Say bye-bye-bye to Girls and Boys DA

Surf gone!


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This is complete BS by DA. They are total cowards. To end DA is one thing, to do it during a global pandemic is what bitch ass punks do. You just dumped all these players who gave up and sacrificed so much for you. There was nothing you could do? It’s been ONE MONTH! You’ve been raping families of girls for 3 years, boys for what like 10 years? First chance you get to have an excuse to walk away and you take it. No spine, no fight, what weak ass people from top to bottom. The Fed has money, they could of figured it out if they wanted to. Also while I’m at it you DA clubs and DOC’s also are not immune from criticism. You got into bed with DA you share some of the blame for the product you sold. You took and are taking parents money. Where’s your accountability? Unless your a DOC who quit on his team in February and “moved” to Pullman to be a 3rd assistant, because he knew this was at least a possibility. Then your ok I guess. He wasn't there that much anyway. But the rest of you coolade drinking power hungry DOCs I’m sure you guys got lessons from Barry, or whatever nazi runs surf these days on how to be a snake so you guys gonna be fine. These DA minions for years preached, used propaganda, threats, coercion and anything else they could to force players and family’s to abide and follow or suffer. No high school ( unless you go to private school then sign the waiver ) if you go to public school F off. Travel restrictions, camp restrictions, No ODP, No outside leagues etc. etc. etc. How many times I had to listen to DOC’s talk complete nonsense after practice or before showcases or pre season meetings. How many times I sat at NTCs listening to dutch women talking out their ass. F them. Where you at now? Don’t hear them talking now. What no more insight ladies? No more DA, USSoccer crap to spew. Oh so now you might scout ECNL more? Is that where the new world class players gonna come from?. Maybe now they actually gonna try to find more players than just selecting kids from whatever dumbass DOC kisses your ass best this month or having your favorite soccer dads tell you who to take. ECNL is the same damn thing. Just more letters. They just the last ugly girl standing in the corner at the end of the night. So now we all go there? F that, I’d rather play AYSO. I guess LAFC is now the place huh. BTW Pick a name guys it’s not hard. Can’t wait til half of Beach FC girls leave for LAFC then LAFC cuts like 40 kids. I’m tired of it all. The whole system needs one big enima. How for the love of god we keep talking about leagues and the same bs is beyond me. I love my kids, I love soccer but this merry go round needs to stop. I’m out, Good luck guys. Peace.

I don't have some of the history many of you do... but I watched 90% of the DA families look down on everyone else and flash their fucking US Soccer badges in other people's faces. Suzy, you can't tell me you were totally blindsided by this move. You're accusing the DA of stealing money. Well, did you or any other DA parent NOT know what you were signing up for? By the way, the Fed does not have any money. They have OUR money and, because they've run out of it, printed more. The DA provided a service, told you what it was going to be and how much it was going to cost. If you signed up to put your 13-year old on a plane to play Portland on Saturday and Seattle on Sunday, that was your choice.

