President Joe Biden

I just listed 4 sources backing up my statements. You, like you always do, run from your idiotic implications. The one at ZERO is you. You have ZERO credibility and ZERO people backing you up. Not even CisKer Du ran to help you this time.

If I was wrong, you'd prove it. But you know I'm right, so you "chuckle"... "Coo coo"... "derp" or "zero" or whatever nonsensical babble you throw out there.

Checkmate, Fudd.
Perhaps you should look at the question you are avoiding.

It's not a real challenge to find Republicans who voted illegally for President in 2020. You are still at zero naming illegal aliens who did so.
How many Republicans voted illegally? Did more Republicans cast illegal ballots or illegal aliens in 2020?
Perhaps you should look at the question you are avoiding.

It's not a real challenge to find Republicans who voted illegally for President in 2020. You are still at zero naming illegal aliens who did so.

Really? Well please do, then. If you can pull yourself away from the daily WC update, throw some names out there.

How would anybody know the names of illegal aliens voting, clown? They don't exist, do they? They don't have to be registered or show ID. Your party made sure of that. They don't need it to drive a car, get unemployment or free groceries, either.

Perhaps you should avoid deflecting for once and give a response as to how you support a party that does so much for lawbreakers.
Really? Well please do, then. If you can pull yourself away from the daily WC update, throw some names out there.

How would anybody know the names of illegal aliens voting, clown? They don't exist, do they? They don't have to be registered or show ID. Your party made sure of that. They don't need it to drive a car, get unemployment or free groceries, either.

Perhaps you should avoid deflecting for once and give a response as to how you support a party that does so much for lawbreakers.
Did you really post "support a party that does so much for lawbreakers" with a straight face?
Joe is having a great week, he's cured cancer, added two more Wonders of the World and picked up another grandchild.
Don't forget about the 386' blast he hit in the Congressional Baseball game:

"And I — I just want you to know that there — we have a congressional baseball game every year. In the very beginning, I used to be a centerfielder and my Walter Mitty dream — anyways, it’s a long story, but — (laughter) — And my kids only remember two things that ever happened to me in my career — my boys. And they’ve met kings and queens, they’ve gone to other countries. But I played, when the first — the second congressional baseball game at the old stadium — the old Washington stadium. And I hit one off the right-centerfield wall. It bounced off the wall. I think it’s 368 or — I don’t know what is exactly now — but off the wall. And I’m rounding — anyway, to make a long story short, my kids remember that, all the rest. And guess what? The only thing I remember, too. (Laughter.) Here I thought: What could have been. What could have been."

Problem is it didn’t happen...
It’s complicated . . . when you want so desperately to continue to believe the lies of a obvious and blatant liar . . . yet also seek to claim the exclusive on, well, just about everything of virtue.

Are you talking about Joe Biden? I'd imagine those are tough for you as well. Do you identify as an "independent", too?