President Joe Biden

Some of that cost is risk-based. Tenant favored laws passed during Covid (like not paying rent) have continued and its very difficult to evict tenants even for non-payment. Owners have to build that risk into their rent. All the increased costs to manage and maintain a property have also increased substantially due to inflation. And don't get me started on the entitlement process to even build more units in California.
The good hearted landlord sold out to Blackrock and China. My point is today for a young college grad, you need to make $200k to buy a house and look for that special stay home wifey and mommy. I know a few landlords that made a nice cash flow. Timing was everything and he's counting the cash in his steps. Dude converted his house by SDSU into a little hostel type of living. 6 bedrooms for almost $7,000 a month. Place is a dump. Im really concerned for our youth. Many of the good ones have moved away. I saw one house with 12 people in a 6 bdr. $800 for a bed to sleep on and share a bathroom with 4 people.
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Some of that cost is risk-based. Tenant favored laws passed during Covid (like not paying rent) have continued and its very difficult to evict tenants even for non-payment. Owners have to build that risk into their rent. All the increased costs to manage and maintain a property have also increased substantially due to inflation. And don't get me started on the entitlement process to even build more units in California.
“entitlement process”?
Possibly, but I doubt theyre the greatest threat given where the current Jew hate is coming from. Your remember the false allegations of the white supremacists in the military?
Wray is mostly referring to the threat of illegal immigration. So not the left or right but foriegn terrorists.
Possibly, but I doubt theyre the greatest threat given where the current Jew hate is coming from. Your remember the false allegations of the white supremacists in the military?
As violent far-right extremism has risen to the fore as a significant national security concern over the past decade, researchers have increasingly discussed the pernicious infiltration of extremists into the U.S. military and among veterans. These extremists either join the service in order to gain combat and logistical training, or are recruited once their service ends by radical groups preying on the combinationof trauma and loss of purpose and community that often plagues veterans (or first inspires military service).

False what? Is this what you meant?
As violent far-right extremism has risen to the fore as a significant national security concern over the past decade, researchers have increasingly discussed the pernicious infiltration of extremists into the U.S. military and among veterans. These extremists either join the service in order to gain combat and logistical training, or are recruited once their service ends by radical groups preying on the combinationof trauma and loss of purpose and community that often plagues veterans (or first inspires military service).

False what? Is this what you meant?
No, I'm referring to the actual study that was done by the DoD that proved that liberal and media claims (including the one you posted) about alleged right wing military extremism were false. You need to hit refresh on your Google searches every once in awhile.

Some on the left consider an American flag as a symbol of right extremism so its easy for them to get confused.
No, I'm referring to the actual study that was done by the DoD that proved that liberal and media claims (including the one you posted) about alleged right wing military extremism were false. You need to hit refresh on your Google searches every once in awhile.

Some on the left consider an American flag as a symbol of right extremism so it’s easy for them to get confused.
Extremist do try to hijack symbols of patriotism, virtue and the religious high ground. trump is 100% in it for himself. He has con-vinced many good people that he is a nationalist as he sees that as his path to power and now out of prison. You can continue to ignore all he is and believe him while projecting things upon him you need him to be but it’s not reality. The racist underbelly of America had always been there, trump has emboldened them and even worse the anti-government anarchist (the ones pushing those aforementioned good people to do things that now have them in jail). trump uses and is being used. Go along or recognize.
Extremist do try to hijack symbols of patriotism, virtue and the religious high ground. trump is 100% in it for himself. He has con-vinced many good people that he is a nationalist as he sees that as his path to power and now out of prison. You can continue to ignore all he is and believe him while projecting things upon him you need him to be but it’s not reality. The racist underbelly of America had always been there, trump has emboldened them and even worse the anti-government anarchist (the ones pushing those aforementioned good people to do things that now have them in jail). trump uses and is being used. Go along or recognize.
You're so desperate to align me with Trump. I agree he is it in for himself, I don't think anyone but Crush disagrees with that sentiment. You just don't think any of the shit on your side stinks because your are such a blind partisan. Right now the left has taken over the torch of racism and is burning it bright.
You're so desperate to align me with Trump. I agree he is it in for himself, I don't think anyone but Crush disagrees with that sentiment. You just don't think any of the shit on your side stinks because your are such a blind partisan. Right now the left has taken over the torch of racism and is burning it bright.
I believe Trump is in it to Save The Children. Watty, I told you and the other fellas 5 years ago not to trust either side. The shit on both sides smells like nasty poo poo. These are the type of people that will stab in your back as they smile at you. Ruthless cheaters and some in this pack harm and abuse children.
You're so desperate to align me with Trump. I agree he is it in for himself, I don't think anyone but Crush disagrees with that sentiment. You just don't think any of the shit on your side stinks because your are such a blind partisan. Right now the left has taken over the torch of racism and is burning it bright.
Seems I have explained far too many times that there were many Republican candidates in 2015 that I would have voted for, supported and they would be now finishing their second term. trump is a fundamentally flawed human being, a dangerously inept leader and has nothing to add to the effort towards a better America, he can only take. When you parrot his talking points and side with his rational you are in cahoots. You believe what he wants you to.

