Say bye-bye-bye to Girls and Boys DA

This is complete BS by DA. They are total cowards. To end DA is one thing, to do it during a global pandemic is what bitch ass punks do. You just dumped all these players who gave up and sacrificed so much for you. There was nothing you could do? It’s been ONE MONTH! You’ve been raping families of girls for 3 years, boys for what like 10 years? First chance you get to have an excuse to walk away and you take it. No spine, no fight, what weak ass people from top to bottom. The Fed has money, they could of figured it out if they wanted to. Also while I’m at it you DA clubs and DOC’s also are not immune from criticism. You got into bed with DA you share some of the blame for the product you sold. You took and are taking parents money. Where’s your accountability? Unless your a DOC who quit on his team in February and “moved” to Pullman to be a 3rd assistant, because he knew this was at least a possibility. Then your ok I guess. He wasn't there that much anyway. But the rest of you coolade drinking power hungry DOCs I’m sure you guys got lessons from Barry, or whatever nazi runs surf these days on how to be a snake so you guys gonna be fine. These DA minions for years preached, used propaganda, threats, coercion and anything else they could to force players and family’s to abide and follow or suffer. No high school ( unless you go to private school then sign the waiver ) if you go to public school F off. Travel restrictions, camp restrictions, No ODP, No outside leagues etc. etc. etc. How many times I had to listen to DOC’s talk complete nonsense after practice or before showcases or pre season meetings. How many times I sat at NTCs listening to dutch women talking out their ass. F them. Where you at now? Don’t hear them talking now. What no more insight ladies? No more DA, USSoccer crap to spew. Oh so now you might scout ECNL more? Is that where the new world class players gonna come from?. Maybe now they actually gonna try to find more players than just selecting kids from whatever dumbass DOC kisses your ass best this month or having your favorite soccer dads tell you who to take. ECNL is the same damn thing. Just more letters. They just the last ugly girl standing in the corner at the end of the night. So now we all go there? F that, I’d rather play AYSO. I guess LAFC is now the place huh. BTW Pick a name guys it’s not hard. Can’t wait til half of Beach FC girls leave for LAFC then LAFC cuts like 40 kids. I’m tired of it all. The whole system needs one big enima. How for the love of god we keep talking about leagues and the same bs is beyond me. I love my kids, I love soccer but this merry go round needs to stop. I’m out, Good luck guys. Peace.
This is complete BS by DA. They are total cowards. To end DA is one thing, to do it during a global pandemic is what bitch ass punks do. You just dumped all these players who gave up and sacrificed so much for you. There was nothing you could do? It’s been ONE MONTH! You’ve been raping families of girls for 3 years, boys for what like 10 years? First chance you get to have an excuse to walk away and you take it. No spine, no fight, what weak ass people from top to bottom. The Fed has money, they could of figured it out if they wanted to. Also while I’m at it you DA clubs and DOC’s also are not immune from criticism. You got into bed with DA you share some of the blame for the product you sold. You took and are taking parents money. Where’s your accountability? Unless your a DOC who quit on his team in February and “moved” to Pullman to be a 3rd assistant, because he knew this was at least a possibility. Then your ok I guess. He wasn't there that much anyway. But the rest of you coolade drinking power hungry DOCs I’m sure you guys got lessons from Barry, or whatever nazi runs surf these days on how to be a snake so you guys gonna be fine. These DA minions for years preached, used propaganda, threats, coercion and anything else they could to force players and family’s to abide and follow or suffer. No high school ( unless you go to private school then sign the waiver ) if you go to public school F off. Travel restrictions, camp restrictions, No ODP, No outside leagues etc. etc. etc. How many times I had to listen to DOC’s talk complete nonsense after practice or before showcases or pre season meetings. How many times I sat at NTCs listening to dutch women talking out their ass. F them. Where you at now? Don’t hear them talking now. What no more insight ladies? No more DA, USSoccer crap to spew. Oh so now you might scout ECNL more? Is that where the new world class players gonna come from?. Maybe now they actually gonna try to find more players than just selecting kids from whatever dumbass DOC kisses your ass best this month or having your favorite soccer dads tell you who to take. ECNL is the same damn thing. Just more letters. They just the last ugly girl standing in the corner at the end of the night. So now we all go there? F that, I’d rather play AYSO. I guess LAFC is now the place huh. BTW Pick a name guys it’s not hard. Can’t wait til half of Beach FC girls leave for LAFC then LAFC cuts like 40 kids. I’m tired of it all. The whole system needs one big enima. How for the love of god we keep talking about leagues and the same bs is beyond me. I love my kids, I love soccer but this merry go round needs to stop. I’m out, Good luck guys. Peace.
lol Brilliant!

