President Joe Biden

I landed in LAX late other day. I had to wait for my rental car & after getting through customs, I found a place to crash out and get some sleep. It was insane you guys. No cops anywhere and now homeless folks come in and sleep. They talk to themselves and have all these mental issues. They have a little suitcase, as if they're going to fly so they beat the system. I feel bad for these people, and it was cold. I have never seen what I saw in LA either. People living in tents and under the freeways. It's bad and it's sad. I can say Guatemala City is safer than LA right now.
She's not the weird and lonely one.

I'd agree she's probably not lonely but I'm not convinced she isn't weird. Maybe she's just pandering to her "Swifties" and getting paid well to do it. Just like all the other wealthy, fake libtards pretending to care about common folk and losing revenue. By the way, in 2020 she clearly supported JoeTato, so it's not a stretch to think she won't pander to the drones again.

I mean, it's cheaper than admitting you're one of the evil, selfish capitalists not paying their "fair share", right?


I wasn't surprised. When you shut an economy down and Americans are laid off, not much of a stretch to think this will happen.

Any idea when we'll stop overpaying for everything, CisKer? I never found that chapter of the JoeTato BribEnomics bible. I must say, though, my favorite line is "... as Americans chose to continue spending freely...".

Do any of us have a choice? I'd freely choose to stop sending my tax dollars to a war we're not in. Did Trump start that? I'd freely stop choosing to paying $5.50 for a gallon of gas. I'd freely choose to stop paying 30% more for my groceries. I'd freely choose to close the borders and stop watching my tax dollars fund food, shelter, healthcare, driver's licenses, etc. for illegal aliens JoeTato invited here to vote for him. I'd freely choose to stop paying more for shit because libtards support criminals rather than hard working taxpayers.
It's a brilliant strategy by the Dem's. 1) Start a fire, 2) let it burn for 3 years, 3) then blame the Repub's for not putting out the fire at the start of the election cycle, and 4) send talking point to media for them to parrot. Not as brilliant though as border states shipping illegals to sanctuary cities.
The Republicans had the house senate and presidency from January 2016 until January 2019. What did they do about immigration in that time? . . . or infrastructure? . . . or healthcare?
The Republicans had the house senate and presidency from January 2016 until January 2019. What did they do about immigration in that time? . . . or infrastructure? . . . or healthcare?
Nothing comprehensive, but Trump did complete a large number of executive actions on immigration which help stemmed the flow but certainly didn't solve the larger issues. Biden reversed most of them and opened the flood gates while Mayorkas has failed to enforce Title 8. Republicans missed a golden opportunity in 2013 with the Gang of Eight litigation reform.

We can play this "tit for tat" game all day long. Biden has dramatically increased illegal immigration along with it associated crime, has done virtually nothing for health care and passed an "infrastructure" bill that even Biden admits is about "green" issues and not infrastructure.

The Dem's are only now pro-immigration reform, since it recently became the #1 issue for voters. Plus Dems don't get credit for putting out fires they started. Republican's don't want any perceived victories for Biden. It's 100% political for both parties, during election neither are sincere about solving the problem.
Nothing comprehensive, but Trump did complete a large number of executive actions on immigration which help stemmed the flow but certainly didn't solve the larger issues. Biden reversed most of them and opened the flood gates while Mayorkas has failed to enforce Title 8. Republicans missed a golden opportunity in 2013 with the Gang of Eight litigation reform.

We can play this "tit for tat" game all day long. Biden has dramatically increased illegal immigration along with it associated crime, has done virtually nothing for health care and passed an "infrastructure" bill that even Biden admits is about "green" issues and not infrastructure.

The Dem's are only now pro-immigration reform, since it recently became the #1 issue for voters. Plus Dems don't get credit for putting out fires they started. Republican's don't want any perceived victories for Biden. It's 100% political for both parties, during election neither are sincere about solving the problem.
Politics aside, I'm not sure how I feel about the current immigration bill. On the one hand the Border Patrol supports it, but on the other hand I'm not in favor of adding new legislation when were not enforcing existing legislation.