President Joe Biden

Almost? $6.39 in Montclair CA

I paid $6.04 for diesel at yesterday at Sam's Club in Glendora.

The Mobil station at Eastern Ave / 10 FWY in East LA has all flavors over $6.50 and up. What's even crazier is the Chevron on the opposite corner is usually 20-30 cents cheaper. Why anyone would even bother going to the Mobil is beyond me.
I paid $6.04 for diesel at yesterday at Sam's Club in Glendora.

The Mobil station at Eastern Ave / 10 FWY in East LA has all flavors over $6.50 and up. What's even crazier is the Chevron on the opposite corner is usually 20-30 cents cheaper. Why anyone would even bother going to the Mobil is beyond me.
It's taking a toll on the hard worker in America who lives check to check. It used to cost me $70 to fill my tank. Now it cost over $200. Rent used to be $2400 for a very nice 2 bdr in Aliso Viejo. Today, the same unit is going for $3950. Grocery shopping used to be $150 now it's about $275. Last but not least, my fav Thai place finally closed down. The lunch special that was once $11.95 with a side Thai salad, is now $19.95 and no salad. Owner said to truly make a living, she needs to charge $24.95 for lunch special. These cheaters and liars deliberately caused this to destroy small business, which in turn will destroy our country.
Covid came at a fortunate time for trump. It masked and gave him an excuse for the impending financial meltdown he was responsible for. Dems to the rescue yet again!
And Biden is sharp as a tack, Kamala is a great orator and Biden's cabinet was chosen based on their brilliant acumen and not on their identity. Welcome to Husker World, a township in the Twilight Zone.
And Biden is sharp as a tack, Kamala is a great orator and Biden's cabinet was chosen based on their brilliant acumen and not on their identity. Welcome to Husker World, a township in the Twilight Zone.
I’ll give credit where credit is due. Donald was absolutely right when he told Wolf Blitzer in 2004: “I’ve been around for a long time and it just seems that the economy does better under the Democrats than the Republicans.”
Historically the donald is 100% correct. Check the numbers. Dems always clean up the mess.
Or, Dems start the mess......

Regardless Husker Du, were all in this together and we need to clean up the shit that the Dems and Rhinos left us. It's WE THE PEOPLE or bust bruh.

"We will drive out the globalists, we will cast communists, Marxists, and fascists, and we will Make America Greater than it's ever been." - President Trump

Covid came at a fortunate time for trump. It masked and gave him an excuse for the impending financial meltdown he was responsible for. Dems to the rescue yet again!

LMAO! My God... you libtards will literally say anything, won't you? Yeah... it's easy to just print more money and keep Americans paying ridiculously stupid prices for everything, isn't it? Libtards don't EVER solve problems... they just throw money at them. How's that working out for you?
Economists say Trump’s economic legacy will be defined by his failure in leadership during the COVID-19 pandemic that exacerbated the financial downturn, domestic policies that overwhelmingly benefited the wealthy, and international trade policies that hurt U.S. industry while simultaneously alienating allies.