President Joe Biden

You fruitcake nutters have a penchant for posting things no one outside the bubble has ever heard of. Must be Trump’s 400 lb guy living at mom’s house posting some of this stuff. Seeking citation is all.
Hey Ratboy... did you hear the one about the Russian fleet in Cuba? Or is that too far outside your bubble?
Is there a worse idea than putting up the empty suit, Newsome? I can’t imagine one so I see why DuDu endorses him. I mean, his record in California is unimaginably bad. Cities have become cesspools of open addiction with associated deaths, crime that put most of downtown SF out of business and a rather large debt. This doesn’t even touch his behavior during COVID.

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Du Du and espola are being revealed on here for all of you to see the truth. espola is the worst of the two because he uses the name of Jesus to feed the hungry and acts like he cares for people. This video breaks my heart and I mean that. It's bad in Socal and Nocal. Don't be fooled. They laze Marijuana now with psychotic sprays, fenty and so many mind alternating drugs. They hand out Vodka and dope to those with addictions. Gavin closed churches during Covid but kept opened pot shops and helped them all expand. The two demons on here found their way into youth soccer. I already knew WHO these punks were, and I came here to warn everyone. We will Make California Great Again (MCGA). Nancy, Gavin, Adam, Kamala, Diane and a few others have destroyed our state so they and a few other elites can run things at the top. Rules for thee but not for thee. Of Course, Gavin is their pick. Has espola or Du Du ever had empathy for any of these poor people, the girls being raped and abused and then killed? ZERO EMPATHY. They can't feel you guys. It's impossible for them. Their conscious has been seared by a HOT iron. NCSWIC and they know it. That's why these rats build underground bunkers and tunnels because they know what's coming and they are going to try and hide and get away. It won't work.
Du Du and espola are being revealed on here for all of you to see the truth. espola is the worst of the two because he uses the name of Jesus to feed the hungry and acts like he cares for people. This video breaks my heart and I mean that. It's bad in Socal and Nocal. Don't be fooled. They laze Marijuana now with psychotic sprays, fenty and so many mind alternating drugs. They hand out Vodka and dope to those with addictions. Gavin closed churches during Covid but kept opened pot shops and helped them all expand. The two demons on here found their way into youth soccer. I already knew WHO these punks were, and I came here to warn everyone. We will Make California Great Again (MCGA). Nancy, Gavin, Adam, Kamala, Diane and a few others have destroyed our state so they and a few other elites can run things at the top. Rules for thee but not for thee. Of Course, Gavin is their pick. Has espola or Du Du ever had empathy for any of these poor people, the girls being raped and abused and then killed? ZERO EMPATHY. They can't feel you guys. It's impossible for them. Their conscious has been seared by a HOT iron. NCSWIC and they know it. That's why these rats build underground bunkers and tunnels because they know what's coming and they are going to try and hide and get away. It won't work.
I think it's time for you to take a mental competency test. Use this post as a starting point. Present this post to the Dr. and ask "What do you think, Doc?"
I think it's time for you to take a mental competency test. Use this post as a starting point. Present this post to the Dr. and ask "What do you think, Doc?"
I think you should seek help with God and the Great Physican you say you love. What a joker you have become, and EVERYONE sees it and that makes me smile😁
"Operation Dump Joe" is in full swing. espola tells everyone what EOTL & Surf Futbol said for me to do. He just can't help himself. He's been after me for years. Why? He says it because of my satire, and he knows that's a lie. This guy is a fraudster. Anyway, Joker Joe's campaign co-chair is saying this, "The President politely declines The New York Times’ offer to stand down. He’s going to stay in this race and he’s going to win.”

Landrieu chalked up Biden’s performance and appearance at the debate to having “a bad night” and says “it has happened before and it will happen again.”
Breaking Ted Cruz Prediction: “I believe the odds have now skyrocketed; I believe the odds are north of 80 percent that the Democrat Party will remove Joe Biden from the ticket and replace him,” Cruz explained. “And I believe they are likely to replace Joe Biden with Michelle Obama because Biden did so disastrously badly tonight that Democrats across the country are in utter freefall and complete panic. “The impediments are twofold. Number one, Michelle says no, number two Joe Biden says no,” he explained. “On the Michelle says no, I think you’re gonna have Barack coming to her, I think you’re gonna have a lot of Democrat kingmakers coming to her, and the pitch is gonna be ‘Michelle, you need to save America.'”
The TRUTH will always rise to the top. TRUTH has no sides folks. It's a standalone. It's your job to find the TRUTH. Yeshua (The Christ) is the TRUTH, The Life and The Way😇

Most of us have eyes to see. Take a look at this Joker Joe's mask from Thursday. Look at his ears. Did the mask maker F up or is it done on purpose to wake you all up. Hello, there here. NCSWIC!!