I'm going to guess your Legends kid isn't playing AYSO though :)

This is what elite youth sports is right now in this country. Trying to come up with the next best thing instead of actually developing kids. Most parent attitudes won't allow coaches/clubs to actually develop so in return they have to act this way to survive. Sad but true. What should be the best is non ECNL clubs trying to keep kids in clubs basically via a phone/text the next 2-3 months while ECNL coaches go nuts to grab former DA kids. OK, they can show up to their houses but remember, 6 feet away.

I will say the Federation has millions upon millions in law suits right now. I'd venture 60 million or so. Plus, all the money they've lost and will lose during COVID. Without the ICC this summer, losing out on game revenue, and how much more they will need to pay the WNT soon, timing makes lots of sense. I actually think this could be the best time for kids to make this call. Imagine if they did this after nationals in July?? This will still be difficult for many but expect nothing less of us soccer. All they have ever cared about is the top 1% and no one else.

Hopefully they announce later today so the discussions could get even crazier! ONE NATION ONE TEAM!
This is complete BS by DA. They are total cowards. To end DA is one thing, to do it during a global pandemic is what bitch ass punks do. You just dumped all these players who gave up and sacrificed so much for you. There was nothing you could do? It’s been ONE MONTH! You’ve been raping families of girls for 3 years, boys for what like 10 years? First chance you get to have an excuse to walk away and you take it. No spine, no fight, what weak ass people from top to bottom. The Fed has money, they could of figured it out if they wanted to. Also while I’m at it you DA clubs and DOC’s also are not immune from criticism. You got into bed with DA you share some of the blame for the product you sold. You took and are taking parents money. Where’s your accountability? Unless your a DOC who quit on his team in February and “moved” to Pullman to be a 3rd assistant, because he knew this was at least a possibility. Then your ok I guess. He wasn't there that much anyway. But the rest of you coolade drinking power hungry DOCs I’m sure you guys got lessons from Barry, or whatever nazi runs surf these days on how to be a snake so you guys gonna be fine. These DA minions for years preached, used propaganda, threats, coercion and anything else they could to force players and family’s to abide and follow or suffer. No high school ( unless you go to private school then sign the waiver ) if you go to public school F off. Travel restrictions, camp restrictions, No ODP, No outside leagues etc. etc. etc. How many times I had to listen to DOC’s talk complete nonsense after practice or before showcases or pre season meetings. How many times I sat at NTCs listening to dutch women talking out their ass. F them. Where you at now? Don’t hear them talking now. What no more insight ladies? No more DA, USSoccer crap to spew. Oh so now you might scout ECNL more? Is that where the new world class players gonna come from?. Maybe now they actually gonna try to find more players than just selecting kids from whatever dumbass DOC kisses your ass best this month or having your favorite soccer dads tell you who to take. ECNL is the same damn thing. Just more letters. They just the last ugly girl standing in the corner at the end of the night. So now we all go there? F that, I’d rather play AYSO. I guess LAFC is now the place huh. BTW Pick a name guys it’s not hard. Can’t wait til half of Beach FC girls leave for LAFC then LAFC cuts like 40 kids. I’m tired of it all. The whole system needs one big enima. How for the love of god we keep talking about leagues and the same bs is beyond me. I love my kids, I love soccer but this merry go round needs to stop. I’m out, Good luck guys. Peace.
TY for sharing. Crazy sh*t we all have been through. My friend texted me last night, "wow, you were right." He spent $15K a year (millionaire's can afford all that travel). He told me for 2 1/2 years I was a damm fool and set my dd back from flipping the G D A League the bird. KB got wind of destruction and got out, that's for damm sure. Back to my friend. We talk smack all the time. After telling me how his little Sally developed into a world-class player the last two years, he now says she's going to play "other" sports and quit soccer. $45,000 last three years and now they quit! Go figure......
Age group threads roll calls will be interesting to see where everyone lands in a couple months. I hope everything works out for everyone's kids here is happy with new team or league they end up on even for the non DA teams there could be a huge trickle down effect. I'm lucky I guess that I don't care what league my daughters current team plays in after this because we are that happy with the team and coach I just hope the coach, other parents and players feel the same and the club doesn't screw us over
Age group threads roll calls will be interesting to see where everyone lands in a couple months. I hope everything works out for everyone's kids here is happy with new team or league they end up on even for the non DA teams there could be a huge trickle down effect. I'm lucky I guess that I don't care what league my daughters current team plays in after this because we are that happy with the team and coach I just hope the coach, other parents and players feel the same and the club doesn't screw us over
Same. Never understood the craziness about the leagues.
Age group threads roll calls will be interesting to see where everyone lands in a couple months. I hope everything works out for everyone's kids here is happy with new team or league they end up on even for the non DA teams there could be a huge trickle down effect. I'm lucky I guess that I don't care what league my daughters current team plays in after this because we are that happy with the team and coach I just hope the coach, other parents and players feel the same and the club doesn't screw us over
Great good news bro. Seriously, very few have found what you have :)
Age group threads roll calls will be interesting to see where everyone lands in a couple months. I hope everything works out for everyone's kids here is happy with new team or league they end up on even for the non DA teams there could be a huge trickle down effect. I'm lucky I guess that I don't care what league my daughters current team plays in after this because we are that happy with the team and coach I just hope the coach, other parents and players feel the same and the club doesn't screw us over
My dd moved from ECNL to a great Flight 1 team during the high school break (due to personal reasons - had to be closer to home) and all of us are more than happy with the coach and team. Happiness means so much right now as the SoCal soccer world goes through these craziness...
DA is weak too. Strikers, Pats, Real so cal, Aresnal and Nomads are still DA on the boy side.

