President Joe Biden

What did she say about the constitution?

Sotomayor is way smarter than I am, but I think she is fear mongering by saying the President could call on Seal Team 6 to assassinate a political rival. She's ignoring the separation of powers which would prevent that from happening. Even if the President is the commander in chief there is now way in hell the military would execute those orders. It's an absurd premise and she is letting politics corrupt her common sense.

Trust me, for the reasons I noted in a previous post, this is a good ruling for both sides. Dems are just apoplectic that it helps Trump in the short term.
“She is letting politics corrupt her common sense”? Lol! 😂 au contraire

What happened to “settled law” and “no one is above the law”? Politics 🤨

It is no longer about “saving democracy in America” it’s about restoring it.
Let's talk about the massive fraud the press and Dem leadership have done to the American public.

They all knew Biden isn't there and yet continued to claim he was sharp.

You see stories now from reporters saying yeah we knew...but reporting would hurt the Dem party.

Remember that as you see other type of coverage. The press isn't neutral and in fact by hiding his mental decline is actively taking sides.

The Dem leadership? They aren't there for the people. All about power.

And yet husker, espola and others think the threat in the media is Fox.

The press they trust peddled the Russian hoax for yrs. His/ignored Hunter and his laptop and the deals involving his dad. Have now lied again to the public about Bidens mental situation. Etc etc
“She is letting politics corrupt her common sense”? Lol! 😂 au contraire

What happened to “settled law” and “no one is above the law”? Politics 🤨

It is no longer about “saving democracy in America” it’s about restoring it.
Your hate for Trump is limiting your ability to see the ramifications of not giving President's immunity for official acts. If the SC didn't rule they had this immunity the prosecutions of Biden would be endless. Let's not give the Republican's that power. They need to focus on legislation.

I don't think, and I hope that the lower court agrees, that calling the Georgia SOS and asking him to find votes is an official act. That sure seems like a personal act. Now whether asking someone to find votes is criminal is up to the Jury to decide.
Let's talk about the massive fraud the press and Dem leadership have done to the American public.

They all knew Biden isn't there and yet continued to claim he was sharp.

You see stories now from reporters saying yeah we knew...but reporting would hurt the Dem party.

Remember that as you see other type of coverage. The press isn't neutral and in fact by hiding his mental decline is actively taking sides.

The Dem leadership? They aren't there for the people. All about power.

And yet husker, espola and others think the threat in the media is Fox.

The press they trust peddled the Russian hoax for yrs. His/ignored Hunter and his laptop and the deals involving his dad. Have now lied again to the public about Bidens mental situation. Etc etc
As liberals are so fond of saying, "Bigger than Watergate" actually applies in this case.
Let's talk about the massive fraud the press and Dem leadership have done to the American public.

They all knew Biden isn't there and yet continued to claim he was sharp.

You see stories now from reporters saying yeah we knew...but reporting would hurt the Dem party.

Remember that as you see other type of coverage. The press isn't neutral and in fact by hiding his mental decline is actively taking sides.

The Dem leadership? They aren't there for the people. All about power.

And yet husker, espola and others think the threat in the media is Fox.

The press they trust peddled the Russian hoax for yrs. His/ignored Hunter and his laptop and the deals involving his dad. Have now lied again to the public about Bidens mental situation. Etc etc
When has fox reported truthfully about Trump? And if they did they quickly backtracked or fired the offender.

Your hate for Trump is limiting your ability to see the ramifications of not giving President's immunity for official acts. If the SC didn't rule they had this immunity the prosecutions of Biden would be endless. Let's not give the Republican's that power. They need to focus on legislation.

I don't think, and I hope that the lower court agrees, that calling the Georgia SOS and asking him to find votes is an official act. That sure seems like a personal act. Now whether asking someone to find votes is criminal is up to the Jury to decide.
They already had immunity for official acts. The supremes, the super majority part, are just another group of trump supporters. This country is the mess Trump and his sycophantic supporters made it. There was no “American carnage” until Trump created it for his own personal benefit.

Republicans? Legislation? Focus? Where have you been the last 15 years? “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” and they haven’t done much since.
Let's talk about the massive fraud the press and Dem leadership have done to the American public.

They all knew Biden isn't there and yet continued to claim he was sharp.

You see stories now from reporters saying yeah we knew...but reporting would hurt the Dem party.

Remember that as you see other type of coverage. The press isn't neutral and in fact by hiding his mental decline is actively taking sides.

The Dem leadership? They aren't there for the people. All about power.

And yet husker, espola and others think the threat in the media is Fox.

The press they trust peddled the Russian hoax for yrs. His/ignored Hunter and his laptop and the deals involving his dad. Have now lied again to the public about Bidens mental situation. Etc etc
Let's not forget the Jabs
Your hate for Trump is limiting your ability to see the ramifications of not giving President's immunity for official acts. If the SC didn't rule they had this immunity the prosecutions of Biden would be endless. Let's not give the Republican's that power. They need to focus on legislation.

I don't think, and I hope that the lower court agrees, that calling the Georgia SOS and asking him to find votes is an official act. That sure seems like a personal act. Now whether asking someone to find votes is criminal is up to the Jury to decide.
On a recorded line? Come on man, your hate for Trump has caused you severe TDS. The fact is, the Devil went down to Georgia and stole votes and made-up votes. Trump was not begging either. You're an interesting human watty:cool:
They already had immunity for official acts. The supremes, the super majority part, are just another group of trump supporters. This country is the mess Trump and his sycophantic supporters made it. There was no “American carnage” until Trump created it for his own personal benefit.

Republicans? Legislation? Focus? Where have you been the last 15 years? “the single most important thing we want to achieve is for President Obama to be a one-term president.” and they haven’t done much since.
What mess? porous border? laughable economy? foreign policy incompetency? mumbling? If this is what you are referring to then yes...a mess, a mess for your average citizen. Your mess may not be their mess though. your mess seems to be this weird fixation on some rich dude who lives in your head (and many others). It's weird to watch. We have a dumpster fire administration who is being held hostage by wackos who think peeing on each other in public is a right and who think it's fine to target a group of people with open calls for violence...yet you think a made up insurrection and sex with a porn star is your rallying cry. So funny yet so ridiculous.
When has fox reported truthfully about Trump? And if they did they quickly backtracked or fired the offender.

Fox allowed the cheat to happen on 11.3 and called AZ early loser. Fox, CNN and all the rest are paid puppets that get most of their ad spend from Big Pharma.
Nope. Don't try making it out to be something that it is not like the media. Read the opinion for yourself. Don't just repeat what others are telling you.
The way you deal with a Presidents criminal behavior is to Impeach him for high crimes and misdemeanors.
So let's bring soccer back into this discussion. Who gets dumped first Berlhalter or Biden? I'll put 2:1 odds on Berlhalter. Who wants to wager? :cool:
Nope. Don't try making it out to be something that it is not like the media. Read the opinion for yourself. Don't just repeat what others are telling you.
The trump team is already trying to use it to nullify the falsifying financial records conviction. He wasn’t even president yet.
Nope. Don't try making it out to be something that it is not like the media. Read the opinion for yourself. Don't just repeat what others are telling you.
The verdict additionally grants presidents presumptive immunity “from criminal prosecution for a President's acts within the outer perimeter of his official responsibility” “Outer perimeter” so completely subjective and predicated by, ultimately, the Supreme Court. Which is in the control of staunchly pro-Trump judges and will be for decades.

As I said before trump will stretch this ruling as far as possible. Biden or any other “Democrat”? They are too invested in the promise of “America” to engage in such action. Dems want everyone to get along and maga wants to shove their fist down your throat if you aren’t “in”.