The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

Fact, Trump beat your horrible candidate.
Fact, it is your own fault.
Fact, if Obama wasn’t such a horrible president Trump would not be in office.
Fact, at least he isn’t Hillary.
Fact, nobody in this field can beat Trump.
Thank you Obama.
You gave us MAGA.
What a great legacy.
”Dirty” is a crime?
The best part of this inquiry as far as this forum is concerned is it puts to rest, forever, all of your phony claims of being patriotic.
In America, we hate the idea that a president would ask a foreign power to assist us with a campaign by digging dirt on an opponent. It’s an impeachable offense. You have proven you don’t care about the American way of doing things. Ha!
More like Jimma gave us the Gip.
Quick! Start talking about Biden. Change the subject.
This transcript right after the collusion investigation is like Clinton soliciting a BJ while reading the Starr Report. Indescribably stupid. It’s like he said about shooting someone on 5th Avenue, his arrogance with his idiot supporters made him feel invulnerable.
“A perfect phone call.”
I have a feeling that huge story about Kavanaugh from way back (last week) was a big nothing burger.

I have a feeling this current trump story will be the same.
Impeachment is all they have left. But none has ever been removed from office. This investigation will probably still be going during term 2.
Quick! Start talking about Biden. Change the subject.
This transcript right after the collusion investigation is like Clinton soliciting a BJ while reading the Starr Report. Indescribably stupid. It’s like he said about shooting someone on 5th Avenue, his arrogance with his idiot supporters made him feel invulnerable.
“A perfect phone call.”
The best part of this inquiry as far as this forum is concerned is it puts to rest, forever, all of your phony claims of being patriotic.
In America, we hate the idea that a president would ask a foreign power to assist us with a campaign by digging dirt on an opponent. It’s an impeachable offense. You have proven you don’t care about the American way of doing things. Ha!
The Mueller investigation wasn’t the American way?
”Dirty” is a crime?

Crime makes a person "dirty".

T should feel blessed that he lives in a country with one of the best legal systems on Earth, under which system he cannot be punished for a crime until he is convicted in a court of law (or confesses), and must therefore be accorded the status of "innocent" until a court rules otherwise.

Here is a partial list of the crimes of which t is currently innocent --

-obtaining a false medical certificate in order to avoid the draft
-sexual assault and harassment on several occasions
-using political campaign funds to silence critics with payoffs, non-disclosure agreements, and threats of lawsuits
-using his position as President to enrich businesses of which he owns all or a substantial interest by sales to foreign governments
-using his position as President to enrich businesses of which he owns all or a substantial interest by directing the US military to buy from them
-running a fraudulent "University"
-using his position as President to promote businesses owned by his wife and by his children and their spouses
-issued Executive Orders to punish city and state governments that refused to align themselves with his politics
-encouraging senior government officials to commit perjury as a demonstration of their "loyalty" to him
-firing senior government officials who refused to commit perjury as a demonstration of their "loyalty" to him
-issued Executive Orders that discriminated against adherents of certain explicitly-named religions
-denied that members of his campaign staff had contact with Russian government officials during the 2016 Presidential campaign
-requested that DHS formulate a plan to use National Guard troops to round up suspected illegal aliens residing in the USA
-asked the Council of Economic Advisers to issue a false analysis of the economy
-hired industry lobbyists into government positions whose former office-holders had opposed the lobbyists' efforts
-made false accusation that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower
-fired US Attorneys who were investigating possible crimes committed by his businesses and those of his supporters
-bragged about not paying taxes, saying that showed he was "smart"
-profited from real estate sales to wealthy Russians at prices well above the current market value of similar properties
-attempted to change the questions on the US Census coming up in 2020 in order to discourage participation by some minority groups
-incited violence against protestors at a political rally
-eliminated rules that had required internet service providers to ask permission from customers before disclosing or selling private information
-directed the EPA to provide false information about climate change and to remove correct information from its website
-suggested that he would eliminate the Constitutional system of checks and balances among the three equal branches of Federal government
-altered an official Weather Servicee hurricane warning map in an attempt to support his own false statements

Crime makes a person "dirty".

T should feel blessed that he lives in a country with one of the best legal systems on Earth, under which system he cannot be punished for a crime until he is convicted in a court of law (or confesses), and must therefore be accorded the status of "innocent" until a court rules otherwise.

Here is a partial list of the crimes of which t is currently innocent --

-obtaining a false medical certificate in order to avoid the draft
-sexual assault and harassment on several occasions
-using political campaign funds to silence critics with payoffs, non-disclosure agreements, and threats of lawsuits
-using his position as President to enrich businesses of which he owns all or a substantial interest by sales to foreign governments
-using his position as President to enrich businesses of which he owns all or a substantial interest by directing the US military to buy from them
-running a fraudulent "University"
-using his position as President to promote businesses owned by his wife and by his children and their spouses
-issued Executive Orders to punish city and state governments that refused to align themselves with his politics
-encouraging senior government officials to commit perjury as a demonstration of their "loyalty" to him
-firing senior government officials who refused to commit perjury as a demonstration of their "loyalty" to him
-issued Executive Orders that discriminated against adherents of certain explicitly-named religions
-denied that members of his campaign staff had contact with Russian government officials during the 2016 Presidential campaign
-requested that DHS formulate a plan to use National Guard troops to round up suspected illegal aliens residing in the USA
-asked the Council of Economic Advisers to issue a false analysis of the economy
-hired industry lobbyists into government positions whose former office-holders had opposed the lobbyists' efforts
-made false accusation that Obama had wiretapped Trump Tower
-fired US Attorneys who were investigating possible crimes committed by his businesses and those of his supporters
-bragged about not paying taxes, saying that showed he was "smart"
-profited from real estate sales to wealthy Russians at prices well above the current market value of similar properties
-attempted to change the questions on the US Census coming up in 2020 in order to discourage participation by some minority groups
-incited violence against protestors at a political rally
-eliminated rules that had required internet service providers to ask permission from customers before disclosing or selling private information
-directed the EPA to provide false information about climate change and to remove correct information from its website
-suggested that he would eliminate the Constitutional system of checks and balances among the three equal branches of Federal government
-altered an official Weather Servicee hurricane warning map in an attempt to support his own false statements

That’s a lot of innocence.
QUOTE="Sheriff Joe, post: 289939, member: 1585"

She was a horrible partisan,
respected by you people.
She was a Disgusting Partisan....You are very correct !

Get a grip.
They can't....


......They oiled up their cheeks before insertion.....