President Joe Biden

You're so desperate to align me with Trump. I agree he is it in for himself, I don't think anyone but Crush disagrees with that sentiment. You just don't think any of the shit on your side stinks because your are such a blind partisan. Right now the left has taken over the torch of racism and is burning it bright.
How dare you accuse Fudd of being a democrat. There's still 5 months to say something negative about the left.
Seems I have explained far too many times that there were many Republican candidates in 2015 that I would have voted for, supported and they would be now finishing their second term. trump is a fundamentally flawed human being, a dangerously inept leader and has nothing to add to the effort towards a better America, he can only take. When you parrot his talking points and side with his rational you are in cahoots. You believe what he wants you to.

In speeches like the one in Las Vegas recently he puts on display how far off in the woods he is and how deep one must go to ignore, excuse or deny his ridiculous nature. One must suspend disbelief to such a degree that it’s mind boggling. Yet you and others persist because he has told you he alone will make it all better.
Inept? I don't remember anywhere near the ineptitude during his four years being close to what the Pedophile in Chief has recently accomplished.
“hypocrisy”? do tell.

I am quite aware of the shift made by people that were once principled republicans from “trump is our man!” to “I know he lacks character but what other option is there?”’while echoing his every unfounded attack, racist trope, bizarre views and anti-democracy leanings . . . but of course ignoring his muttering, rambling, nonsensical speeches like the one in Las Vegas.

In reality you may be the hypocrite in your one sided characterizations that again are simply echoes of an unhinged wannabe dictator.

Biden is more of the same, business as usual, a lifelong politician with allegiances to the governmental institutions . . . ones like the military, state department, law enforcement, etc. status quo, boring and slow. trump is a solution to a problem of his own creation. An agent of a change most don't want. Was anyone asking to bring us closer to Putin and put distance between us and the alliances that made us a super power?
Thanks for proving my point.
Now, now -- he's just giving us an example of mature discourse.

It wasn't an example bozo. It was a scenario that I asked for your boy HD's thoughts on.
It obviously flew right past you too. You get to be "Dumber" this time.

Funny how neither of you answered though. Par for the course with you two morons.
It wasn't an example bozo. It was a scenario that I asked for your boy HD's thoughts on.
It obviously flew right past you too. You get to be "Dumber" this time.

Funny how neither of you answered though. Par for the course with you two morons.
I wasn't commenting on your "scenario". I was commenting on your presentation.
“hypocrisy”? do tell.

I am quite aware of the shift made by people that were once principled republicans from “trump is our man!” to “I know he lacks character but what other option is there?”’while echoing his every unfounded attack, racist trope, bizarre views and anti-democracy leanings . . . but of course ignoring his muttering, rambling, nonsensical speeches like the one in Las Vegas.

In reality you may be the hypocrite in your one sided characterizations that again are simply echoes of an unhinged wannabe dictator.

Biden is more of the same, business as usual, a lifelong politician with allegiances to the governmental institutions . . . ones like the military, state department, law enforcement, etc. status quo, boring and slow. trump is a solution to a problem of his own creation. An agent of a change most don't want. Was anyone asking to bring us closer to Putin and put distance between us and the alliances that made us a super power?
are you now using chatgpt? seems like it..hilarious. I applaud you though for sticking to your script albeit a better worded one at that.

You are so unhinged that you think you are not unhinged and make up scenarios in your mind that justify your weird obsession with trumpy. You've been so brainwashed by your religion that you see the devil in every dark's kinda weird that someone would have such a weird relationship with a public figure. But anyway, I digress. JB is indeed a lifelong politication - he cares little for you, is washed up, and is being leveraged by everyone who wants to advance an agenda that should be counter intuitive to your claims of patriotism. "Muttering, rambling, nonsensical speeches" funny that you should mention this type of behavior, so funny.
are you now using chatgpt? seems like it..hilarious. I applaud you though for sticking to your script albeit a better worded one at that.

You are so unhinged that you think you are not unhinged and make up scenarios in your mind that justify your weird obsession with trumpy. You've been so brainwashed by your religion that you see the devil in every dark's kinda weird that someone would have such a weird relationship with a public figure. But anyway, I digress. JB is indeed a lifelong politication - he cares little for you, is washed up, and is being leveraged by everyone who wants to advance an agenda that should be counter intuitive to your claims of patriotism. "Muttering, rambling, nonsensical speeches" funny that you should mention this type of behavior, so funny.
Hurts don’t it.
JB is indeed a lifelong politication - he cares little for you, is washed up, and is being leveraged by everyone who wants to advance an agenda that should be counter intuitive to your claims of patriotism.
I don't think JB is evil, but Jill may deserve that description. What loving spouse would prop their spouse up like this? They all seem willing to sacrifice a family member if it benefits them politically. Unfortunately for them, Hunter is difficult to hide and is a key member in the family business.
I don't think JB is evil, but Jill may deserve that description. What loving spouse would prop their spouse up like this? They all seem willing to sacrifice a family member if it benefits them politically. Unfortunately for them, Hunter is difficult to hide and is a key member in the family business.
In fairness to Dr. Breakfast Tacos, she's genetically predisposed to babysit JoeTato.
Chalk up another child rape on JoeTato's watch. Thanks, Joe! You're doing a great job filling those jobs "Americans" won't do, fucking piece of shit. Apparently, though, Joe's biggest problem is that he's "too old".
