President Joe Biden

Build Back Better Under Pops, Expola and Husker Du. Great job fellas for destroying our country. Thanks for being total assholes!

- Most suicides in a year (2022)
- Most drug overdose deaths in a year (2021)
- Highest inflation in 40 years (2022)
- Most illegal immigrants in a year (2022)
- Highest Avg Gas price ever, over $6 (2022)
- Most Consumer Credit Debt, over $1 Trillion (2023)
- Most kids diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria (2021)

- Myocarditis increase by 6000%
- Most Cardiac Arrest ever for those under 25
- Most Cancer Ever
Build Back Better Under Pops, Expola and Husker Du. Great job fellas for destroying our country. Thanks for being total assholes!

- Most suicides in a year (2022)
- Most drug overdose deaths in a year (2021)
- Highest inflation in 40 years (2022)
- Most illegal immigrants in a year (2022)
- Highest Avg Gas price ever, over $6 (2022)
- Most Consumer Credit Debt, over $1 Trillion (2023)
- Most kids diagnosed with Gender Dysphoria (2021)

- Myocarditis increase by 6000%
- Most Cardiac Arrest ever for those under 25
- Most Cancer Ever
Well this is 2023 and we are about over the trump hangover. The economy is finally getting back to where it was pre-trump, employment is booming, manufacturing is coming back strong, we are rejoining the alliances abandoned or ignored during the trump years, the state department that was devastated under trump is being revitalized, drug prices have come way down, national interests are once again being prioritized and national security is once again an actual priority. Things are rebounding from trump’s self-inflicted “American carnage”. I mean really who prints money, QE, during what was claimed to be the “GREATEST ECONOMY EVER!!!!” Lol! National embarrassments, both trump and his followers.
Well this is 2023 and we are about over the trump hangover. The economy is finally getting back to where it was pre-trump, employment is booming, manufacturing is coming back strong, we are rejoining the alliances abandoned or ignored during the trump years, the state department that was devastated under trump is being revitalized, drug prices have come way down, national interests are once again being prioritized and national security is once again an actual priority. Things are rebounding from trump’s self-inflicted “American carnage”. I mean really who prints money, QE, during what was claimed to be the “GREATEST ECONOMY EVER!!!!” Lol! National embarrassments, both trump and his followers.
What planet you living on Husker Du? Watch this video. Blacks For Trump are saying something else. You fools use people for your gain. Loser!

Well this is 2023 and we are about over the trump hangover. The economy is finally getting back to where it was pre-trump, employment is booming, manufacturing is coming back strong, we are rejoining the alliances abandoned or ignored during the trump years, the state department that was devastated under trump is being revitalized, drug prices have come way down, national interests are once again being prioritized and national security is once again an actual priority. Things are rebounding from trump’s self-inflicted “American carnage”. I mean really who prints money, QE, during what was claimed to be the “GREATEST ECONOMY EVER!!!!” Lol! National embarrassments, both trump and his followers.
Above is the ramblings of a delusional, lying, reality denying moron....

Prior to the pandemic, the U.S. national debt was on an unsustainable path. In 2020, policymakers appropriately enacted $3.4 trillion of additional borrowing to help fight the pandemic and stabilize the economy. Once the economy was strong enough, Congress and the White House should have stopped engaging in new borrowing and pivoted to focusing on implementing reforms to slow the growth of the national debt.

Instead, policymakers have added to the deficit, and borrowing has continued and at a very high level. We estimate the Biden Administration has enacted policies through legislation and executive actions that will add more than $4.8 trillion to deficits between 2021 and 2031, or nearly $2.5 trillion when excluding the effects of the American Rescue Plan. This is on top of the trillions of dollars we were projected to borrow before President Biden took office.

Excessive borrowing will lead to continued inflationary pressures, drive the national debt to a new record as soon as 2030, and triple federal interest payments over the next decade – or even sooner if interest rates go up faster or by more than expected.

