President Joe Biden

Most of the time I'm running low grade. I'll put in premium if I'm going for a longer drive.

Had I known JoeTato's "BRIBENOMICS" was going to have us up to $ 6.30 a gallon when he said we wouldn't drill on federal land, I would have spent the money on that Tesla and taken my chances with the virtue signaling libtards and their brownouts.

My hooptie requires 91.
"Hey... my plan is working... no joke... Jackie? Jackie?!

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Unfortunately, his cognitive decline is now in the range of dementia. Shame on his handlers, in particular Jill, for propping him up despite his very compromised mental state. Look at just his decline from the presidential debates to now, its a marked difference. I can't fathom that he will be the Democrat nominee.
Unfortunately, his cognitive decline is now in the range of dementia. Shame on his handlers, in particular Jill, for propping him up despite his very compromised mental state. Look at just his decline from the presidential debates to now, its a marked difference. I can't fathom that he will be the Democrat nominee.
Best Actor Award will go to the guy(s) that are playing this Joe. Dr. Jill is something else. Hunter is still out & about and roaming from town to town.
Unfortunately, his cognitive decline is now in the range of dementia. Shame on his handlers, in particular Jill, for propping him up despite his very compromised mental state. Look at just his decline from the presidential debates to now, its a marked difference. I can't fathom that he will be the Democrat nominee.

If I thought the Dems had even a DECENT candidate to replace him, I'd feel badly. If Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and Mike Obama are your best candidates, I'm all for Joe running a 2nd time. Clean house and do a thorough job. The Dems are a disgrace right now.
If I thought the Dems had even a DECENT candidate to replace him, I'd feel badly. If Kamala Harris, Gavin Newsom and Mike Obama are your best candidates, I'm all for Joe running a 2nd time. Clean house and do a thorough job. The Dems are a disgrace right now.
As much as I despise Newsom and his policies, at least he is coherent and we'd know who is running the country, unlike Joe and Kamala. I'm all in on Nikki Haley, she's by far the most qualified.
As much as I despise Newsom and his policies, at least he is coherent and we'd know who is running the country, unlike Joe and Kamala. I'm all in on Nikki Haley, she's by far the most qualified.

Except that Gavin is a wealthy douche, with wealthy douche friends, that banged his best friends wife and imposes laws and sanctions on citizens he clearly doesn't put on himself or his own family. The examples are countless. And Gavin talks down to people. His connection to the Pelosi family has made him the most arrogant man in politics. Beyond Trump. Gavin won't care what voters think because he knows better. He's smart and we aren't.

I'm done with his smarmy bullshit and hypocrisy.
Except that Gavin is a wealthy douche, with wealthy douche friends, that banged his best friends wife and imposes laws and sanctions on citizens he clearly doesn't put on himself or his own family. The examples are countless. And Gavin talks down to people. His connection to the Pelosi family has made him the most arrogant man in politics. Beyond Trump. Gavin won't care what voters think because he knows better. He's smart and we aren't.

I'm done with his smarmy bullshit and hypocrisy.
And yet it still makes him "better" than Joe and Kamala on the Dem side. Yes, the odds are better of beating Joe or Kam, but do you really want to roll those dice?
And yet it still makes him "better" than Joe and Kamala on the Dem side. Yes, the odds are better of beating Joe or Kam, but do you really want to roll those dice?

Well, let's be honest, the DNC propped JoeTato up because they didn't think a gay mayor or a socialist could win. Biden had already lost before and was in 3rd place at the time. Just add an almost black woman that believes his sexual assault accuser, and says it during a debate, and you've got a recipe for the 2-1/2 year shitshow we have today. And dems know it... notice how they won't come here and defend the 'Tater?

I don't think the DNC has a candidate that can win. Not on a fair playing field. They just need to nod, wave and try again in 2028.
Well, let's be honest, the DNC propped JoeTato up because they didn't think a gay mayor or a socialist could win. Biden had already lost before and was in 3rd place at the time. Just add an almost black woman that believes his sexual assault accuser, and says it during a debate, and you've got a recipe for the 2-1/2 year shitshow we have today. And dems know it... notice how they won't come here and defend the 'Tater?

I don't think the DNC has a candidate that can win. Not on a fair playing field. They just need to nod, wave and try again in 2028.
I wouldn't underestimate Newsom, he's shiny and politically savvy, despite being a total POS.
I hear he's very popular among "Independents" that used to be Republicans. He's the poster boy for the expression, "empty suit".
Don't forget handsome and a raspy voice. "Sexy" is very important to liberals when it comes to running our country.
He is the California Andrew Cuomo. Entitled and slimy nepo babies, that haven't accomplished anything other than being well connected. Women friends of mine on social media were swooning over Cuomo during Covid. It even had a name, Cuomosexual. So yeah, the left has been known on occasion to favor looks over competence.
He is the California Andrew Cuomo. Entitled and slimy nepo babies, that haven't accomplished anything other than being well connected. Women friends of mine on social media were swooning over Cuomo during Covid. It even had a name, Cuomosexual. So yeah, the left has been known on occasion to favor looks over competence.

Very much so... they certainly preferred Biden over competence.
He is the California Andrew Cuomo. Entitled and slimy nepo babies, that haven't accomplished anything other than being well connected. Women friends of mine on social media were swooning over Cuomo during Covid. It even had a name, Cuomosexual. So yeah, the left has been known on occasion to favor looks over competence.
Looks and Access come first for the Liberal mind. We live among psychopaths, liars and selfish assholes who only care about themselves.