President Joe Biden

A trumpist according to Urban folklore: A person who has a delicate ego, spreads lies, hates facts, hypocritical, narcissistic, unethical, a White Nationalist and generally gross.
That sounds like you Espola. Man, you do serious projections on here. I have a humble ego that I let go of, I spread truth, I love facts, I am straight shooter, I have healthy self esteem, I am ethical and I am not a White Nationalist or a white supremist and I am pure hearted. Those are the facts. You just lied to the group again about Crush.

I had another father on here say I embellish my facts. I am open to any correction of a false statement I thought to be true. Trump has Truth Social for a reason. I came on here because soccer Docs lie all day to little kids with dreams. That is why I came here in the first place.
Don't play stupid (although I realize that is your strong suit). Show the evidence in posts I have made to this forum to prove your latest accusations against me. Put up or shut up.
Lawyer in you is coming out big time tonight. What accusations are you referring to? I do want to say I am happy tonight that you finally gave me my respect by chatting with me. After all these years of ignoring me, making fun of my righting, calling me dumb dumb, I feel like I earned my stripes. You hurt my ego by telling everyone not to talk with me. Do you know what it's like to have one of your kids blocked from a soccer league and then blocked from going to college all because? It's lonely. Not one father stood up and said, "if crush's dd can't play, we will boycott this unfairness." I believe she is the only top 2022 Socal soccer player that was was blacklisted by Docs in Socal and then blocked by "them," WHO forced the jabs to play college ball or else. That is truth. No lie there Espola.
Lawyer in you is coming out big time tonight. What accusations are you referring to? I do want to say I am happy tonight that you finally gave me my respect by chatting with me. After all these years of ignoring me, making fun of my righting, calling me dumb dumb, I feel like I earned my stripes. You hurt my ego by telling everyone not to talk with me. Do you know what it's like to have one of your kids blocked from a soccer league and then blocked from going to college all because? It's lonely. Not one father stood up and said, "if crush's dd can't play, we will boycott this unfairness." I believe she is the only top 2022 Socal soccer player that was was blacklisted by Docs in Socal and then blocked by "them," WHO forced the jabs to play college ball or else. That is truth. No lie there Espola.
Pointing out that you are a serial liar is "respect"?

Show us by quoting one of my posts where I told everyone not to talk to you.
Pointing out that you are a serial liar is "respect"?

Show us by quoting one of my posts where I told everyone not to talk to you.
That was way back when I was Ellejustus. Your sounding like a very defensive Surf Futbol now when he said, "Show me where I threaten you and your dd" You see, EOTL & Golden Gate threaten my dd and I, and made fun of my dd all the time. Making fun of what she went through emotionally and mentally as 12 and 13 year old was not nice and flat out mean. Kicking and Screaming and others even called him out for it. You have become a very sick person.
That was way back when I was Ellejustus. Your sounding like a very defensive Surf Futbol now when he said, "Show me where I threaten you and your dd" You see, EOTL & Golden Gate threaten my dd and I, and made fun of my dd all the time. Making fun of what she went through emotionally and mentally as 12 and 13 year old was not nice and flat out mean. Kicking and Screaming and others even called him out for it. You have become a very sick person.
That's not a quote from one of my posts.

Why don't you just admit the fact that everyone can see for themselves that you are engaged in a long-term campaign of lies about me and some of those others you have named because you can't handle the truth?
As the forum can see tonight, you calling me a serial liar is classic. Brown nose daddy will get his doo doo for his cheating and paying to play so his dd can get the action and college deal while my dd gets blocked. You are a nasty man. Karma be coming for you. I have a few minutes left before I go to bed and think of more lies to spread about you. What a day. Espola is now talking to Crush. Soon and very soon the cheats will be dealt with once and for all. Cheaters and liars will NEVER prosper in the country again.

That's not a quote from one of my posts.

Why don't you just admit the fact that everyone can see for themselves that you are engaged in a long-term campaign of lies about me and some of those others you have named because you can't handle the truth?
I will let the jury of my peers judge us. I'm going to bed. Go ahead avatars, who tells the truth, Espola or Crush?
As the forum can see tonight, you calling me a serial liar is classic. Brown nose daddy will get his doo doo for his cheating and paying to play so his dd can get the action and college deal while my dd gets blocked. You are a nasty man. Karma be coming for you. I have a few minutes left before I go to bed and think of more lies to spread about you. What a day. Espola is now talking to Crush. Soon and very soon the cheats will be dealt with once and for all. Cheaters and liars will NEVER prosper in the country again.

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Nothing I am talking about today has anything to do with your daughter. You might want to step back and realize that frequently issuing obvious lies about people destroys your credibility when you post your tales about things that matter to you.

An old espola rule -- when you tell a lie about someone, he is the first to have proof that you are a liar.
Nothing I am talking about today has anything to do with your daughter. You might want to step back and realize that frequently issuing obvious lies about people destroys your credibility when you post your tales about things that matter to you.

An old espola rule -- when you tell a lie about someone, he is the first to have proof that you are a liar.
OK, whatever you say honest Abe Espola. I'm the liar Liar Crush. I am a liar everyone. I have lied for 5 years. I lie. I just can't help it. When I talk, I lie, just like the devil. You caught me in my web of lies. Please forgive me everyone. I cannot help it. I lie and embellish everything. Please forgive me Mr. Honesty. I was so wrong about you. Trump is the biggest fraud ever. All his supporters are racist liars and need to go to jail now. Dr. Fauci is honest. Big Pharma only cares about our health. Hollywood stars are amazing and always tell the truth. No one has died from the jabs, only the unvaccinated are dying. Those stupid liars deserve to die. All the Docs in soccer were honest. It was all my fault for lying. I lied about the Docs screwing moms for their dd play time. I lied about it all just to lie. There is no pay for play in soccer. Only honest people run soccer. Crush is the liar.
Wow, that was good to confess. Espola is the most righteous of us all and is ehtical and truthful. Please forgive me God Father, for I have sinned and lied so much.