President Joe Biden

Nothing comprehensive, but Trump did complete a large number of executive actions on immigration which help stemmed the flow but certainly didn't solve the larger issues. Biden reversed most of them and opened the flood gates while Mayorkas has failed to enforce Title 8. Republicans missed a golden opportunity in 2013 with the Gang of Eight litigation reform.

We can play this "tit for tat" game all day long. Biden has dramatically increased illegal immigration along with it associated crime, has done virtually nothing for health care and passed an "infrastructure" bill that even Biden admits is about "green" issues and not infrastructure.

The Dem's are only now pro-immigration reform, since it recently became the #1 issue for voters. Plus Dems don't get credit for putting out fires they started. Republican's don't want any perceived victories for Biden. It's 100% political for both parties, during election neither are sincere about solving the problem.
Let's not forget the fucking fentanyl that these fuckers have allowed into our country. My Nephew was fucking killed by these assholes. Then we have fuck face Husker Du come on here with his bullshit lies. Fentanyl has killed over 200,000 Americans in the last two years. Now their spraying this shit on Marijuana and women are going around stabbing boyfriends 108 times and then are found not guilty because of the shit in hippie lettuce. What the fuck dude!!! Trump tried to finish the "Wall" for $5 Billion but was called a racist and not allowed to finish the wall. We have sent $80,000,000,000 billion to fix Ukraine's boarder. By the way, my nephews name was David. Take a good luck at this guy's eyes, he's my family Watty and I have every fucking right to be pissed off. (See picture of this sweet soul). He was a great man and would help anyone. I'm not fucking around anymore Watty.

Politics aside, I'm not sure how I feel about the current immigration bill. On the one hand the Border Patrol supports it, but on the other hand I'm not in favor of adding new legislation when were not enforcing existing legislation.
Let me help you out dude. Our country is a middleman for Human Trafficking with kickbacks of cash and special treat for sick fucks. Yup, our country is the number one consumer of kiddy porn and kiddy sex. A little girl under 10 is worth way more than a bag of crack because she can be sold 10x a day to sick fuckers. When she turns 10, she is of no use to these sick fucks and is then sold to organ harvesters on the black market. I'm calling out these sick fuckers on here that lie, cheat and lie more and more because their deeds are dark, and I mean very dark. They have attacked me for 6 years because I stood up for my little girl, who got lied to by grown ass men making money off of her. They attack me because I want kids born. They have killed over 25,000,000 black babies since Roe lied to all of us about being raped, when she was not raped. Pure lie to get folks to be emotional. Wake up fence sitter, time is now!!!
Nothing comprehensive, but Trump did complete a large number of executive actions on immigration which help stemmed the flow but certainly didn't solve the larger issues. Biden reversed most of them and opened the flood gates while Mayorkas has failed to enforce Title 8. Republicans missed a golden opportunity in 2013 with the Gang of Eight litigation reform.

We can play this "tit for tat" game all day long. Biden has dramatically increased illegal immigration along with it associated crime, has done virtually nothing for health care and passed an "infrastructure" bill that even Biden admits is about "green" issues and not infrastructure.

The Dem's are only now pro-immigration reform, since it recently became the #1 issue for voters. Plus Dems don't get credit for putting out fires they started. Republican's don't want any perceived victories for Biden. It's 100% political for both parties, during election neither are sincere about solving the problem.
It’s not that simple and you know or you should know it.
@Hüsker Dü @espola @dad4 and the rest of you losers, especially that evil punk Surf Futbol. You all have fucking blood on your hands. All of you have ZERO empathy for others. Watch this assholes.

'Pawn Stars' Rick Harrison slams border policy as 'insanity' after son's fentanyl death

The Republicans had the house senate and presidency from January 2016 until January 2019. What did they do about immigration in that time? . . . or infrastructure? . . . or healthcare?