The $4.8 trillion of borrowing approved by the Biden Administration is less than the roughly $7.5 trillion President Trump added to the deficit over his term ($4 trillion excluding COVID relief), but much more than the $2.5 trillion President Trump had enacted at this point in his term.

This $4.8 trillion is the net result of roughly $4.6 trillion of new spending, roughly $500 billion of tax cuts and breaks, and $700 billion in additional interest costs, partially offset by $400 billion of spending cuts and $600 billion of revenue-increasing policies. Of the non-interest deficit increases, about $3 trillion is from legislation – including a net $1.6 trillion passed on a partisan basis and $1.4 trillion passed on a bipartisan basis. Another $1.1 trillion comes from executive actions.

continue :

Above is the ramblings of a delusional, lying, reality denying moron....

Prior to the pandemic, the U.S. national debt was on an unsustainable path. In 2020, policymakers appropriately enacted $3.4 trillion of additional borrowing to help fight the pandemic and stabilize the economy. Once the economy was strong enough, Congress and the White House should have stopped engaging in new borrowing and pivoted to focusing on implementing reforms to slow the growth of the national debt.

Instead, policymakers have added to the deficit, and borrowing has continued and at a very high level. We estimate the Biden Administration has enacted policies through legislation and executive actions that will add more than $4.8 trillion to deficits between 2021 and 2031, or nearly $2.5 trillion when excluding the effects of the American Rescue Plan. This is on top of the trillions of dollars we were projected to borrow before President Biden took office.

Excessive borrowing will lead to continued inflationary pressures, drive the national debt to a new record as soon as 2030, and triple federal interest payments over the next decade – or even sooner if interest rates go up faster or by more than expected.

The $4.8 trillion of borrowing approved by the Biden Administration is less than the roughly $7.5 trillion President Trump added to the deficit over his term ($4 trillion excluding COVID relief), but much more than the $2.5 trillion President Trump had enacted at this point in his term.

This $4.8 trillion is the net result of roughly $4.6 trillion of new spending, roughly $500 billion of tax cuts and breaks, and $700 billion in additional interest costs, partially offset by $400 billion of spending cuts and $600 billion of revenue-increasing policies. Of the non-interest deficit increases, about $3 trillion is from legislation – including a net $1.6 trillion passed on a partisan basis and $1.4 trillion passed on a bipartisan basis. Another $1.1 trillion comes from executive actions.

continue :

And? The beat goes on. You did read that right?
Republicans: "This man strangled a baby to death and wants tax dollars for his tranny surgery? Citizens already pay his expenses. Hell no."
ACLU: "You're big meanies. Write the check."
Democrats: "Will it vote for Biden?"

Republicans: "This man strangled a baby to death and wants tax dollars for his tranny surgery? Citizens already pay his expenses. Hell no."
ACLU: "You're big meanies. Write the check."
Democrats: "Will it vote for Biden?"

I'm just surprised that this oxygen-thief is still alive. Felons of his type..rapists, molesters, etc aren't treated well by fellow inmates.
You know why you never see a pic of t with his shirt off? . . . or on a bike . . . or video of his golf swing . . . or moving fast . . . or doing anything that requires athleticism or critical thinking?
You know why we have to see a pic of a shirtless Geraldo? Come on Husker Du, no one needs to see a 77-year-old man shirtless bro and no need for old man to ride a bike to prove his worth. I do know Trump can walk up a flight of stairs to Trump Force One. Do you really want to see Trump half naked and swinging a bat?

"Hi Husk, it's me, Geraldo at 80 years' old. You like?
I'm just surprised that this oxygen-thief is still alive. Felons of his type..rapists, molesters, etc aren't treated well by fellow inmates.

Well, when libtards finance the cock chop, he'll promised to vote libtard until he earns his next felon.
You know why you never see a pic of t with his shirt off? . . . or on a bike . . . or video of his golf swing . . . or moving fast . . . or doing anything that requires athleticism or critical thinking?

Um.. he was busy being 100 times better than JoeTato Briben at running the country?

Do you want me to send you a picture of me with my shirt off, CisKer? I don't swing that way but will take one for the team.