I'm not a DA fan and was against it from Day 1. "You want to play for the USWNT?" Uh, really? C'mon, Suzy...
This is complete BS by DA. They are total cowards. To end DA is one thing, to do it during a global pandemic is what bitch ass punks do. You just dumped all these players who gave up and sacrificed so much for you. There was nothing you could do? It’s been ONE MONTH! You’ve been raping families of girls for 3 years, boys for what like 10 years? First chance you get to have an excuse to walk away and you take it. No spine, no fight, what weak ass people from top to bottom. The Fed has money, they could of figured it out if they wanted to. Also while I’m at it you DA clubs and DOC’s also are not immune from criticism. You got into bed with DA you share some of the blame for the product you sold. You took and are taking parents money. Where’s your accountability? Unless your a DOC who quit on his team in February and “moved” to Pullman to be a 3rd assistant, because he knew this was at least a possibility. Then your ok I guess. He wasn't there that much anyway. But the rest of you coolade drinking power hungry DOCs I’m sure you guys got lessons from Barry, or whatever nazi runs surf these days on how to be a snake so you guys gonna be fine. These DA minions for years preached, used propaganda, threats, coercion and anything else they could to force players and family’s to abide and follow or suffer. No high school ( unless you go to private school then sign the waiver ) if you go to public school F off. Travel restrictions, camp restrictions, No ODP, No outside leagues etc. etc. etc. How many times I had to listen to DOC’s talk complete nonsense after practice or before showcases or pre season meetings. How many times I sat at NTCs listening to dutch women talking out their ass. F them. Where you at now? Don’t hear them talking now. What no more insight ladies? No more DA, USSoccer crap to spew. Oh so now you might scout ECNL more? Is that where the new world class players gonna come from?. Maybe now they actually gonna try to find more players than just selecting kids from whatever dumbass DOC kisses your ass best this month or having your favorite soccer dads tell you who to take. ECNL is the same damn thing. Just more letters. They just the last ugly girl standing in the corner at the end of the night. So now we all go there? F that, I’d rather play AYSO. I guess LAFC is now the place huh. BTW Pick a name guys it’s not hard. Can’t wait til half of Beach FC girls leave for LAFC then LAFC cuts like 40 kids. I’m tired of it all. The whole system needs one big enima. How for the love of god we keep talking about leagues and the same bs is beyond me. I love my kids, I love soccer but this merry go round needs to stop. I’m out, Good luck guys. Peace.
favorite post so far..... Preach it...
At least I wasn;t the only one sold "Fully Funded=For Full Time Commitment=World CLASS Girls Soccer Academy & PLAYER." All these GDA clubs in 2016 were selling fully funded, especially to all the top, top goats who were little stars before puberty. Like EOTL always tees off on us damm fools for believing that our 12 year old is all that. The Fact is ((where is Fact BTW?)), Pats, LAFC, LA Galaxy, Legends and Surf all advertised "fully funded" G D A @Sunil Illuminati. You have been wrong on every single one of your predictions and dumb opinion! I do give you credit for adding spice to this forum. The Millionaires ((or those who act like a millionaire)) were not sold, "Fully funded" is what I know today. They are like boosters with kids playing the sport. They actually helped fund the fully funded. They were thanked by the Doc instead with gifts and kisses. Some got playing time, some got other goodies. It's called, "PAY SO YOUR DEAREST DAUGHTER CAN PLAY." If you want to "Pay More" then we have other prizes we can share with you but that is done at the bank :) "Thanks for the donation Mr Jones."

Heya Elle,

I rarely post here and I know what I'm about to write isn't what these forums are for but, under the circumstances I just had to ...

Unfortunately I've been up reading this thing from the hours of 12-2am the past few nights, and even more unfortunately, we've all been subject to your narcissistic bulsh littered throughout most of it. That said, just in case you weren't aware and in my best Jim Carrey ...

You are one pathetic loser.
Heya Elle,

I rarely post here and I know what I'm about to write isn't what these forums are for but, under the circumstances I just had to ...

Unfortunately I've been up reading this thing from the hours of 12-2am the past few nights, and even more unfortunately, we've all been subject to your narcissistic bulsh littered throughout most of it. That said, just in case you weren't aware and in my best Jim Carrey ...

You are one pathetic loser.
Heya Chrisy,
I think most of the parents ((not you, the winner, because with a loser like me we need a winner like you Chris)) all lost out on this scam. I'll chill at the beach and wonder how all this happened over the last three years still and just keep that all to myself. My dd is training for school and staying in shape for soccer too and other sports. Big earthquake coming I hear from my sources.
*LOL* they aren’t the top non mls boys club in the nation. NOT EVEN CLOSE. The fact they are selling this as “we made this choice months prior” is a lie.

same lies over and over.


For 43 years, San Diego Surf has been creating the Best Experiences and Opportunities for our athletes and has established itself as a perennial national powerhouse. This year is no exception as our club is the #1 Ranked Girls Program and the Top Non-MLS Boys Program in the nation. We accomplish this success by having an incredible group of athletes, employing a premium coaching staff, playing at the best facility, partnering with industry leaders (i.e. Nike and Man City) and by competing at the highest levels in the game.

Today, after carefully considering every option, we are announcing a change in one of those success variables. Moving forward we are proud to announce our older age girls and boys teams will be competing in the ECNL (Elite Clubs National League).

