President Joe Biden

I hear he's very popular among "Independents" that used to be Republicans. He's the poster boy for the expression, "empty suit".
Very popular among the smug and mug rich asshats in our State. Same crew that run youth soccer in Socal. They worship the appearance of the man on the outside and not what's in the heart of a man or woman. These people have empty hearts and only care for themselves.
If I thought the Dems had even a DECENT candidate to replace him, I'd feel badly. If Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and Mike Obama are your best candidates, I'm all for Joe running a 2nd time. Clean house and do a thorough job. The Dems are a disgrace right now.
The Dems I see on the street all turn around or act like they're on the phone when they see me and Crush. Oh, you have no idea the things I have to say from my heart. I will NOT let this go bro. These dummies are blind because they see "good looks" first and not the truth. What a disgrace & mess they caused.
"The Biden Crime Family has created more than 20 shell companies and these companies have received more than $20 million from foreign entities, according to bank records I’ve seen (and that's just what we have seen). It’s become clear that President Biden has abused his public office role for financial gain." Mr. Biggs

It also has become very clear that Hunter did evil things. The Laptop from Hell is as real as hell gets. Weiner's Laptop is from the devil. The crimes on that laptop is pure evil. Expola sure likes to support The Biden Crime Family and wants The Trump Family locked up forever. It's crazy to watch this all play out before our very eyes. The Gr8test Show on Earth is Now Playing.
"The Biden Crime Family has created more than 20 shell companies and these companies have received more than $20 million from foreign entities, according to bank records I’ve seen (and that's just what we have seen). It’s become clear that President Biden has abused his public office role for financial gain." Mr. Biggs

It also has become very clear that Hunter did evil things. The Laptop from Hell is as real as hell gets. Weiner's Laptop is from the devil. The crimes on that laptop is pure evil. Expola sure likes to support The Biden Crime Family and wants The Trump Family locked up forever. It's crazy to watch this all play out before our very eyes. The Gr8test Show on Earth is Now Playing.

"But... but... but... what about Jared Kushner?" - Espola/CisKer
As much as I despise Newsom and his policies, at least he is coherent and we'd know who is running the country, unlike Joe and Kamala. I'm all in on Nikki Haley, she's by far the most qualified.
Wow that's a scary thought... "at least". When we get to that point we are really screwed. Just look at the mess California is in and apply that to the country. Newsome is certainly not capable to lead America and his slick hair and Auntie can only do so much for him, much less the country.
Obama picked this guy as a true winner!


President Biden say's his son Hunter is the smartest man he knows. Barak and Joe are running the show with the devil as the puppet master of Joe and Barak. Joe is done for so it looks like they will bring in Big Mike to finish what Joe and Hillary could not. They can't cheat this next time in 2024. Last election they were allowed to cheat so the good guys could catch the bad guys, who cheat and steal to win.

"My plan is working... no joke... Bribenomics!" - JoeTato

Ribeye steak is $19.42lb at Ralph's
Loaf of sour dough bread $4.89
Gallon of milk $4.29

It's working alright....
Obama brought it down and trump raised it back up . . . then the pandemic killed demand.

Biden killed demand. Just like he's killing the souls of taxpaying Americans. Now, if you're a college deadbeat, illegal alien or Ukrainian, Joe's taking very good care of you.

Trump was at least $2 per gallon less.