President Joe Biden

Try reading it one more time, I conceded that Trump shouldn't have appointed Jared and Ivanka. I don't recall you criticizing Hunter's influence peddling. You just want to attempt to make the Hunter situation equivalent, which is far from it as I noted with the actual accomplishments of J and I.

Just a matter of note, the problem with nepotism hires is the same as DEI can't fire them.
You people speak in strange ways I am unfamiliar with and continuous rehashing of things already examined from every angle seems to be a bubble habit. It must be the echoes bouncing around inside your space . . . all the while ignoring and then projecting.
You people speak in strange ways I am unfamiliar with and continuous rehashing of things already examined from every angle seems to be a bubble habit. It must be the echoes bouncing around inside your space . . . all the while ignoring and then projecting.
There's that self awareness thing again...with deflection.
How did Jared and ivanka get spots high in our government? How did they get security clearances? How did ivanka get all those Chinese trademarks? And how did they turn that into YUGE bailout loans for their failing businesses?

This non-answer deflection speaks volumes as to your mindset, or lack thereof. It's "whataboutism" exponentially. I mean we all know you're just a fool, you don't have to keep reinforcing it. Refusing to answer the direct question is just pure desperation. It's hilarious and delicious all at the same time.
This non-answer deflection speaks volumes as to your mindset, or lack thereof. It's "whataboutism" exponentially. I mean we all know you're just a fool, you don't have to keep reinforcing it. Refusing to answer the direct question is just pure desperation. It's hilarious and delicious all at the same time.
We already know out here. I abhor redundancy. Don’t be redundant.
There's that self awareness thing again...with deflection.
It seems DEI is the latest in a long line of wink, wink, not so silent whistle terms being hijacked by the “I’m not a racist” sect . . . but you now come off as one or is it just a follower?
This non-answer deflection speaks volumes as to your mindset, or lack thereof. It's "whataboutism" exponentially. I mean we all know you're just a fool, you don't have to keep reinforcing it. Refusing to answer the direct question is just pure desperation. It's hilarious and delicious all at the same time.
I finally got you to speak lol!
It seems DEI is the latest in a long line of wink, wink, not so silent whistle terms being hijacked by the “I’m not a racist” sect . . . but you now come off as one or is it just a follower?
DEI stands for Didn't Earn It. All you losers have is "wink wink" racism as a mating call for libtards. Imagine how pathetic it must feel to know you were handed something because people felt sorry for you.
Birds of a feather flock together. Two little love birds, oh my. A true love story. She has been with Hillary, Weiner and now George Soros. Congrats you two.