No Soccer - Bad / No School - Catastrophic!

Sorry but school unions are saying thats not possible. Their excuse is the following: Not every student has a computer, Not all districts can afford to give a kid a laptop to use, Not every student has great internet connection, Not every teacher has great internet connection, What about teachers with kids? they cant teach over zoom while their kids need to be attended to (or pet), If everyone doesnt have the same access then no one will because they want to be equitable which means 100% online learning without zoom or live instruction. It will be something like khan academy and checking in on emails.
Israel opened their schools, and it's been a disaster: "On Tuesday, in testimony to the Israeli parliament, Dr. Udi Kliner, Sadetzki’s deputy, reported that schools—not restaurants or gyms—turned out to be the country’s worst mega-infectors."

I usually just read since all of this happened but the people going after the charter schools and their teachers are woefully misinformed. In many cases, as stated above, charter schools have to take kids if they have space. It is different for every school but in my case my charter school fits a wide range. We have kids going to UCLA, Stanford, etc and kids that are not. I had a class two years ago that had 11 IEP's and 7 504's as part of the 27 kids in the class. Anyone that is in education knows that kids with these accommodations can fit a wide range of needs but still are an integral part of the needed education. While I appreciate the very thankful parent whose kid I helped get a 4/5 on the AP test, I am much more appreciative of the parent that hugs me at graduation, crying, because they felt I was the reason that their kid graduated high school. That is why we do it for what we get paid. Many of today's kids cannot function in a school of 3000 people where the special ed teacher has 40-50 kids to look after. I have been at it 20 years and nowhere near 90k and I have multiple degrees. I have been in two districts but my daughter was dashing and making almost as I make teaching. Like I said, normally I just read for the entertainment but this one hit a nerve. I can't tell you how many people I have come across that want to be teachers until they get into a classroom. It is so difficult and has gotten much more so with this new entitled generation. And comparing a cashier to a teacher, you lost all credibility there.

On another subject while I am here, it is so disappointing watching people attacking people for their beliefs. Is it not possible to disagree and not cal someone a racist, a hole, etc? I have news for most of you. Both sides are idiots, and both sides are ruining this country. The divisive nature we see on these boards are exactly why these other countries around the world are laughing at us. We are too blinded by our own side to be able to see what could be. If we ever happen to figure that out, we could really get this country on the right track.
Sorry but that just isnt true. Charter schools are required by law to take any kid that applies as long as there is room. If they lie and say there is no room, lie and say they dont have resources when they do, they can be shut down. what you posted are excuses why charter schools outperform public schools that squander their resources because you have superintendents making $400k+. What we need is more charter schools to replace the bad failing schools that are protected by unions. Its no wonder the greedy public school system with their unions can't spare $2,800 of the $12,000 it takes to educate a child. They want to keep every penny even if its to a failing school districts where it barely trickles down to students.

Sorry but it is true. They aren’t lying when they say they have room. Instead, they are reverse engineering enrollment to accommodate the number of desirables in their typically affluent region who will attend and then use that as a preference. Or they’ll establish a requirement or preference that is neutral on its face but weeds out “undesirables”, like the requirement that you must play a musical instrument to be considered. It is easy peasy to exclude those who were never taught that the salad fork goes to the outside of the dinner fork.
Sorry but it is true. They aren’t lying when they say they have room. Instead, they are reverse engineering enrollment to accommodate the number of desirables in their typically affluent region who will attend and then use that as a preference. Or they’ll establish a requirement or preference that is neutral on its face but weeds out “undesirables”, like the requirement that you must play a musical instrument to be considered. It is easy peasy to exclude those who were never taught that the salad fork goes to the outside of the dinner fork.
I lost a roll of tinfoil, has any one seen it?
I usually just read since all of this happened but the people going after the charter schools and their teachers are woefully misinformed. In many cases, as stated above, charter schools have to take kids if they have space. It is different for every school but in my case my charter school fits a wide range. We have kids going to UCLA, Stanford, etc and kids that are not. I had a class two years ago that had 11 IEP's and 7 504's as part of the 27 kids in the class. Anyone that is in education knows that kids with these accommodations can fit a wide range of needs but still are an integral part of the needed education. While I appreciate the very thankful parent whose kid I helped get a 4/5 on the AP test, I am much more appreciative of the parent that hugs me at graduation, crying, because they felt I was the reason that their kid graduated high school. That is why we do it for what we get paid. Many of today's kids cannot function in a school of 3000 people where the special ed teacher has 40-50 kids to look after. I have been at it 20 years and nowhere near 90k and I have multiple degrees. I have been in two districts but my daughter was dashing and making almost as I make teaching. Like I said, normally I just read for the entertainment but this one hit a nerve. I can't tell you how many people I have come across that want to be teachers until they get into a classroom. It is so difficult and has gotten much more so with this new entitled generation. And comparing a cashier to a teacher, you lost all credibility there.

