President Joe Biden

MTG standing up for the prediction of children is under your skin?
What organizations are you actively involved in that help children? If you're not, you should get involved. Based on your number of postings here is appears you have plenty of time. It's far more productive then venting on a soccer website.
What organizations are you actively involved in that help children? If you're not, you should get involved. Based on your number of postings here is appears you have plenty of time. It's far more productive then venting on a soccer website.
Interesting Q Watty. I am 100% involved. As I work from home, I get a notification when cheaters and liar post on here and then I take a quick break and post something. Right now, I'm helping my wife teach kids by cleaning the house for her and making food as she helps indigenous kids learn English in our Pueblo we belong to. Aren't youth soccer plyers children? My main Organization is God and God's Team of Angels brother.
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Luckily I'm not spending it that way. You, however, continue to expose yourself with replies like this. We post facts and valid talking points. You post this:

"please continue"

Guess who the "sad" one of us is.

Please continue.
Interesting Q Watty. I am 100% involved. As I work from home, I get a notification when cheaters and liar post on here and then I take a quick break and post something. Right now, I'm helping my wife teach kids by cleaning the house for her and making food as she helps indigence kids learn English in our Pueblo we belong to. Aren't youth soccer plyers children? My main Organization is God and God's Team of Angels brother.
No offense, but that sounds like all talk, no action.
No offense, but that sounds like all talk, no action.
No offense taken. I guess I "sound" like all talk to you. That's too bad for you because I walk my talk brother. My wife inherited apartments in a very dangerous area in Guatemala City. It's her dream and my dream to set up an orphanage for those kids who have been exploited. Timing is everything and safety is of utmost importance at this point. God is moving in a very powerful way in El Salvador and Guatemala. Right now, were focusing on teaching the children English so they don't get tricked to come to America and be a slave. Soon I will share more, and I will have pics to back up my sauce. The Q I have for you, will you acknowledge your dead wrong again, just like your predictions:cool:
Like with the abortion issue people like crush don’t want to actually help the people involved they just want to use them.
Typical loser response. You both question the messenger instead of sharing what you're doing to help children. Husker Du Du wants kids killed before birth so the sick scientists can use their tissues for their killer jabs, and he wants them kidnapped. Please listen to Johnny Cash song. He has a message for you both. It's not too late to capitulate fellas. TDS is in full swing.
