I wasn’t trying to give you a hard time, EJ. Just never heard someone use the term so often on this forum. I can’t claim to be hip to the 4-1-1, bro. Which is why I mentioned that “I could be wrong”. I can fully appreciate being a honk for your own kid. Most kids care more about that opinion more than any others (up to a certain age, I think) lol!Goat is in the eye of the beholder bro. My dd is my goat soccer player. With words like "Elite" "Premier" "World Class" "Top Tier" "Development" and so on, your going to give me a hard time with my dd is a goat? How about my dd is an "elite" soccer player playing in the Elite Club National league? Or my dd is world class playa because she played in the DA? My dd is a soccer player who played for the Goat FC team where I found out about the socal soccer forum. So what?