On another subject while I am here, it is so disappointing watching people attacking people for their beliefs. Is it not possible to disagree and not cal someone a racist, a hole, etc? I have news for most of you. Both sides are idiots, and both sides are ruining this country. The divisive nature we see on these boards are exactly why these other countries around the world are laughing at us. We are too blinded by our own side to be able to see what could be. If we ever happen to figure that out, we could really get this country on the right track.
Thanks for what you do and the insight on charter schools. However, with all due respect I see the entitlement problem at public schools with teachers as much as I do with students/parents. Hopefully the teacher entitlement problem is less of an issue at charter schools. It is alive and well at public schools. Students at my kids' schools are held to a much higher standard than teachers, in part because of the protections that the union affords them.
I usually just read since all of this happened but the people going after the charter schools and their teachers are woefully misinformed. In many cases, as stated above, charter schools have to take kids if they have space. It is different for every school but in my case my charter school fits a wide range. We have kids going to UCLA, Stanford, etc and kids that are not. I had a class two years ago that had 11 IEP's and 7 504's as part of the 27 kids in the class. Anyone that is in education knows that kids with these accommodations can fit a wide range of needs but still are an integral part of the needed education. While I appreciate the very thankful parent whose kid I helped get a 4/5 on the AP test, I am much more appreciative of the parent that hugs me at graduation, crying, because they felt I was the reason that their kid graduated high school. That is why we do it for what we get paid. Many of today's kids cannot function in a school of 3000 people where the special ed teacher has 40-50 kids to look after. I have been at it 20 years and nowhere near 90k and I have multiple degrees. I have been in two districts but my daughter was dashing and making almost as I make teaching. Like I said, normally I just read for the entertainment but this one hit a nerve. I can't tell you how many people I have come across that want to be teachers until they get into a classroom. It is so difficult and has gotten much more so with this new entitled generation. And comparing a cashier to a teacher, you lost all credibility there.

On another subject while I am here, it is so disappointing watching people attacking people for their beliefs. Is it not possible to disagree and not cal someone a racist, a hole, etc? I have news for most of you. Both sides are idiots, and both sides are ruining this country. The divisive nature we see on these boards are exactly why these other countries around the world are laughing at us. We are too blinded by our own side to be able to see what could be. If we ever happen to figure that out, we could really get this country on the right track.

Bothsides-ism on steroids. Tiki torch wielding white supremacists are not “fine people.” Calling out racists who, by definition are divisive, is not divisive. That is the argument racists and their enablers make to deflect from who is actually divisive, and also because they only like the 1st Amendment when they say hateful things, not when they ate bearing the consequences. If you want divisiveness to stop, turn over the rock and squish the little cockroaches who think that refusing to sell a cake to somene based on their sexual orientation is inclusive, that protecting monuments erected for the sole purpose of glorifying racism is inclusive, that think blaming a black woman for getting shot in her own bed by police deserved it because she knew someone who knew someone who bought drugs.

You cannot have inclusivity so long as you enable or even tolerate bigotry. Those things are incompatible. I also have one question for you. Why are you complaining about those who oppose bigotry, but said nothing about the guy who literally uses the N word here? You think that’s ok? You think everyone should let that pass?
I lost a roll of tinfoil, has any one seen it?

You used it instead of sand to bury your head. You know where charter schools are heading in CA, and you know why. October’s smack down was just the start. Hate educators all you want.
Bothsides-ism on steroids. Tiki torch wielding white supremacists are not “fine people.” Calling out racists who, by definition are divisive, is not divisive. That is the argument racists and their enablers make to deflect from who is actually divisive, and also because they only like the 1st Amendment when they say hateful things, not when they ate bearing the consequences. If you want divisiveness to stop, turn over the rock and squish the little cockroaches who think that refusing to sell a cake to somene based on their sexual orientation is inclusive, that protecting monuments erected for the sole purpose of glorifying racism is inclusive, that think blaming a black woman for getting shot in her own bed by police deserved it because she knew someone who knew someone who bought drugs.