DA for the girls was suppose to be fully funded by the clubs. Beach and legends were charging an arm and a leg to be on those teams. Then lets not get started with the politics to get on those teams.
At least I wasn;t the only one sold "Fully Funded=For Full Time Commitment=World CLASS Girls Soccer Academy & PLAYER." All these GDA clubs in 2016 were selling fully funded, especially to all the top, top goats who were little stars before puberty. Like EOTL always tees off on us damm fools for believing that our 12 year old is all that. The Fact is ((where is Fact BTW?)), Pats, LAFC, LA Galaxy, Legends and Surf all advertised "fully funded" G D A @Sunil Illuminati. You have been wrong on every single one of your predictions and dumb opinion! I do give you credit for adding spice to this forum. The Millionaires ((or those who act like a millionaire)) were not sold, "Fully funded" is what I know today. They are like boosters with kids playing the sport. They actually helped fund the fully funded. They were thanked by the Doc instead with gifts and kisses. Some got playing time, some got other goodies. It's called, "PAY SO YOUR DEAREST DAUGHTER CAN PLAY." If you want to "Pay More" then we have other prizes we can share with you but that is done at the bank :) "Thanks for the donation Mr Jones."
In my experience, the parents who’ve been dogmatic in their belief that there’s one right way to make a great soccer player tend to have daughters who are neither great soccer players nor particularly successful at much of anything. Have any of the anti-HS folks here ever had a daughter play and make a meaningful contribution in the PAC-12 or ACC? Or go to med, law or business school? If so, please stand up.

Agreed. There are many roads to Rome. You have to let our amazing daughters write their own story. Support them,, guide them, teach them, love them, but let them enjoy their journey because in the end we are just spectators (and financiers) and they have to live with the consequences of their choices as we have had to live with our own.