In speeches like the one in Las Vegas recently he puts on display how far off in the woods he is and how deep one must go to ignore, excuse or deny his ridiculous nature. One must suspend disbelief to such a degree that it’s mind boggling. Yet you and others persist because he has told you he alone will make it all better.
Extremist do try to hijack symbols of patriotism, virtue and the religious high ground. trump is 100% in it for himself. He has con-vinced many good people that he is a nationalist as he sees that as his path to power and now out of prison. You can continue to ignore all he is and believe him while projecting things upon him you need him to be but it’s not reality. The racist underbelly of America had always been there, trump has emboldened them and even worse the anti-government anarchist (the ones pushing those aforementioned good people to do things that now have them in jail). trump uses and is being used. Go along or recognize.

How do you think a dorky white teenager would be treated if he walked thru the middle of any of the housing projects in Watts?
Imperial Courts. Nickerson Gardens. Jordan Downs. Take your pick. Do you think they would welcome him with open arms
or would he get jammed up? "Whitebread" "Cracker" and so on. The "racial slurs" against White people by Black people goes on and on.
But that's different right?
Seems I have explained far too many times that there were many Republican candidates in 2015 that I would have voted for, supported and they would be now finishing their second term. trump is a fundamentally flawed human being, a dangerously inept leader and has nothing to add to the effort towards a better America, he can only take. When you parrot his talking points and side with his rational you are in cahoots. You believe what he wants you to.

In speeches like the one in Las Vegas recently he puts on display how far off in the woods he is anLepersist because he has told you he alone will make it all better.
I'll make it simple for you...who on this thread has defended Trump's character? You're preaching to the choir about Trump's character. You get attacked because of your blatant hypocrisy when it comes to Biden. This election is not about character, both candidates have compromised character. And both parties have questionable characters.
I'll make it simple for you...who on this thread has defended Trump's character? You're preaching to the choir about Trump's character. You get attacked because of your blatant hypocrisy when it comes to Biden. This election is not about character, both candidates have compromised character. And both parties have questionable characters.
“hypocrisy”? do tell.

I am quite aware of the shift made by people that were once principled republicans from “trump is our man!” to “I know he lacks character but what other option is there?”’while echoing his every unfounded attack, racist trope, bizarre views and anti-democracy leanings . . . but of course ignoring his muttering, rambling, nonsensical speeches like the one in Las Vegas.

In reality you may be the hypocrite in your one sided characterizations that again are simply echoes of an unhinged wannabe dictator.

Biden is more of the same, business as usual, a lifelong politician with allegiances to the governmental institutions . . . ones like the military, state department, law enforcement, etc. status quo, boring and slow. trump is a solution to a problem of his own creation. An agent of a change most don't want. Was anyone asking to bring us closer to Putin and put distance between us and the alliances that made us a super power?
How do you think a dorky white teenager would be treated if he walked thru the middle of any of the housing projects in Watts?
Imperial Courts. Nickerson Gardens. Jordan Downs. Take your pick. Do you think they would welcome him with open arms
or would he get jammed up? "Whitebread" "Cracker" and so on. The "racial slurs" against White people by Black people goes on and on.
But that's different right?
What kind of racist bs is this babbling post attempting to elicit?
Okay, libtards! Can you losers pretend the rest of us didn't see this one coming? The Pedophile in Chief needs votes... badly.

And so you 'tards know, "undocumented" means they're criminals here in our country ILLEGALLY. That's AGAINST THE LAW.
