The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

During the Cold War, Vienna was a transfer point for defectors going both ways.
T didn't just want to be President, he wanted to continue his role as The Donald, a cartoon character that appeared in every New York newspaper every day.

Send the fucking traitor back to New York, He will love the attention he is going to get there.
Did these people have phantom concerns over a phantom phone call?
Were they in on the scam witch hunt early?
Is this all just more fake news?
The good Senator from Wisconsin said he doesn't believe the media or the intelligence agencies. Does he believe State Department officials?

Does he believe John Bolton?
I love that the guy whose own lawyer and campaign manager went to jail and whose Trump U paid a $25 million fine for fraud was asking Ukraine to "root out corruption" by investigating his political opponent Joe Biden.
Exactly how stupid and blind do you have to be to even make sense of that argument?
T didn't just want to be President, he wanted to continue his role as The Donald, a cartoon character that appeared in every New York newspaper every day.

Send the fucking traitor back to New York, He will love the attention he is going to get there.
They have enough eggs and rotten fruit?
I love that the guy whose own lawyer and campaign manager went to jail and whose Trump U paid a $25 million fine for fraud was asking Ukraine to "root out corruption" by investigating his political opponent Joe Biden.
Exactly how stupid and blind do you have to be to even make sense of that argument?
Nono, lil joe, LE, dizzy, the plumber dumb.
All the rats are abandoning ship, or on the way to or in jail. t certainly isn't the kind of captain to go down with the ship, he may take it down out of spite though.