Good luck to you and your family.
From SoccerToday:

Seismic Changes To Rock the Youth Soccer Landscape
This is an ongoing, developing story that SoccerToday held off running until it could receive confirmation from multiple sources however, we have yet to get confirmation from U.S. Soccer. We will update this article as soon as new information is available.

To me it sounds like "we heard all the rumors and decided to jump on the bandwagon before it's too late"
Agreed. There are many roads to Rome. You have to let our amazing daughters write their own story. Support them,, guide them, teach them, love them, but let them enjoy their journey because in the end we are just spectators (and financiers) and they have to live with the consequences of their choices as we have had to live with our own.

Good luck to you and your family.
I know you veterans hit us hard and we need that from time to time. However, you also need to understand your dd wasn't put through this sh*t either. Plus, Rome sucks!!! They treated people like sh*t too. How how about, "The Road to win the college Cup?"
Damn it, @EOTL! I was right there with ya on this post until you throw in the “ more than they deserve” comment. Who are you to say what they deserve? As far as I’m concerned, they deserve AT LEAST what they’re asking for.

I think that you might have mistook the meaning. The quote included a parenthetical statement. He doesn't imply that they didn't deserve what they were asking for just that they were asking for more pay not equal pay with the MNT.
This is complete BS by DA. They are total cowards. To end DA is one thing, to do it during a global pandemic is what bitch ass punks do. You just dumped all these players who gave up and sacrificed so much for you. There was nothing you could do? It’s been ONE MONTH! You’ve been raping families of girls for 3 years, boys for what like 10 years? First chance you get to have an excuse to walk away and you take it. No spine, no fight, what weak ass people from top to bottom. The Fed has money, they could of figured it out if they wanted to. Also while I’m at it you DA clubs and DOC’s also are not immune from criticism. You got into bed with DA you share some of the blame for the product you sold. You took and are taking parents money. Where’s your accountability? Unless your a DOC who quit on his team in February and “moved” to Pullman to be a 3rd assistant, because he knew this was at least a possibility. Then your ok I guess. He wasn't there that much anyway. But the rest of you coolade drinking power hungry DOCs I’m sure you guys got lessons from Barry, or whatever nazi runs surf these days on how to be a snake so you guys gonna be fine. These DA minions for years preached, used propaganda, threats, coercion and anything else they could to force players and family’s to abide and follow or suffer. No high school ( unless you go to private school then sign the waiver ) if you go to public school F off. Travel restrictions, camp restrictions, No ODP, No outside leagues etc. etc. etc. How many times I had to listen to DOC’s talk complete nonsense after practice or before showcases or pre season meetings. How many times I sat at NTCs listening to dutch women talking out their ass. F them. Where you at now? Don’t hear them talking now. What no more insight ladies? No more DA, USSoccer crap to spew. Oh so now you might scout ECNL more? Is that where the new world class players gonna come from?. Maybe now they actually gonna try to find more players than just selecting kids from whatever dumbass DOC kisses your ass best this month or having your favorite soccer dads tell you who to take. ECNL is the same damn thing. Just more letters. They just the last ugly girl standing in the corner at the end of the night. So now we all go there? F that, I’d rather play AYSO. I guess LAFC is now the place huh. BTW Pick a name guys it’s not hard. Can’t wait til half of Beach FC girls leave for LAFC then LAFC cuts like 40 kids. I’m tired of it all. The whole system needs one big enima. How for the love of god we keep talking about leagues and the same bs is beyond me. I love my kids, I love soccer but this merry go round needs to stop. I’m out, Good luck guys. Peace.

