So we finally get to the root of all this charge school debate,$$$$. When they say it’s not about the money, it’s about the money. You don’t like public school education that’s fine. You want a private school, that’s fine. But you want me to pay for the private school, F’U’, do that on your own dime.
The bottom line is people who can’t afford private school, who want to feel exclusive, want a subsidy. I thought you guys were against handouts.
And since when have you, or that private company from Texas running the charter school, ever given a Flying F*^k about inner city education? Yeah, yeah, look, charters help the minorities also. .
And as for charter school schools in East L.A. specificallycan tell you all of their teachers are rookies, getting paid very little. Wow, what a surprise, a for profit company being cost effective and hiring the cheapest labor! And yes their scores are going to be higher because they take the best students.
So regardless of the education they are actually receiving, they are going to have better scores.