The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

I especially enjoyed the one where Trump shouted “you saw what the Ambassador wrote. ‘No quid pro quo!’ And the Ambassador says “Trump told me no quid pro. I don’t have first-hand knowledge to say that.”
But Trump knows his supporters are so incredibly stupid that they will listen to Trump saying that his ambassador said it, but the rest of it is too complicated for them.
“I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue.” He knew how dumb they were very early.
Joe you’re awfully busy copying and pasting this morning.
Don’t you have anything good to read? Try The NY can get it on your computer just like the blogs you read.
This guy served under Reagan and both Bushes.
He gets it about you dummies.

By popular request, here's video of @Peter_Wehner talking about Trump supporters on today's show. "Now it's not just a defense of Trump, it's a defense of their defense of Trump. To indict him is to indict themselves, to indict their own judgment, and that's hard for any human."
You're a liar and an idiot. You have repeatedly told everyone here that houses are assets on a bank's books. Because you're a dimwit, huli huli boi. And too stubborn to admit anything, just like the mythical chicken who pecks up corn until she explodes out her assterix.. A perfect image for you, to be fair, huli huli boi.

You're a liar and you're stupid, which is why it makes sense you'd pretzel yourself to slurp Don the Con's smegma.

Now, anyone out there want to find any respected military or foreign policy analyst trying to spin this Syria nightmare as a good thing?

Even Lindsey freaking Graham had to go talk Don the Con into a U turn on this thing... Don the Con is a con, and not even good one.
You just turn the spigot when Donny T tells you to. This is too complicated for you.

This guy served under Reagan and both Bushes.
He gets it about you dummies.

By popular request, here's video of @Peter_Wehner talking about Trump supporters on today's show. "Now it's not just a defense of Trump, it's a defense of their defense of Trump. To indict him is to indict themselves, to indict their own judgment, and that's hard for any human."

Our friendly neighborhood plumber left in an epiphanic panic when he realized what a fool he had been for years, and that he could no longer maintain the pretense. A shame too - he was the only remaining t supporter here who didn't seem to be just doing it as a troll.
Our friendly neighborhood plumber left in an epiphanic panic when he realized what a fool he had been for years, and that he could no longer maintain the pretense. A shame too - he was the only remaining t supporter here who didn't seem to be just doing it as a troll.
You "seem" unsure.
I especially enjoyed the one where Trump shouted “you saw what the Ambassador wrote. ‘No quid pro quo!’ And the Ambassador says “Trump told me no quid pro. I don’t have first-hand knowledge to say that.”
But Trump knows his supporters are so incredibly stupid that they will listen to Trump saying that his ambassador said it, but the rest of it is too complicated for them.
“I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue.” He knew how dumb they were very early.
Trumps supporters don’t listen to him. They listen to you.
I especially enjoyed the one where Trump shouted “you saw what the Ambassador wrote. ‘No quid pro quo!’ And the Ambassador says “Trump told me no quid pro. I don’t have first-hand knowledge to say that.”
But Trump knows his supporters are so incredibly stupid that they will listen to Trump saying that his ambassador said it, but the rest of it is too complicated for them.
“I could shoot somebody on Fifth Avenue.” He knew how dumb they were very early.
The "deplorables" incredibly so....
All you stupid kitchen rejects who wailed about Iran and Obama, now watching Erdogan go into Syria after meeting with Rouhani and Putin and trying to pretend it was some clever move to "save our troops" or protect some ship in the Sea of Japan or something...

You are really a bunch of craven, dumb marks. No wonder Don the Con loves you so much. You're easier than drunk Iowa tourists trying to beat 3 card monte on a Times Square corner.

You just turn the spigot when Donny T tells you to. This is too complicated for you.

Come on, Huli Huli Boi, you can do better than movie clips. Couldn't you at least read the book? They sell it in airports, right next to "Rich Chicken, Poor Chicken" and "How to find your house on the Bank's Balance sheet..."

You really are as stupid as you seem, aren't you? I didn't think it was possible.
Izzy thinks dead Kurds is funny.

Hey DUMBASS......

You really think it's smart to perpetuate this
absolutely FALSE narrative about the " Kurds "...
You really think it's smart to leave 50 AMERICAN SOLDIERS
between 10,000 + Turks and who knows how many " Supposed "
Kurd's in a local turf battle....especially when the President
of Turkey gave YOU a Heads up to remove them for their safety...


Come on and lets see you argue this one about potential loss of
American Lives When you are given a " Heads Up " and the POTUS
exercised the " Heads Up ".....
You Liberals really could give a shit about American lives loss and this
incident proves it to a " T ".....!

Come on, Huli Huli Boi, you can do better than movie clips. Couldn't you at least read the book? They sell it in airports, right next to "Rich Chicken, Poor Chicken" and "How to find your house on the Bank's Balance sheet..."

You really are as stupid as you seem, aren't you? I didn't think it was possible.
You did some thinking?
Izzy thinks dead Kurds is funny.
Izzy thinks all blood is Red except when oxygen-rich under the skin. Spare us your false anguish over the plight of the Kurds. You and Fries have the same hate for Trump and thus you both like hitching your pathetic wagons to any issue that feeds your hate. It has been extremely fun to watch your sloppiness. Laughing emojis are limitless. Please continue.