The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

You people try to hook your anti trump wagon to whatever you can. Plenty of yawns and laughs for you whining cowards. Did you not know that this is a public forum. Mueller was supposed to be your savior. You pathetically recycle the issues that you hooked your little wagon to in the past because you have nothing left but impeachment. Cowards.

You laughed and yawned because you are so set on your partisan BS that you're happy to ignore an actual young man killed by the North Koreans for nothing.

That is who you are.

And everyone now knows it.

And to be honest, everyone already knew it.
I'm so made at Trump.

FANDANGO is the American Elvis. Not some politician of some Asian country.

I don't think I'll ever get over this. I might even support impeachment.
Ok never mind the competition I will just hula.
Why no weightlifting? Good for bone density and overall strength. I do Pete Siscos static hold workout every 7 or so days. 1680 lbs leg press, 315 lbs shrugs, 135 lbs bicep curl, 405 lbs power clean, 315 Bench press close and wide grip. I’ll hit the pool up for 1600 m twice a month and then spin off 25 miles Once a month. My off days I just do my 10k steps
You laughed and yawned because you are so set on your partisan BS that you're happy to ignore an actual young man killed by the North Koreans for nothing.

That is who you are.

And everyone now knows it.

And to be honest, everyone already knew it.
It’s only a matter of time before your wagon hitches another ride. Yawn. Happy Trails.
So last week you posted an anti-higher education article.
You don’t like journalists.
The whole facts/experts/research thing not your bag, huh? It’s all just how you “feel” about things?
I had a feeling trump was going to beat Hillary, what did the “experts” say?
How many times have the “expert researchers” predicted global warming would kill us all?
Isn’t it the “experts” that fuck up the weather forecast daily?
I have a feeling you are going to reply with nonsense, prove me wrong for once.
I am gonna help you dumb mother fuckers out,

Learn to pronounce
  1. a reason given in justification of a course of action that is not the real reason.
He’s dirty. His own lawyer went to jail.
Hard for you to face, isn’t it? Quit spouting feelings...look at the facts.
How come all you Trumpies deal in feelings and not facts.
"Greatest intellectual property theft of all time" seems t has China right where he wants em, where he can give them things for free, even our military secrets. Most dangerous person to democracy ever.
He’s dirty. His own lawyer went to jail.
Hard for you to face, isn’t it? Quit spouting feelings...look at the facts.
How come all you Trumpies deal in feelings and not facts.
Fact, Trump beat your horrible candidate.
Fact, it is your own fault.
Fact, if Obama wasn’t such a horrible president Trump would not be in office.
Fact, at least he isn’t Hillary.
Fact, nobody in this field can beat Trump.
I have a feeling that huge story about Kavanaugh from way back (last week) was a big nothing burger.

I have a feeling this current trump story will be the same.
He’s dirty. His own lawyer went to jail.
Hard for you to face, isn’t it? Quit spouting feelings...look at the facts.
How come all you Trumpies deal in feelings and not facts.
Speaking of facts, the lawyer went to jail, not the client.
The Democrats claim to be the party of feelings...
Unless of course you disagree with them, then you're labeled racist, homophobic, xenophobe, or worse.
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