President Joe Biden

Q for you sucker. Have you ever called Pedo Joe a liar? Trump was President and told his supporters to be respectful and peaceful and never told anyone to overthrow anything. This is a bold face lie loser and you and your sick Pedo and MAP pals know it. This has been a fun week to watch you try and spin out of all your lies and Joker Joe's lies. "He's old" is all you got to say. What a loser. You're a two-face pony dog lying SOS!!! No empathy loser and the one who took in an illegal Nanny. Did you marry this one or?

A True Bitch and a Witch👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹👹 Espola supported her and defended her and Billy when I said 56 of her close pals have been whacked by this Killer witch. Just wait until you all find out about Haiti and and what her and Huma did to a little girl. It will make you sick.

Hahaha! The MSM and their mindless followers never fail to remind us just how far people are capable of ignoring reality in the name of preserving democracy. Amazing mental gymnastics!

From Matt Taibbi:

Vox ran a piece by, of all people, Brian Stelter. “Did the media botch the Biden age story?” read the headline, followed by a sub-head: Asleep at the wheel? Complicit in a cover-up? The real story is far more complicated — and more interesting:

It’s not complicated, and your “Did we really screw up?” think piece is by itself an insult. Audiences know the answer: Yes. You’ve been screwing up for five years. Also, it isn’t a “Biden age” story, but a “Biden dementia” story. There are octogenarians who are competent to be president. Biden isn’t one. Audiences have known this since 2019, and the only people you’re impressing by saying otherwise are other media nitwits.

A flood of these Stelter-style “Whither us?” features asking “if the press missed” the Biden-incapacity story has arrived, and I feel like screaming: YOU ARE ONLY TALKING TO EACH OTHER. Even as Biden on a minute-to-minute basis babbles about things like being the first black female president, officially reducing him to 1977-Elvis levels of incoherence, the excuses keep coming. They’re mind-blowing:...

Illegal Alien Charged in Rape of Disabled Child in Boston OUT OF JAIL After Leftist Judge Releases Him on $500 Bail

These people are truly sick and do not have the same DNA as most of us. These are ruthless killers WHO kidnap, rape and torture children. These same psychopaths mandated all of us to take killer jabs. espola is 100% one of these wild animas that are going to be in a bad place very soon.
Hahaha! The MSM and their mindless followers never fail to remind us just how far people are capable of ignoring reality in the name of preserving democracy. Amazing mental gymnastics!

From Matt Taibbi:

Vox ran a piece by, of all people, Brian Stelter. “Did the media botch the Biden age story?” read the headline, followed by a sub-head: Asleep at the wheel? Complicit in a cover-up? The real story is far more complicated — and more interesting:

It’s not complicated, and your “Did we really screw up?” think piece is by itself an insult. Audiences know the answer: Yes. You’ve been screwing up for five years. Also, it isn’t a “Biden age” story, but a “Biden dementia” story. There are octogenarians who are competent to be president. Biden isn’t one. Audiences have known this since 2019, and the only people you’re impressing by saying otherwise are other media nitwits.

A flood of these Stelter-style “Whither us?” features asking “if the press missed” the Biden-incapacity story has arrived, and I feel like screaming: YOU ARE ONLY TALKING TO EACH OTHER. Even as Biden on a minute-to-minute basis babbles about things like being the first black female president, officially reducing him to 1977-Elvis levels of incoherence, the excuses keep coming. They’re mind-blowing:...
Time for Joker Joe and his Witch Wife to be flushed down the toilet with all the other 💩 I'm starting to think all these dumb men we have over us have been controlled by Witches. I would also like to flush espola and Husker Du Du with the both of them. Their TDS is beyond cure. Time to go guys. Your shit stinks to high heaven and there is only one place for you idiots to go and you know where you will spend the rest of eternity.

These losers like Husker Du wanted me killed before birth. My adopted mother also told me if I were to be born to a certain elite family, they had evil plans for me. Well suckers, I'm still alive:p:p:p:p God had other plans for crush and crush listened to the inner voice of the Spirit. It was a crazy 57 years of PAY FOR PLAY and saying "no" to being paid to play evil games with my fellowman. I am very awake and will help destroy these evil sickos. espola and Husker Du support pure evil and no one can dispute that. Dumb & Dumber never dispute this claim, only the claims against the Witches and Warlocks. Truly demons have entered their souls. Poor soul never had a chance.

"There’s been a lot of speculation: What’s Joe going to do? Is he going to stay in the race? Is he going to drop out? What's he going to do?" Biden told the crowd. "Well, here’s my answer: I am running and going to win again."

He later said some people are trying to "push" him out of the race.

"Let me say this as clearly as I can: I’m staying in the race," Biden said.

He then appeared to stumble again, saying he would beat Trump in 2020 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

This is espola's canidate. Great job Dumber, way to support a Pedo and a MAP. "He's old" is not going to cut it.
espola tried to get me banned on here K & S. He cried like a baby and begged Dom to get me blocked for the things I wrote. Truly a loser. Then the one time I used a scripture from the Jesus of the bible he says he loves, went all woke and cray cray and told everyone to ignore me. A real loser we got on here. His last straw to pull was the Liar Card🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
This could be false report, or they got Joe to breath on his own. Hold on folks, lots of breaking news coming.
Looks like the "medical emergency" was Joe Shat his pants according to one source. They asked press pool to leave so Dr. Jill could change his dirty diapers. AF1 smelled like 💩 Will Crooked Joe.......

1) Resign
2) Die
3) Get the 25th