We began a process more than six months ago to evaluate the right national league format for our club. We have reviewed all options available to Surf and kept our mission and our athletes at the center of our decision-making process. In the past few months it has become clear there was instability within the Development Academy (DA) while the ECNL continued to gain strength, influence and momentum. With today’s pending announcement by US Soccer, to end the DA, it appears that our process and concerns were well justified. Nonetheless, our final decision to join ECNL was made prior to any US Soccer announcement and we are thrilled to once again be a part of the ECNL. Among many reasons, we based our conclusion on three clear benefits provided by the ECNL. First, the ECNL will offer the best competition in Southern California and on the National stage. Second, the ECNL will allow more flexibility and opportunities for each individual player. Third, the ECNL is more mission aligned with Surf as a youth sports organization. The ECNL is an organization focused on youth soccer teams and empowering youth athletes on and off the field – with a focus on college exposure and direct access to the U.S. National Teams.
What Does This Mean For Our Players & Families?

Does Surf still play in the top league in SoCal? YES – a power shift has occurred and in 2020/21 the ECNL will include the best clubs in SoCal.

Do our 1st and 2nd teams have a platform to win the National Championship? YES

Do we still have national showcases for college and pro scout exposure? YES

Do we still have the same access to US scouts and the US National Youth Teams? YES

Are our 1st and 2nd teams included in this transition? YES - our tops teams will play in the ECNL and our 2nd teams will play in the ECNL Regional League.

Does our soccer calendar change dramatically? NO, however there will be an option to play high school soccer.
There will be more details to follow, including individual team meetings and webinars on the ECNL. We will make sure the communication is comprehensive and transparent.

Due to our national prominence, Surf has been directly involved in all discussions at the highest levels of youth soccer and we believe strongly this is the best move for the Surf Family. We didn’t make this decision lightly or without many hours of internal deliberation and careful consideration. With that in mind we are certain the ECNL is the right partner for Surf.

Team Surf
Your dealer sold you skank instead of skunk and you act like you are innocent in all of this. The writing was on the wall from day 1. Wanting it to be different won't make it different.
To be fair to some us who were sold that shank, most of us can;t read or understand the Docs writing that was on the wall. A little empathy today can go a long way for us. BTW, where does one go for the good skunk? Is there any? Stuff today is not like what I had in Laguna in the early!!
All they cared about to their parents was getting this out before DA announcement lol Classic. It's our choice!
Any current DA club would have loved to be able to post that notice to their players and families. Give credit where credit is due, Surf managed this well. I still think (more hope) there are more announcements to come.

If US Soccer leaves all its DA clubs to fend for themselves, the damage they will do to this sport will be felt for a long time. We all lose.
Surf gone!
Funny, Surf has this web page on their site but not accessible from the main page. Even funnier is you type ENCL in the search bar at the main page and it comes back with no results...

Any current DA club would have loved to be able to post that notice to their players and families. Give credit where credit is due, Surf managed this well. I still think (more hope) there are more announcements to come.

If US Soccer leaves all its DA clubs to fend for themselves, the damage they will do to this sport will be felt for a long time. We all lose.
Surf will get into any league period. It's just funny a club announces to parents before actual league announces they are in. I'm glad they will be joining ECNL.
No Beach, no Albion and most surprising, no Legends.

just Surf & Real So Cal. Pure speculation but Blues get 2nd team (if Surf negotiated this months ago they did it with blues and real so cal).

I also expect a 2nd Vegas team (long way to go for one game). Two brackets of 8 in Southwest.
Any current DA club would have loved to be able to post that notice to their players and families. Give credit where credit is due, Surf managed this well. I still think (more hope) there are more announcements to come.

If US Soccer leaves all its DA clubs to fend for themselves, the damage they will do to this sport will be felt for a long time. We all lose.
Making this announcement and decision during the Pandemic while children and families are already under financial and social stress is as callous as it gets. Support and fan base for US Soccer will decline. Although I've always preferred to not have DA (or ECNL), just the open promotion and relegation systems for teams, the timing and manner of this could not be worse. I do hope US Soccer has a decent method of transition for players and coaches.