We didn't have an immigration problem on Trump's watch... not compared to the mess Biden created. He did try to reinforce the wall and was fought by libtards on that like everything else. We have immigration laws. There was no problem. The number of border crossing and attempts makes that pretty clear. These aren't immigrants. They're illegal aliens with no education, no job and no ability to speak English. Why would you encourage them to come here and continue draining the welfare system? Oh, that's right, you want to give them voting rights just like a driver's license and free car insurance. Is your car insurance free, CisKer? Do you get free money every month? Clowns.

You want to talk about infrastructure? Healthcare? Things aren't free. Things cost money. Apparently our infrastructure and healthcare aren't that bad if JoeTato continues to send billions of dollars, WE DON'T HAVE, to other countries involved in wars TRUMP didn't start. What has the potato done there the last 3 years? Trump DID try to cut wasteful spending and you libtards fought him on that. Paying 20% for the Paris Accord is a prime example. You people lost your shit over that one, too. Printing more inflation doesn't help "infrastructure". It takes us to $34T in debt.

You know what Obama said prior to 2016? What Cankles and Slick Willy Clinton said prior to 2016? "We have to have closed borders and illegal aliens must be sent back." What changed? Oh, that's right, JoeTato needs welfare party votes from welfare needing people.
We didn't have an immigration problem on Trump's watch... not compared to the mess Biden created. He did try to reinforce the wall and was fought by libtards on that like everything else. We have immigration laws. There was no problem. The number of border crossing and attempts makes that pretty clear. These aren't immigrants. They're illegal aliens with no education, no job and no ability to speak English. Why would you encourage them to come here and continue draining the welfare system? Oh, that's right, you want to give them voting rights just like a driver's license and free car insurance. Is your car insurance free, CisKer? Do you get free money every month? Clowns.

You want to talk about infrastructure? Healthcare? Things aren't free. Things cost money. Apparently our infrastructure and healthcare aren't that bad if JoeTato continues to send billions of dollars, WE DON'T HAVE, to other countries involved in wars TRUMP didn't start. What has the potato done there the last 3 years? Trump DID try to cut wasteful spending and you libtards fought him on that. Paying 20% for the Paris Accord is a prime example. You people lost your shit over that one, too. Printing more inflation doesn't help "infrastructure". It takes us to $34T in debt.

You know what Obama said prior to 2016? What Cankles and Slick Willy Clinton said prior to 2016? "We have to have closed borders and illegal aliens must be sent back." What changed? Oh, that's right, JoeTato needs welfare party votes from welfare needing people.
Can I net it out for you? In terms of Don vs. Joe, its the difference between an issue and a crisis. Husker is having trouble with that concept, probably because his standard MO is "yeah, but".
Can I net it out for you? In terms of Don vs. Joe, its the difference between an issue and a crisis. Husker is having trouble with that concept, probably because his standard MO is "yeah, but".

I never believed anyone would be stupid enough to sacrifice their own lifestyle because they were THAT butthurt over losing an election.
I never believed anyone would be stupid enough to sacrifice their own lifestyle because they were THAT butthurt over losing an election.
Supply & Demand in Human Trafficking is what most of these losers are after. Yes, they will vote for the Dems but the sickos at the top want the child with no parent so a fake sponsor can abuse them👹
Biden will not be prosecuted for the classified document possession because, in part, of the following:

"We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself, to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
Biden will not be prosecuted for the classified document possession because, in part, of the following:

"We have also considered that, at trial, Mr. Biden would likely present himself, to a jury, as he did during our interview of him, as a sympathetic, well-meaning, elderly man with a poor memory."
"Biden: Special Counsel finds that he “willfully retained & disclosed classified materials” after being VP — but no charges.

Trump: As POTUS, can declassify & have the documents, still gets his home raided & a deranged Special Counsel seeking to jail him for the rest of his life.

We’re at the precipice!!!"

Boy have times changed!!!

Chinese nationals crossing the border:

FY21 - 450
FY22 - 2,176
FY23 - 24,314
FY24 - 19,600+

This trend poses a significant threat to national security and shows the CCP taking advantage of Biden's dangerous Open Borders.
The left has lost Stephen A. Smith:

“We got starving people born and raised in this nation. How the hell did we come up with $53 million pilot program for illegals? Just like the billions for Ukraine"