President Joe Biden


So many losers have left the forum. They can't stand the "heat" in da KITCHEN. Total losers. When the TRUTH is proven, they all run and hide like cockroaches. Yeshua came as a witness to the True and only Light and the killers on the planet killed Yeshua, my Lord. Total losers!!!! Dark to Light is now here. Nowhere to run and nowhere to hide losers. Karma is coming for your asses. I warned you all. They fucking lied to you and me and you run away & hide under a rock? You can't hide losers! Wow, your kids got poisoned and tricked into taking jabs so they can play soccer and go to Big U. What a big fucking lie. Another friend of mine has a child with heart issues and can't play sports, SMFH!!!
Comer: ‘We Found a Lot of Suspicious Checks’ Written to Joe Biden from Brother Jim. Biden Crime Family and Espola has nothing to say except to say that Hunters Laptop from hell is misinformation. Then his fucking sidekick Husker Du say that the kids that go missing, are just run aways. Then Dad tells us all to hurry up and take the jabs and always wear a mask to prevent the spread. This father of 4 forced his children to take the jabs. "Thanks Dad, thanks a fucking lot. Way to have my back pops." My pal's wife just said sorry to her whole family for forcing them to take the jabs because she believed folks like Dad and CNN and dumb talk show host Colbert. My pal did NOT want to take the poison, but his wife said, "no jab, no sex." The kids always do what mommy says so they all were forced because mommy was scared. Dad also didn't want to get fired so he just did what Doc said, so he could still make a buck and still fuck. One dad I know listened to these fuckers and now he's fucking dead. The family is depressed because they were only doing what they were fucking told, in order to keep their jobs and be able to buy & sell goods and services in Socal.
Ready the men & woman for WW3. Get ready for a draft.

Important Pentagon statement. Soldiers are ready......


Please pray for other people's children you guys, who are being prepped for battle on foreign soil, again. Talk about waging your dog, these men are ruthless asshats and killers. No more talk about impeachment. No more Covid? No more Ukraine War except seen more money and no talk about Hunter's laptop from hell. Jimbo Biden is writing big fat checks to his Bro Joe, because Joe is the big guy and the big guy get's 10% off the top.


The head of the Pentagon, Lloyd Austin, has announced that the US will direct additional air defense systems to the Middle East. This is a response to recent attacks on American soldiers in this region and the war between Israel and Hamas. Additional American soldiers are also "ready for deployment".

Look how fast these cheaters and liars have us in WW3. Insane how quick. Last month Covid 19 was making a big come back. Boosters were pushed hard, but even Watty & K & S said no to the boosters. Fact is, 98% said no to these last ditch booster pushers. So, they went all in with going after Trump and starting WW3. China & Russia vs The USA in one war. Then Iran/Hamas vs USA/Israel in another war so folks like Espola can make money on his war stocks. The other War will be North Korea vs USA/South Korea. You all are getting what you want.
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The Biden "Crime" Family, A family you can trust:oops:

Little Saint James? Joe, James & Hunter. What these three monsters were up to will make you all puke someday. It's all on the Laptop from Hell. Espola thinks it's all misinformation and that Trump & Sons are the real evil family. Trump might be an asshole to some of you, but he does not have a private Island out in the Virgin Islands and no submarines to give kids free rides. It's called the Virgin Islands for a reason.

