Say bye-bye-bye to Girls and Boys DA

Goat is in the eye of the beholder bro. My dd is my goat soccer player. With words like "Elite" "Premier" "World Class" "Top Tier" "Development" and so on, your going to give me a hard time with my dd is a goat? How about my dd is an "elite" soccer player playing in the Elite Club National league? Or my dd is world class playa because she played in the DA? My dd is a soccer player who played for the Goat FC team where I found out about the socal soccer forum. So what?
I wasn’t trying to give you a hard time, EJ. Just never heard someone use the term so often on this forum. I can’t claim to be hip to the 4-1-1, bro. Which is why I mentioned that “I could be wrong”. I can fully appreciate being a honk for your own kid. Most kids care more about that opinion more than any others (up to a certain age, I think) lol!
@Ellejustus , you keep referring to your kid and other players as “goats”. Do you know what “goat” means? Or do I not know what it means, in the context in which you’re using the word? Because if I’m right, and I’m not saying I am, it can’t be plural. There’s one Goat and I doubt anyone on this forum can claim to have raised them.
What the hell is “GAL” League or “ECRL”? Are these new leagues?

ECRL - Elite Clubs Regional League basically the second division of ECNL.
You will never hear me say my dd is a Unicorn though. Maps taught me that word and I agree 100%. Goat soccer player=Top soccer player with 3.9 or less. Sheep soccer player fills the rest of the roster spots of 19-33. I get all the terms bro.
So, Goat soccer player = Top player with 3.9 or less what?
I’m just telling you that you are hoping for a fantasy that is not financially sustainable and would not be effective either. You are hoping for the soccer equivalent of communism. What if everyone got to own a rainbow? Wouldn’t it be so great? Somebody should make that happen.
Pro/Rel is the epitomy of Capitalism. You don't produce a quality product, then you don't belong on the elite list and someone who steps up to produce a quality product will take your place. Communism is the existing ECNL commune. Everyone gets a share, regardless of the amount of effort or the quality of the effort and no one ever gets pushed out of the commune. How is it financially unsustainable? The bottom 2-3 leave and another 2-3 replace them. Someone on the bottom is always willing to foot the bill to get in the door.
What the hell is “GAL” League or “ECRL”? Are these new leagues?

ECRL is ECNL 2nd teams (R is regional and the N is for National).

GAL is Girls Academy League, which is now the highest tier of DPL and apparently why where many ex-DA clubs that didn't get into ECNL/ECRL will put their top teams next year.
The winner of ECRL league will qualify for National ECNL playoffs. So technically a Legends et all could still win it all.
Are clubs that aren’t in ECNL allowed to play ECRL or is it the same group of clubs? And could a club have teams in ECNL at one age group and ECRL at others depending on history of success?
ECRL is ECNL 2nd teams (R is regional and the N is for National).

GAL is Girls Academy League, which is now the highest tier of DPL and apparently why where many ex-DA clubs that didn't get into ECNL/ECRL will put their top teams next year.
Say it isn't so. My DD would never play in the GAL league, that is a dumb acronym for a girls league, don't care what it stands for. I would prefer "Girls Ultimate Youth" league (GUY).
Here in the north east we had the first year of ECNL regional league this year. 15 ECNL clubs. All with one National team in regular (National) ECNL and one Regional team. Typically the schedules mirrored each other. For example Scorpions 2007 ECNL National v. Match Fit 2007 ECNL National and Scorpions 2007 ECNL Regional v. Match Fit 2007 ECNL Regional on the same day,

Over the last couple months I noticed ECNL rolling out more regional leagues. There were Midwest & Virginia area leagues that contain ECNL clubs B teams and non-ECNL clubs A teams. They billed it in the announcements as a way to better evaluate prospective clubs.
Here in the north east we had the first year of ECNL regional league this year. 15 ECNL clubs. All with one National team in regular (National) ECNL and one Regional team. Typically the schedules mirrored each other. For example Scorpions 2007 ECNL National v. Match Fit 2007 ECNL National and Scorpions 2007 ECNL Regional v. Match Fit 2007 ECNL Regional on the same day,

Over the last couple months I noticed ECNL rolling out more regional leagues. There were Midwest & Virginia area leagues that contain ECNL clubs B teams and non-ECNL clubs A teams. They billed it in the announcements as a way to better evaluate prospective clubs.

This one has 3 non-ECNL clubs & 3 ECNL clubs B teams.
Has there been a formal explanation published stating the path from ECRL to ECNL and vise versa? It hard to differentiate facts from speculation.

This is what I am aware of, not claiming to be an expert. Take it for what it is worth.

Before the DA Collapse this how the Leagues matched up with 1st / 2nd Teams for the most part - although some exceptions for those ECNL Clubs with 2 Teams, and those that had both DA and ECNL.


ECNL clubs 2nd Teams were put in ECRL, just like DA Clubs 2nd Teams played DPL.

ECRL did not run in parallel every ECNL Division, some divisions did not have ECRL for 19-20. ECRL ran in 6 of the 8 Divisions. In those divisions that ran ECRL not every ECNL club had a 2nd team participate. For example in 19-20, a 12 Team ECNL Division, may only have had 10 Teams in ECRL with two clubs not supplying a team.

What I have been told, but have not personally researched or confirmed, is that ECNL is mandating that every ECNL Division that runs a parallel ECRL Division must supply a 2nd Team. Will see how that shakes out.

Depending on where teams land, and even if it only for a year, having former DA Clubs putting their top team in ECRL could result in some really lopsided score lines.

This one has 3 non-ECNL clubs & 3 ECNL clubs B teams.

They may be creating more regional league divisions based on geography, rather than 1:1 ECNL to ECRL. This was no Heartland ECNL Division for 19-20.
That is the case.
That makes zero since. I would have to say based on my scouting report on the 04' socal teams that Beach, Legends and LAG would be in the running for top team in the SW ECNL with Surf SD as the other top team. LAFC better play harder if they want to compete. Strikers beat them 2-1, and we were just getting to know each other. I will say our team will be ready to battle every game. I love LAFC and their possession style BTW. Mr Lavers, please put Beach, Legends and LA Galaxay in the top tier. All three would be one of the favorites to win the SW League Champ.