President Joe Biden

So dipshit isn't at fault for high gas prices, even though he is, but he's going to lower them now? I'll bet he just needs a 2nd term, right? LMFAO!

Economists say Trump’s economic legacy will be defined by his failure in leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic that exacerbated the financial downturn, domestic policies that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy, and international trade policies that hurt U.S. industry while simultaneously alienating allies.

So "his failure in leadership" where he had fewer deaths in 2020 than Biden did, in 2021, despite millions more vaccinated on JoeTato's watch?

Fewer deaths... that's Trump's failed legacy? LMFAO! You really crack me up, CisKer.
You can't make these stories up anymore better. Dinner anyone?


Ukrainian President Zelenskyy asks [spirit cooker] Marina Abramovic to be ambassador for Ukraine, she will reportedly "lend her voice to help rebuild schools in the country."
"Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Senate Democrat’s homes like they illegally raided Mar-a-Lago, where nothing was done wrong based on the Presidential Records Act. Menendez is a “piker” compared to some of those Election Stealing THUGS. Can you imagine how much Crooked Joe Biden has stolen, and what’s in some of his many homes? The FBI and “Justice” notified him that they would be going in to look,“in a few weeks.” In other words, get rid of the cash, gold, & documents, ASAP, before we get there. They didn’t give me any warning, they just showed up. Hunter lived with Crooked Joe in Delaware. It would be a “Treasure Hunt!” Crooked’s coffers must be loaded up with cash. I wonder how much they got paid for Rigging the Election? Menendez is one of many, a small timer at that. EVERY DEMOCRAT SHOULD RESIGN FROM THE SENATE! Our Border’s are Broken, our Election’s are Rigged. MAGA!" DJT
What was that dogshit cartoon they just played at halftime? Megan Cioppino... all American hero? What has that loser ever done that's heroic?
"Senate Democrats should all resign based on Senator Bob Menendez! They all knew what was going on, and the way he lived. Why doesn’t the FBI raid Senate Democrat’s homes like they illegally raided Mar-a-Lago, where nothing was done wrong based on the Presidential Records Act. Menendez is a “piker” compared to some of those Election Stealing THUGS. Can you imagine how much Crooked Joe Biden has stolen, and what’s in some of his many homes? The FBI and “Justice” notified him that they would be going in to look,“in a few weeks.” In other words, get rid of the cash, gold, & documents, ASAP, before we get there. They didn’t give me any warning, they just showed up. Hunter lived with Crooked Joe in Delaware. It would be a “Treasure Hunt!” Crooked’s coffers must be loaded up with cash. I wonder how much they got paid for Rigging the Election? Menendez is one of many, a small timer at that. EVERY DEMOCRAT SHOULD RESIGN FROM THE SENATE! Our Border’s are Broken, our Election’s are Rigged. MAGA!" DJT

They still refuse to investigate all the weekend trips Biden takes on someone else's dime. They're worried about Clarence Thomas, though.
"Crooked Joe Biden, who is killing the United Autoworkers with his WEAK stance on China and his ridiculous insistence on All Electric Cars, every one of which will be made in China, saw that I was going to Michigan this week (Wednesday!), so the Fascists in the White House just announced he would go there tomorrow. That was the only way to get him out of the basement and off his lazy a..! He has been a complete disaster for all Autoworkers in the U.S., so much do that with his warped plan & mind, their won’t be any Autoworkers left in 3 years. He is destroying our Country, and likewise, destroying the United Autoworkers. When he slowly walks to pretend he is a “picket,” REMEMBER, HE WANTS TO TAKE YOUR JOBS AWAY AND GIVE THEM TO CHINA AND OTHER FOREIGN COUNTRIES. TURN YOUR BACK ON THIS CORRUPT AND HIGHLY INCOMPETENT PRESIDENT, BY FAR THE WORST IN THE HISTORY OF THE UNITED STATES, AND SHOUT OUT TO YOUR UNION LEADERSHIP TO ENDORSE DONALD J. TRUMP. I WILL KEEP YOUR JOBS AND MAKE YOU RICH!!!" DJT

Basically, we have two choices. Vote for Joe or Big Mike if Joe is too old and lose all your wealth and be controlled by Chyna or vote for Trump and get rich and help MAGA. I'm voting for MAGA and Trump 2024!
Breaking China Joe News: Looks like China wired Joe $250,000 directly to his house address in Delaware.
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It's all gone': New Hunter Biden texts show him complaining to his uncle about not being able to 'pay alimony or for food or gas without dad'

Now you all know how these lists are made when kids are young in youth soccer.
What was Joe selling to make all that dough? Access. Sound familiar? Gee, I wonder what youth sport charges for access?
WTF is Carlos Slim? Hunter cut a deal for $10,000,000 just to have introductions to his old man. That's fucking insane. I saw that Big Mike got $700,000 for a one-hour speech last weekend.