ULittles play in pro/rel all over the place. all it does is give us mostly fair games within a short drive.
I have not had a problem with a coach asking dd to play hurt. He knows injury rate is #1 for us, and has been great. Just need a good relationship with the coach.
I think EOTL's main objection is that pro/rel would weaken the market power of the big clubs like Blues.
U littles are playing for fun, not to go to Stanford. Pro/rel also makes sense with little kids because, unlike with older kids who know where they rank in the food chain and sort themselves out accordingly, but the little ones don’t, so someone else needs to do it.
I’m just telling you how it is and why. Any time you start a sentence with “I wish...”, “I want...” or “Wouldn’t it be great if...”, you may as well end it with “clouds were made out of candy and it rained gummy bears.” Promotion/relegation doesn’t work at the highest level of youth girls soccer. I know that because it doesn’t exist despite years of cheap ass whiny parents like yourself constantly clambering for it. Clubs giving away high quality training doesn’t work, and I know that for the same reason.
You claim that big clubs are chicken, when the reality is you’re chicken to have your kid try out at a real club because you know how that will go. Either she’ll get cut because she isn’t good enough, or she’ll get cut because you don’t pay. Your daughter’s star teammate can’t carry your kid forever and should not be expected to do so.