President Joe Biden

For me it's very simple. I think both are assholes. But at the end of the day, one did a good job running our country and one didn't.

Trump's ego won't allow him to fail. Biden's ego won't allow him to admit he failed.
Yes, I understand but to compare two assholes is insane and childish at this point. Your hate for the asshole has blinded you like so many. I'm not mad at you at all, just saying the obvious. You honestly think Trumps ego wants to help save the free world. France is insane right now. Canada sold their soul and were one step away from being destroyed and it's all Trumps fault and his ego. I will tell you 100% slobo, you are dead wrong brother. I still agree with you 98% of the time so carry on soldier, we got a country to save. Someday you will eat your words about Trump, TRUST ME:cool:
For me it's very simple. I think both are assholes. But at the end of the day, one did a good job running our country and one didn't.

Trump's ego won't allow him to fail. Biden's ego won't allow him to admit he failed.
The scary part is Biden still has another 6 months of running our country.

I'd call his mental condition the biggest cover up in American history, but it was also the world's worst cover-up. We all saw it in real time despite claims he was fine and videos were cheap fakes. Are we going to find out later that he was diagnosed a year or two ago with a medical condition, like Parkinson's or Lewy Body?

As we speak, KJP is getting her ass handed to her more than usual.
Yes, I understand but to compare two assholes is insane and childish at this point. Your hate for the asshole has blinded you like so many. I'm not mad at you at all, just saying the obvious. You honestly think Trumps ego wants to help save the free world. France is insane right now. Canada sold their soul and were one step away from being destroyed and it's all Trumps fault and his ego. I will tell you 100% slobo, you are dead wrong brother. I still agree with you 98% of the time so carry on soldier, we got a country to save. Someday you will eat your words about Trump, TRUST ME:cool:
You're no better than Husker if you can't acknowledge that Trump has significant shortcomings. Although, in Husker's defense he is coming around in acknowledging that Biden is not a good option (although he was basically forced to by the debate).
You're no better than Husker if you can't acknowledge that Trump has significant shortcomings. Although, in Husker's defense he is coming around in acknowledging that Biden is not a good option (although he was basically forced to by the debate).
I never said he doesn't have short comings. We all do bro. But to compare him to Pedo Joe is stupid.
You're no better than Husker if you can't acknowledge that Trump has significant shortcomings. Although, in Husker's defense he is coming around in acknowledging that Biden is not a good option (although he was basically forced to by the debate).
Also, stop comparing me to Husker Du. I find that appalling and hurtful. I told ALL of you back in 2020 to block a President to speak as President in his official compacity (see meme) was disastrous and treasonous. You got it all backwards because of your hate for one man and the MAGA movement. Most of you made fun of me. Let me say again. EVERYONE is being watched. Everything you say and write is being monitored.

THIS IS A FACT👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇👇

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Yes, I understand but to compare two assholes is insane and childish at this point. Your hate for the asshole has blinded you like so many. I'm not mad at you at all, just saying the obvious. You honestly think Trumps ego wants to help save the free world. France is insane right now. Canada sold their soul and were one step away from being destroyed and it's all Trumps fault and his ego. I will tell you 100% slobo, you are dead wrong brother. I still agree with you 98% of the time so carry on soldier, we got a country to save. Someday you will eat your words about Trump, TRUST ME:cool:
My hate? I've been saying for a very long time that Trump is the clear choice in this election. Just like he was the last election.
T torpedoed the bipartisan border bill. T offered a billion dollars in tax cuts to wealthy prospective donors.

Shall I continue?
How does Trump torpedo a bill when he's not in office? Are you referring to Biden telling the entire planet they won't be deported if they come here illegally? Then spending the next 3.5 years saying we don't have a border crisis? Then blaming republicans for not supporting Biden's, "I'm running for reelection in 6 months and need to pretend I didn't let 10M+ illegals into our country" campaign? Seriously? No, I wouldn't continue if you're just going to look stupid again.

Trump also gave a tax cut to the middle class. 2nd, you can't keep going after wealthy business people, saying they need to "pay their fair share" and ignore the fact that the wealthiest 1% in this country already pay 40% of the nation's tax burden. At what point do you stop blaming wealthy people for inept leadership? I'd rather have a president give our tax dollars back to Americans instead of illegal aliens, college deadbeats and wars we're not in.

How does Trump torpedo a bill when he's not in office? Are you referring to Biden telling the entire planet they won't be deported if they come here illegally? Then spending the next 3.5 years saying we don't have a border crisis? Then blaming republicans for not supporting Biden's, "I'm running for reelection in 6 months and need to pretend I didn't let 10M+ illegals into our country" campaign? Seriously? No, I wouldn't continue if you're just going to look stupid again.

Trump also gave a tax cut to the middle class. 2nd, you can't keep going after wealthy business people, saying they need to "pay their fair share" and ignore the fact that the wealthiest 1% in this country already pay 40% of the nation's tax burden. At what point do you stop blaming wealthy people for inept leadership? I'd rather have a president give our tax dollars back to Americans instead of illegal aliens, college deadbeats and wars we're not in.

Biden repeals Trump's executive actions on immigration (allegedly 50+), including remain in Mexico, and then the Dems blame Republicans for not approving an immigration bill that still allows a significant number of illegal aliens into the country. That's absurd politics. Hey, I started this fire and its your fault for not putting it out. Common sense has never been a virtue of the Biden administration.
Biden repeals Trump's executive actions on immigration (allegedly 50+), including remain in Mexico, and then the Dems blame Republicans for not approving an immigration bill that still allows a significant number of illegal aliens into the country. That's absurd politics. Hey, I started this fire and its your fault for not putting it out. Common sense has never been a virtue of the Biden administration.
Exactly. And how come it was racist and xenophobic to build a wall when Trump did it and then Biden quietly does this? I know you saw it, Fudd. You're the only one here with a subscription to Vanity Fair.
