President Joe Biden

Hunter won a cool $20,000,000 from Bidenomics according to newly released bank records.


Also, one of the rich oligarchs wired the exact amount for a new sports car so Hunter can race to Vegas going 172 MPH+HOC (High On Crack). This is how PAY-FOR-PLAY works folks.
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Hunter won a cool $20,000,000 from Bidenomics according to newly released bank records.

View attachment 17778

Also, one of the rich oligarchs wired the exact amount for a new sports car so Hunter can race to Vegas going 172 MPH+HOC (High On Crack). This is how PAY-FOR-PLAY works folks.
Chicken scratch . . . the “JV team” is far behind the big boys of grift!

JoeTato could help save the middle class by not dumping more debt on them. He might start with:

- sending less to Ukraine, which he can't because those bribes to his family don't pay for themselves, for a war we're not in.
- quit using our tax dollars to support all the illegal aliens needed for votes. Yes, democrats are giving many "rights" to illegals.
- "eliminating" college deadbeat debt (he continues to avoid discussing because) he knows the American taxpayer picks up the check.
Chicken scratch . . . the “JV team” is far behind the big boys of grift!
Kush is not bloodline to T Husker Du. Hunter comes straight from his daddy Joe's bloodline. Let's try and focus on Hunter and his Laptop from Hell. It's way more than $20,000,000 btw. This is just the beginning of the gr8t reveal and lot's more Kash where that $20M came from. You have blind justice.
JoeTato could help save the middle class by not dumping more debt on them. He might start with:

- sending less to Ukraine, which he can't because those bribes to his family don't pay for themselves, for a war we're not in.
- quit using our tax dollars to support all the illegal aliens needed for votes. Yes, democrats are giving many "rights" to illegals.
- "eliminating" college deadbeat debt (he continues to avoid discussing because) he knows the American taxpayer picks up the check.
How many illegal aliens voted in the 2020 presidential election?
How many illegal aliens voted in the 2020 presidential election?

You've asked that before and I've answered it before. Are you really going to shit yourself again and question what I'm talking about? Are you going to pretend democrats aren't trying to pass legislation to allow illegal aliens to vote? Are you going to suggest illegal aliens aren't being granted a driver's license? Are you going to imply unemployment benefits are coming to illegal aliens? Do you infer that many illegal aliens aren't getting food stamps?

I'll give you an opportunity to save yourself and then I'm going to embarrass you for the 100th time. The answer to your question is "we don't know" because, since the day Trump won the election in 2015, demotards have been breaking their necks to make voting as wide open and unsupervised as humanly possible.
You've asked that before and I've answered it before. Are you really going to shit yourself again and question what I'm talking about? Are you going to pretend democrats aren't trying to pass legislation to allow illegal aliens to vote? Are you going to suggest illegal aliens aren't being granted a driver's license? Are you going to imply unemployment benefits are coming to illegal aliens? Do you infer that many illegal aliens aren't getting food stamps?

I'll give you an opportunity to save yourself and then I'm going to embarrass you for the 100th time. The answer to your question is "we don't know" because, since the day Trump won the election in 2015, demotards have been breaking their necks to make voting as wide open and unsupervised as humanly possible.
Your previous answer was zero. Are you sticking with that?
Your previous answer was zero. Are you sticking with that?

No, that wasn't my previous answer, and since you beg to be humiliated again, allow me to educate you again. In honor of your "buddy", I even sourced a "cis" to help both of you understand. Why do illegal aliens, who demotards love to refer to as "immigrants, migrants and dreamers" because they think their double digit IQ'd voters will forget THEY'RE HERE ILLEGALLY AND BREAKING OUR LAWS BY DOING SO, support all these programs? Because they know illegal aliens need to be on the government tit. And nobody does handouts, in return for votes, better than libtards.

No, that wasn't my previous answer, and since you beg to be humiliated again, allow me to educate you again. In honor of your "buddy", I even sourced a "cis" to help both of you understand. Why do illegal aliens, who demotards love to refer to as "immigrants, migrants and dreamers" because they think their double digit IQ'd voters will forget THEY'RE HERE ILLEGALLY AND BREAKING OUR LAWS BY DOING SO, support all these programs? Because they know illegal aliens need to be on the government tit. And nobody does handouts, in return for votes, better than libtards.

You're still at zero.
How many times are you going to use "hand waving" in your mindless replies? Look up and read... it's like a mirror for you.
It's all he's ever has. Ratboy screams for attention with his handwaving virtue signaling. On the other hand.. Magoo likes to use his hand as a meat beater.

You'll notice that others in here who hold similar beliefs as the BFFs will actually have a conversation, some of them. These two are great examples of partisan blindness and is an example when mindless people follow and choose not actually think for themselves. In Magoos case though I believe there's more to it. He's delusional to the point that he no longer has the cognitive ability to have an independent thought.
You're still at zero.

I just listed 4 sources backing up my statements. You, like you always do, run from your idiotic implications. The one at ZERO is you. You have ZERO credibility and ZERO people backing you up. Not even CisKer Du ran to help you this time.

If I was wrong, you'd prove it. But you know I'm right, so you "chuckle"... "Coo coo"... "derp" or "zero" or whatever nonsensical babble you throw out there.

Checkmate, Fudd.
I just listed 4 sources backing up my statements. You, like you always do, run from your idiotic implications. The one at ZERO is you. You have ZERO credibility and ZERO people backing you up. Not even CisKer Du ran to help you this time.

If I was wrong, you'd prove it. But you know I'm right, so you "chuckle"... "Coo coo"... "derp" or "zero" or whatever nonsensical babble you throw out there.

Checkmate, Fudd.
Perhaps you should look at the question you are avoiding.

It's not a real challenge to find Republicans who voted illegally for President in 2020. You are still at zero naming illegal aliens who did so.