President Joe Biden

You know why you never see a pic of t with his shirt off? . . . or on a bike . . . or video of his golf swing . . . or moving fast . . . or doing anything that requires athleticism or critical thinking?
Out of curiosity, why is the left so obsessed with Trump's weight and why is such an important talking point? I hear it constantly regurgitated by you, Espola, CNN, MSNBC, etc. It was the big story of his Georgia booking. Is it an attempt to distract from Biden's obvious cognitive decline? Like some how those offset each other?
You know why you never see a pic of t with his shirt off? . . . or on a bike . . . or video of his golf swing . . . or moving fast . . . or doing anything that requires athleticism or critical thinking?

Hey, CisKer, just a fun reminder... when you and Fudd/Magoo think enough time has passed for you to come back after running from all the factual posts we've slammed you with, can you tell us if "my body/my choice" is still in play when a FASCIST DICTATOR mandates vaccinations or lose your job? CNBC wants to know and they're a libtard network.

Wow... libtards unhinged. Has Olbermann found a job yet? Maybe he and racial justice loser Kaepsaprick can grift together. Now this worthless piece of shit says, of Riley Gaines, "you sucked at swimming. That's why you lost." Uh, no Keith, she lost to a man. Liberals can be such butthurt assholes. Any of you libtards have the balls to defend this cowardly bullshit from an unemployed teleprompter reader?

Out of curiosity, why is the left so obsessed with Trump's weight and why is such an important talking point? I hear it constantly regurgitated by you, Espola, CNN, MSNBC, etc. It was the big story of his Georgia booking. Is it an attempt to distract from Biden's obvious cognitive decline? Like some how those offset each other?

LMAO! What cognitive decline? When he randomly roams around the room or promised to build a railroad across the ocean?

Wow... libtards unhinged. Has Olbermann found a job yet? Maybe he and racial justice loser Kaepsaprick can grift together. Now this worthless piece of shit says, of Riley Gaines, "you sucked at swimming. That's why you lost." Uh, no Keith, she lost to a man. Liberals can be such butthurt assholes. Any of you libtards have the balls to defend this cowardly bullshit from an unemployed teleprompter reader?

I think Keith and Surf Futbol are the same dude. EOTL said if a man claiming to be a woman can beat at your daughter at sport or a job, then your daughter must suck.
I think Keith and Surf Futbol are the same dude. EOTL said if a man claiming to be a woman can beat at your daughter at sport or a job, then your daughter must suck.

I think you're onto something. I also think libtards are mad that society is reclaiming its sanity. Now they'll both have to find other "passions".
I think you're onto something. I also think libtards are mad that society is reclaiming its sanity. Now they'll both have to find other "passions".
They ran things around here with deception, trickery, cheating and lying. Expola and Husker Du call it is dancing around the question and dodging the truth. I swear when Truth takes over this place, it will be freaking amazing.
Out of curiosity, why is the left so obsessed with Trump's weight and why is such an important talking point? I hear it constantly regurgitated by you, Espola, CNN, MSNBC, etc. It was the big story of his Georgia booking. Is it an attempt to distract from Biden's obvious cognitive decline? Like some how those offset each other?
Am I posting pics of the orange whale?

Kamala Harris says of creepy Joe:
"I see him every day," Harris said of Biden. "A substantial amount of time we spend together is in the Oval Office, where I see how his ability to understand issues and weave through complex issues in a way that no one else can to make smart and important decisions on behalf of the American people have played out."
"And so I will say to you that I think the American people ultimately want to know that their president delivers. And Joe Biden delivers."
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Kamala Harris says of creepy Joe:
"I see him every day," Harris said of Biden. "A substantial amount of time we spend together is in the Oval Office, where I see how his ability to understand issues and weave through complex issues in a way that no one else can to make smart and important decisions on behalf of the American people have played out."
"And so I will say to you that I think the American people ultimately want to know that their president delivers. And Joe Biden delivers."

Heels Up Whore would have to understand complex herself to observe someone else doing it. She's as worthless as Joe is. Hence the reason the libtard party has kept her under Joe's Oval Office desk the last 6 months.
Heels Up Whore would have to understand complex herself to observe someone else doing it. She's as worthless as Joe is. Hence the reason the libtard party has kept her under Joe's Oval Office desk the last 6 months.
"I see him everyday?" WTF? Joe is on vacation more than any President and he's called "Sleepy Joe" for a reason. How on earth does she see him every day in the Oval? My old pal worked secret service and when Clinton was in office, they called it The _ _ _ _ Office for a reason.