You cannot have inclusivity so long as you enable or even tolerate bigotry. Those things are incompatible. I also have one question for you. Why are you complaining about those who oppose bigotry, but said nothing about the guy who literally uses the N word here? You think that’s ok? You think everyone should let that pass?
If you can't win the argument, start talking about tiki torches. You're never wrong when you can change the topic to tiki torches.

And cakes and the N word. Dont forget to say 'bigot' or 'racist' a couple of times.
Why? they get $2800 right now, or at least they were supposed to until newsom put a stop to it knowing full well that public schools have no experience doing distance learning. It Costs 12k to educate a kid in california. Even if a parent took 6k a year it would save the government 6k. our taxes pay to educate our children. Parents shouldnt have to pay twice because of a horrible public school system.

So we finally get to the root of all this charge school debate,$$$$. When they say it’s not about the money, it’s about the money. You don’t like public school education that’s fine. You want a private school, that’s fine. But you want me to pay for the private school, F’U’, do that on your own dime.

The bottom line is people who can’t afford private school, who want to feel exclusive, want a subsidy. I thought you guys were against handouts.

And since when have you, or that private company from Texas running the charter school, ever given a Flying F*^k about inner city education? Yeah, yeah, look, charters help the minorities also. .

And as for charter school schools in East L.A. specificallycan tell you all of their teachers are rookies, getting paid very little. Wow, what a surprise, a for profit company being cost effective and hiring the cheapest labor! And yes their scores are going to be higher because they take the best students.

So regardless of the education they are actually receiving, they are going to have better scores.
Bothsides-ism on steroids. Tiki torch wielding white supremacists are not “fine people.” Calling out racists who, by definition are divisive, is not divisive. That is the argument racists and their enablers make to deflect from who is actually divisive, and also because they only like the 1st Amendment when they say hateful things, not when they ate bearing the consequences. If you want divisiveness to stop, turn over the rock and squish the little cockroaches who think that refusing to sell a cake to somene based on their sexual orientation is inclusive, that protecting monuments erected for the sole purpose of glorifying racism is inclusive, that think blaming a black woman for getting shot in her own bed by police deserved it because she knew someone who knew someone who bought drugs.

You cannot have inclusivity so long as you enable or even tolerate bigotry. Those things are incompatible. I also have one question for you. Why are you complaining about those who oppose bigotry, but said nothing about the guy who literally uses the N word here? You think that’s ok? You think everyone should let that pass?
Who said the N word? I missed that and that word sucks. it would be good to rid that word for good btw. No more music with N word. All kids love rap and the N word is used a lot. I think that would help. Shame on anyone who uses that word. The second word that needs to go is bastard.
I usually just read since all of this happened but the people going after the charter schools and their teachers are woefully misinformed. In many cases, as stated above, charter schools have to take kids if they have space. It is different for every school but in my case my charter school fits a wide range. We have kids going to UCLA, Stanford, etc and kids that are not. I had a class two years ago that had 11 IEP's and 7 504's as part of the 27 kids in the class. Anyone that is in education knows that kids with these accommodations can fit a wide range of needs but still are an integral part of the needed education. While I appreciate the very thankful parent whose kid I helped get a 4/5 on the AP test, I am much more appreciative of the parent that hugs me at graduation, crying, because they felt I was the reason that their kid graduated high school. That is why we do it for what we get paid. Many of today's kids cannot function in a school of 3000 people where the special ed teacher has 40-50 kids to look after. I have been at it 20 years and nowhere near 90k and I have multiple degrees. I have been in two districts but my daughter was dashing and making almost as I make teaching. Like I said, normally I just read for the entertainment but this one hit a nerve. I can't tell you how many people I have come across that want to be teachers until they get into a classroom. It is so difficult and has gotten much more so with this new entitled generation. And comparing a cashier to a teacher, you lost all credibility there.

On another subject while I am here, it is so disappointing watching people attacking people for their beliefs. Is it not possible to disagree and not cal someone a racist, a hole, etc? I have news for most of you. Both sides are idiots, and both sides are ruining this country. The divisive nature we see on these boards are exactly why these other countries around the world are laughing at us. We are too blinded by our own side to be able to see what could be. If we ever happen to figure that out, we could really get this country on the right track.

And for those of you talking smack about teachers, here's part of my rant from the school thread.

