President Joe Biden

Not pussies... dishonest traitors. Defunding police, politicking for lighter sentences to get votes from convicts and opening borders to allow 10 millions new government tit candidates to vote for you isn't remotely law abiding, you dishonest coward.

Don't talk to us about Trump cheating on his wife. Kennedy and Clinton fucked everybody. I believe they both had a (D) by their names. At least they weren't pedophiles like Biden. Well, we'll see. You think Trump stiffed people out of millions? How about Biden stiffing millions of American taxpayers out of billions?

You're a loser.
"How about Biden stiffing millions of American taxpayers out of billions, and sniffing their children?"

Fixed that for you ;)
When robots learn to respond "I am not a robot", then we are all screwed.
It's a bit like, "yes, I am an American citizen."

Okay, cool... go get in that line. Don't need to see any I.D... just vote for Biden and grab your "Joe APPROVED" EBT card on the way out!
So that is your response? Fox.

When you have NBC, CBS, ABC, NPR, the Was Post, NY Times, New Yorker, etc etc all telling the public that Biden is or was fine and anyone saying he wasn't was just some conspiracy?

Then the Dem leadership went along with the charade and told the American public Biden was fine

And your response is but Fox?

“And yet husker, espola and others think the threat in the media is Fox.”

Yes, responding to your actual words. And?
What planet do you live on? What is "maga" trying to shove down your throat? interesting choice of words...didn't SF just have a cute little parade that was flaunted for everyone to see?
The 10 commandments
The Bible
Religion and other superstitions
Denial of climate change
Confederate symbols
Election denial
Denial of human rights
Ignorance as policy
Bump stocks on semi automatics
“Owning the libs”
Threatening poll workers, judges, jurors, school administrators, PTA members, soccer refs
Demonizing people without evidence
January 6th denial and claims of tourists gone bad (regardless of all the anti-government militia style groups working in a coordinated effort and yes using/putting regular people at risk on the front lines)
Excusing criminal behavior as long as it was by there “side”
The 10 commandments
The Bible
Religion and other superstitions
Denial of climate change
Confederate symbols
Election denial
Denial of human rights
Ignorance as policy
Bump stocks on semi automatics
“Owning the libs”
Threatening poll workers, judges, jurors, school administrators, PTA members, soccer refs
Demonizing people without evidence
January 6th denial and claims of tourists gone bad (regardless of all the anti-government militia style groups working in a coordinated effort and yes using/putting regular people at risk on the front lines)
Excusing criminal behavior as long as it was by there “side”
You really are too stupid to vote.
The 10 commandments
The Bible
Religion and other superstitions
Denial of climate change
Confederate symbols
Election denial
Denial of human rights
Ignorance as policy
Bump stocks on semi automatics
“Owning the libs”
Threatening poll workers, judges, jurors, school administrators, PTA members, soccer refs
Demonizing people without evidence
January 6th denial and claims of tourists gone bad (regardless of all the anti-government militia style groups working in a coordinated effort and yes using/putting regular people at risk on the front lines)
Excusing criminal behavior as long as it was by there “side”
oh lawd - are you confused - is this a combined list for trumpy and fjb? I'm confused. Bump stocks??/didn't trumpy not like them? Can't you blame pelosi for the outcomes of jan6? I mean, she screwed it up. Didn't the FBI tell her stuff...Being anti intellectual? did you watch the other night?
I could go on an on..but come on..just leave this alone for a few days, celebrate insurrection day tomorrow and have a beverage. You've lost the bubble.
oh lawd - are you confused - is this a combined list for trumpy and fjb? I'm confused. Bump stocks??/didn't trumpy not like them? Can't you blame pelosi for the outcomes of jan6? I mean, she screwed it up. Didn't the FBI tell her stuff...Being anti intellectual? did you watch the other night?
I could go on an on..but come on..just leave this alone for a few days, celebrate insurrection day tomorrow and have a beverage. You've lost the bubble.
Interesting response.
It appears that you regularly fall back to your old standards -- lies and insults.
Well, when I ask regular questions, you regularly fall back to your old standards... take the cowardly way out. Are you claiming your other profile now or just defending the coward because he/she/it blocked me?

I challenge you to name ONE lie I've posted here. Go ahead, I'll wait.
Funny when someone in the class raises their hand then demonstrates their complete unawareness.
please splain what you think you are aware of - your prized list demonstrated less than basic understanding of the issues you listed. Please explain how you blame trumpy for bump stocks, anti semitism, denial of human rights...just to start. we can jump to others after we celebrate Murica.
Well, when I ask regular questions, you regularly fall back to your old standards... take the cowardly way out. Are you claiming your other profile now or just defending the coward because he/she/it blocked me?

I challenge you to name ONE lie I've posted here. Go ahead, I'll wait.
"You really are too stupid to vote".