President Joe Biden

Sen. Marco Rubio: "When Donald Trump was president, I can't think of a single prominent Democrat who was prosecuted, so it's funny to hear these people out there "warning" of all the ridiculous things they claim Trump will do. They're the ones going after their political opponents!"
Meet The Espolas 👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇


“Okay, maybe we lied about Biden’s health.

And Russian collusion.

And Covid.

And Hunter’s Laptop.

And January 6th.

And Ukraine.

And Epstein.

And Hollywood.

And Crush.

And everything in between…

But trust us when we tell you Trump is a threat to our democracy!”

"Anyone but Trump." espola

Kamala Harris' husband Doug Emhoff tests positive for COVID: White House

Emhoff was seen standing near President Biden during White House Fourth of July celebrations

Q. Do you guys know anyone lately that has tested positive for Covid? Hang on to your popcorn folks, espolaism is in full force.
"Who can forget you losers saying, every year SINCE the 2014 year he references, is the "hottest" year on record?"

Or this --

" I DO believe he grew up in the Polish, Scandinavian, Puerto Rican village of a Japanese section in Scranton and he's definitely our first, black, female vice president."
You losers HAVE been crying about the environment since 2014.

... and I guess we now know what your disability is.
Q for you sucker. Have you ever called Pedo Joe a liar? Trump was President and told his supporters to be respectful and peaceful and never told anyone to overthrow anything. This is a bold face lie loser and you and your sick Pedo and MAP pals know it. This has been a fun week to watch you try and spin out of all your lies and Joker Joe's lies. "He's old" is all you got to say. What a loser. You're a two-face pony dog lying SOS!!! No empathy loser and the one who took in an illegal Nanny. Did you marry this one or?

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I know what happens next! JoeTato Briben will have "virtually unlimited immunity" and never be held accountable for his treasonous crimes.