Bingo! Studies show our kids would mostly be safe. I would send my kids to school 5 days a week, but the issue is not with the kids, it's the safety with the teachers and staff. If I'm a teacher, with no protections in place, I say F' U'. I swear no profession gets crapped on more than teachers.
We expect them to sacrifice their health (covid), spend their own $$ (supplies), work for free (covid online training), and pay them peanuts to top it off (starting salary in the mid 40's, compared to law enforcement, mid 60's). And then we call them selfish if they don't make these sacrifices "for our kids". It's a job remember.

You guys are lucky I'm not head of the teacher's union. First thing I do is take out full page ads in every major newspaper to show America how much our "First Responders for our Kids" get paid. I would put a side by side comparison of pay with other first responders. I think most people would be shocked a how little teachers are paid and how much first responders get paid. Not to mention first responders ALWAYS get their demands met when negotiating. And that LAPD Drop program is just criminal. I can go on and on, but enough my rant.
If you can't win the argument, start talking about tiki torches. You're never wrong when you can change the topic to tiki torches.

And cakes and the N word. Dont forget to say 'bigot' or 'racist' a couple of times.
This isn’t applicable because @EOTL IS winning the argument. But, I do get your point IF @EOTL wasn’t winning.
This isn’t applicable because @EOTL IS winning the argument. But, I do get your point IF @EOTL wasn’t winning.
It is around the 30th time he has squealed racism.

You agree with him. I don't. That's normal and part of why you and I have different opinions on who was winning.

No matter who was winning, how does the tiki torch tirade help? It just annoys people and shifts focus away from the real questions.
It is around the 30th time he has squealed racism.

You agree with him. I don't. That's normal and part of why you and I have different opinions on who was winning.

No matter who was winning, how does the tiki torch tirade help? It just annoys people and shifts focus away from the real questions.
What part do you disagree with? I thought he substantiated each allegation. Which allegation is baseless? Folks need to stop trying to minimize and trivialize what’s going on. I think many are uncomfortable with how normalized racism is and are uncomfortable with how @EOTL eloquently points out these aggressions. White Silence is Violence.
And for those of you talking smack about teachers, here's part of my rant from the school thread.

Bingo! Studies show our kids would mostly be safe. I would send my kids to school 5 days a week, but the issue is not with the kids, it's the safety with the teachers and staff. If I'm a teacher, with no protections in place, I say F' U'. I swear no profession gets crapped on more than teachers.
We expect them to sacrifice their health (covid), spend their own $$ (supplies), work for free (covid online training), and pay them peanuts to top it off (starting salary in the mid 40's, compared to law enforcement, mid 60's). And then we call them selfish if they don't make these sacrifices "for our kids". It's a job remember.

You guys are lucky I'm not head of the teacher's union. First thing I do is take out full page ads in every major newspaper to show America how much our "First Responders for our Kids" get paid. I would put a side by side comparison of pay with other first responders. I think most people would be shocked a how little teachers are paid and how much first responders get paid. Not to mention first responders ALWAYS get their demands met when negotiating. And that LAPD Drop program is just criminal. I can go on and on, but enough my rant.
Crap, now I'm missing a box of tissues.

I'll kidding aside, we need to provide reasonable protections for our teachers. Just like at my work, we've had to improvise to protect our employees, some of which are exposed to dozens of strangers everyday. Let's not look for excuses on how something can't be done, lets look for solutions on how it can be done.
So we finally get to the root of all this charge school debate,$$$$. When they say it’s not about the money, it’s about the money. You don’t like public school education that’s fine. You want a private school, that’s fine. But you want me to pay for the private school, F’U’, do that on your own dime.

The bottom line is people who can’t afford private school, who want to feel exclusive, want a subsidy. I thought you guys were against handouts.

And since when have you, or that private company from Texas running the charter school, ever given a Flying F*^k about inner city education? Yeah, yeah, look, charters help the minorities also. .

And as for charter school schools in East L.A. specificallycan tell you all of their teachers are rookies, getting paid very little. Wow, what a surprise, a for profit company being cost effective and hiring the cheapest labor! And yes their scores are going to be higher because they take the best students.

So regardless of the education they are actually receiving, they are going to have better scores.
Bingo! I'll do it on my own dime, just want my dime back.
How is it a handout if it's ones own money? We just disagree on the way our money is being spent.

Me: I don't mind spending our money on the truly helpless.
You: Don't mind spending our money on the clueless.

And there folks is the rub.
Who said the N word? I missed that and that word sucks. it would be good to rid that word for good btw. No more music with N word. All kids love rap and the N word is used a lot. I think that would help. Shame on anyone who uses that word. The second word that needs to go is bastard.
For dems it's reflexive...kinda like blinking.