The Inevitable New The Inevitable Trump Mocking Thread

You use the word “coward” a lot...makes me wonder what you’ve done to make you think you’re brave. From what you’ve said on here, it would appear that you’re a fat ass desk jockey who watches a bunch of sophomore right-wing econ videos on YouTube.
Also you sound mad about Trump, bro.
Wanna bet? We running 100 meters? Or a mile? Or bike? You name it. Just not lifting weights for power but I will do anything else. And I’m 60.
He’s a fatass.
Seems like fatass is amused...but he doesn’t want to race.
Meet me at the VA in Westwood. We can jump a little rope. Maybe run an obstacle course. You know where that is, fake soldier boy? The real military folk don’t like Trump.
Seems like fatass is amused...but he doesn’t want to race.
Meet me at the VA in Westwood. We can jump a little rope. Maybe run an obstacle course. You know where that is, fake soldier boy? The real military folk don’t like Trump.
He sure has your number though.
Fun to watch you dummies get all emotional.
Looks like McConnell has gone pinko, eh Ricky?
Isn’t anybody that does anything against Trump a commie?

The Republican-controlled Senate on Tuesday unanimously passed a non-binding resolution calling on the Trump administration to release a complaint by a whistleblower from the intelligence community concerning President Donald Trump’s conduct with a foreign leader.
Hey genius, why didn’t the house vote today?
So last week you posted an anti-higher education article.
You don’t like journalists.
The whole facts/experts/research thing not your bag, huh? It’s all just how you “feel” about things?
Is that why you like min wage? You feel like that’s what it should be? You know the whole math thing? The whole people should be able to negotiate their own wages even if it under cuts the union? Are you anti competition like you think Trump is?