Your dealer sold you skank instead of skunk and you act like you are innocent in all of this. The writing was on the wall from day 1. Wanting it to be different won't make it different.
Let me also say to everyone as we now wait for this "Seismic Soccer Earthquake" to hit us all hard in the face. @chiefs was right about one big issue I have always had with this BS GDA League shoved down our throats. False and misleading advertising. Oh, yes sir imo. I'm not a legal guy but that was the biggest scam ever. To everyone on here. You, the parents, are the customers and many ((not all)) were sold a lie. It can be proven by science too. You can;t treat girls like sh*t for too long and get away with it. Hide behind the virus all you want. Good luck with that......
This is complete BS by DA. They are total cowards. To end DA is one thing, to do it during a global pandemic is what bitch ass punks do. You just dumped all these players who gave up and sacrificed so much for you. There was nothing you could do? It’s been ONE MONTH! You’ve been raping families of girls for 3 years, boys for what like 10 years? First chance you get to have an excuse to walk away and you take it. No spine, no fight, what weak ass people from top to bottom. The Fed has money, they could of figured it out if they wanted to. Also while I’m at it you DA clubs and DOC’s also are not immune from criticism. You got into bed with DA you share some of the blame for the product you sold. You took and are taking parents money. Where’s your accountability? Unless your a DOC who quit on his team in February and “moved” to Pullman to be a 3rd assistant, because he knew this was at least a possibility. Then your ok I guess. He wasn't there that much anyway. But the rest of you coolade drinking power hungry DOCs I’m sure you guys got lessons from Barry, or whatever nazi runs surf these days on how to be a snake so you guys gonna be fine. These DA minions for years preached, used propaganda, threats, coercion and anything else they could to force players and family’s to abide and follow or suffer. No high school ( unless you go to private school then sign the waiver ) if you go to public school F off. Travel restrictions, camp restrictions, No ODP, No outside leagues etc. etc. etc. How many times I had to listen to DOC’s talk complete nonsense after practice or before showcases or pre season meetings. How many times I sat at NTCs listening to dutch women talking out their ass. F them. Where you at now? Don’t hear them talking now. What no more insight ladies? No more DA, USSoccer crap to spew. Oh so now you might scout ECNL more? Is that where the new world class players gonna come from?. Maybe now they actually gonna try to find more players than just selecting kids from whatever dumbass DOC kisses your ass best this month or having your favorite soccer dads tell you who to take. ECNL is the same damn thing. Just more letters. They just the last ugly girl standing in the corner at the end of the night. So now we all go there? F that, I’d rather play AYSO. I guess LAFC is now the place huh. BTW Pick a name guys it’s not hard. Can’t wait til half of Beach FC girls leave for LAFC then LAFC cuts like 40 kids. I’m tired of it all. The whole system needs one big enima. How for the love of god we keep talking about leagues and the same bs is beyond me. I love my kids, I love soccer but this merry go round needs to stop. I’m out, Good luck guys. Peace.
Let me also say to everyone as we now wait for this "Seismic Soccer Earthquake" to hit us all hard in the face. @chiefs was right about one big issue I have always had with this BS GDA League shoved down our throats. False and misleading advertising. Oh, yes sir imo. I'm not a legal guy but that was the biggest scam ever. To everyone on here. You, the parents, are the customers and many ((not all)) were sold a lie. It can be proven by science too. You can;t treat girls like sh*t for too long and get away with it. Hide behind the virus all you want. Good luck with that......
I 2nd this.
At least I wasn;t the only one sold "Fully Funded=For Full Time Commitment=World CLASS Girls Soccer Academy & PLAYER." All these GDA clubs in 2016 were selling fully funded, especially to all the top, top goats who were little stars before puberty. Like EOTL always tees off on us damm fools for believing that our 12 year old is all that. The Fact is ((where is Fact BTW?)), Pats, LAFC, LA Galaxy, Legends and Surf all advertised "fully funded" G D A @Sunil Illuminati. You have been wrong on every single one of your predictions and dumb opinion! I do give you credit for adding spice to this forum. The Millionaires ((or those who act like a millionaire)) were not sold, "Fully funded" is what I know today. They are like boosters with kids playing the sport. They actually helped fund the fully funded. They were thanked by the Doc instead with gifts and kisses. Some got playing time, some got other goodies. It's called, "PAY SO YOUR DEAREST DAUGHTER CAN PLAY." If you want to "Pay More" then we have other prizes we can share with you but that is done at the bank :) "Thanks for the donation Mr Jones."
Haha @Fact the washed up soccer dad.. he hasn’t been around ever since I owned his ass. Glad that weirdo has been m.i.a.