President Joe Biden

It is terrible when potential terrorists are arrested! I hope none of your relatives know or were at the 1/6 riot! They could be coming for you next! Are you terrorist adjacent too? Apparently law enforcement isn’t as bad as you tell us it is.
Kindly read your post before posting...
Oh GOODIE! These 2 are having a quick get together now because they know our weak ass, worthless piece of shit Pedophile in Chief is on his way out and there's no time like the present. Remember when Trump was in office? No war in Ukraine and these 2 assholes weren't pals.

So I assume everyone is ok with trump taking revenge on anyone he feels slighted by? . . . even those simply following orders, the law or a judges decree?
So I assume everyone is ok with trump taking revenge on anyone he feels slighted by? . . . even those simply following orders, the law or a judges decree?
I am ok with retribution. Not revenge, just fair and honest retribution for all that Husker Fu and his asshat pal espola have down to our state and country. These people are paid Marxist and have gone after all of MAGA. Put them in jail and make up crimes. Total cheaters and losers. Pay back is fair play dummy.
This looks like one of those Cheap Fakes the libtards are saying they make about Biden... made by Biden.

How many edits to do this 15 second commercial? 7 or 8?

You fruitcake nutters have a penchant for posting things no one outside the bubble has ever heard of. Must be Trump’s 400 lb guy living at mom’s house posting some of this stuff. Seeking citation is all.
So NBC is outside the bubble? Maybe try paying attention between vodka shots and you might learn a thing or two...