President Joe Biden

Both of them are pretty far gone. Trump got confused about the difference between Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley.

If either party nominates someone under 70, they have my vote.
How about a Gavin-Michelle ticket? Or even a Michelle-Gavin ticket?
To be fair, the refinery shortfall is partly due to CA regulations which limit the creation and expansion of refineries.

If you pass a law restricting production, then you really ought to own the price increase which follows. That one falls on Dems.

Similarly, if you oppose the special CA blend, then you need to own the worse air quality we all would breathe without it. That one falls on GOP.

I’m not going to hang around and wait for any of the conservatives here to think about the costs of their proposed policies. You’ll get it from centrists like KnS and Husker, but they’re voices in the wilderness here.
I have posted my opinion several times in several locations on the Web that if a group of businessmen were to propose to establish a commercial venture selling air and water poisons to the general public at thousands of locations throughout the state, it would never be approved.
Both of them are pretty far gone. Trump got confused about the difference between Nancy Pelosi and Nikki Haley.

If either party nominates someone under 70, they have my vote.
There is zero relativism between Trump's cognitive ability and Biden's significant cognitive impairment. Biden is continuous example of feeble and incoherency, while Trump is a continuous example of asshole. It's not about age, its about competency. Neither could win an election for HOA president, yet here they are as the two options for POTUS. ( I'm still holding out a sliver of hope for Haley, but would never wager on it. She's run a poor campaign.)
How about a Gavin-Michelle ticket? Or even a Michelle-Gavin ticket?
Do you even live in California?

Those two would probably easily win the election, but .... I mean Taylor Swift could win the election. Maybe a Swift/Kardashian (pick one) ticket.
Do you even live in California?

Those two would probably easily win the election, but .... I mean Taylor Swift could win the election. Maybe a Swift/Kardashian (pick one) ticket.
Warning -- sexist joke approaching --

The problem with women running for President is that they first have to admit that they are over 35.

Swift won't be 35 until December 2024, which would barely make her old enough by January 20, 2025. All of the K sisters (and brother Rob) are old enough already.
It's a brilliant strategy by the Dem's. 1) Start a fire, 2) let it burn for 3 years, 3) then blame the Repub's for not putting out the fire at the start of the election cycle, and 4) send talking point to media for them to parrot. Not as brilliant though as border states shipping illegals to sanctuary cities.
“Start a fire”? Interesting angle. Always telling to get a glimpse at the narrative you are being fed.
"You know what keeps illegal aliens out? Razor wire. They won't even try."

From the "Biden blowing" WSJ website --

View attachment 19540

Wonder why libtards are so against it. Did these non I.D. having voters have to walk another 50 feet down the line? Don't worry... they'll still vote for your welfare handouts. Afterall, they have no education, no job prospects and can't speak English. That's the perfect libtard voter!
What "classified information" was sent?

Don't ask JoeTato... that dipshit you support still can't believe any documents were taken and has no idea what they were. Sharp dude, eh Fudd? You think maybe some of them are the drawings for his railroad across the Pacific?

“Start a fire”? Interesting angle. Always telling to get a glimpse at the narrative you are being fed.

Yes, starting a fire. Like telling illegals they won't be sent back, prosecuted or separated from their family members. Apparently it's okay to be separated from your family if you're an American that goes to jail or prison. But if you're an illegal ali... uh, "Biden voter", no such concerns.
There is zero relativism between Trump's cognitive ability and Biden's significant cognitive impairment. Biden is continuous example of feeble and incoherency, while Trump is a continuous example of asshole. It's not about age, its about competency. Neither could win an election for HOA president, yet here they are as the two options for POTUS. ( I'm still holding out a sliver of hope for Haley, but would never wager on it. She's run a poor campaign.)
It's funny you mention not being able to win an HOA election. I was thinking today that I wish Americans would have the same expectation of competency in our president as we do for the coach of our favorite football team.
Warning -- sexist joke approaching --

The problem with women running for President is that they first have to admit that they are over 35.

Swift won't be 35 until December 2024, which would barely make her old enough by January 20, 2025. All of the K sisters (and brother Rob) are old enough already.
have swift run as VP with any of the K sisters as president, then K sister resigns, swift now old enough, takes over and appoint that K sister as vp, assuming she was doing a good job otherwise appoint a different K sister or half sister until its just right
“Start a fire”? Interesting angle. Always telling to get a glimpse at the narrative you are being fed.
I follow facts, not narratives. So are you claiming that Biden's reversal of Trump's immigration restrictions hasn't resulted in a significant increase in illegal immigration? Even Obama's immigration policies would be light years better than Biden's. Although, just doing the opposite of Trump isn't an actual policy, its just a triggered response.