President Joe Biden

Ironically, JoeTato 'earns' millions making bad choices for American citizens.
Where is Fudd? Dude just takes off when he gets beat in debate. Total loser will not admit that he was wrong all the time. Espoal supports The Biden "Crime" Family and told us all that Hunters Laptop from hell is just misinformation. Then his Husker Du say's all the kids that go missing are just run aways. Dad? He's full of shit! The Three Amigos will go down as the biggest frauds ever in Youth Soccer!!!
Comer demands WH prove $200K check to Biden from brother was for a loan
James Biden allegedly received $600,000 in loans from Americore after convincing the firm he could use the family name to "open doors" and secure a large investment from the Middle East, the Kentucky Republican claimed last week.
"April 25, 2019 - Joe Biden announces his presidential campaign.

13 days later, on May 8, 2019, Sam Bankman-Fried, son of Barbara Fried (the co-founder of the political fundraising organization Mind the Gap and get-out-the-vote organizations including the Center for Voter Information) launches the FTX crypto exchange.

The exchange is an overnight success and her son becomes a multi-billionare that enables Sam to become the second biggest donor to the Biden campaign.

Really makes you think." Wyatt
Where is Fudd? Dude just takes off when he gets beat in debate. Total loser will not admit that he was wrong all the time. Espoal supports The Biden "Crime" Family and told us all that Hunters Laptop from hell is just misinformation. Then his Husker Du say's all the kids that go missing are just run aways. Dad? He's full of shit! The Three Amigos will go down as the biggest frauds ever in Youth Soccer!!!
I occasionally have to check in with little c to remind myself what my past positions must have been.
"SBF was the biggest Democrat donor in 2022

SBF was just convicted of fraud when he probably thought he would be “protected”

Now that he’s facing 100+ years in jail, what’s to stop him from leaking names of people in DC he “collaborated” with?

Do it SBF!

They screwed you over." DC Draino

What else needs to be said, libtards?