of a " Turf " War instead of heeding a warning to remove them....

You get an " A " for the Day Friedhands ..." A " for Asshat ....That's That...!

"Now it's not just a defense of Trump, it's a defense of their defense of Trump. To indict him is to indict themselves, to indict their own judgment, and that's hard for any human."
Don the Con thinks foreign policy is like his cheating-ass golf games. He can just ask for mulligan when he shanks the crap out of it the first time.

Sorry, Don the Con, Erdogan ain't giving mulligans...

That sorry-assed McConnell press release. He's too lame and cowardly to even call out Don the Con by name... "decisions"... his turtle nose covered in orange poo...

Time for Huli Huli Boi to explain how dumb we are that only he and Tulsi Gabbard are left supporting Don the Con's decision. Even Pence is catching the first flight to Turkey to beg for a do-over.

Don the Con thinks foreign policy is like his cheating-ass golf games. He can just ask for mulligan when he shanks the crap out of it the first time.

Sorry, Don the Con, Erdogan ain't giving mulligans...

That sorry-assed McConnell press release. He's too lame and cowardly to even call out Don the Con by name... "decisions"... his turtle nose covered in orange poo...

Time for Huli Huli Boi to explain how dumb we are that only he and Tulsi Gabbard are left supporting Don the Con's decision. Even Pence is catching the first flight to Turkey to beg for a do-over.


I don't think TG is all that much in support of t's idiocy --
I bought groceries today in 2 different stores. I didn't have to show ID in either one of them.

In the second store, the guy two ahead of me in the express line had a package of chicken thighs and a bottle of charcoal lighter fluid. The guy in front of me had tomatoes, onions, peppers, lettuce and mayonnaise. I had a microwave meatloaf dinner and a 12-pack of beer. I told the guy in front of me "He and I have everything we need for dinner. You have health food."
QUOTE="Friesland, post: 293785, member: 1715"

Just re-upping this... it's more true than ever...

You turnips, keep riding on that truck!


Urine Idiot Friedhands.....
You turnip your stupidity with each new post.
That guys right behind your muzzle buddy Shep Smith on the
" Exit " plan for the month....spews hatred daily.