No games until 2021

$205 a week seems like it would be cost prohibitive for many so I would suspect that the daycare is sparsely attended and not densely populated like a public school. Not an apple’s to apple’s comparison pal.

Per the California Department of Public Health reopening guidance all youth activities (School and Soccer) are governed by ‘cohort’ groups of no more than 14. So if the ‘cohort’ groups and facilities are the same it sounds like apples to apples to me.

Also of note, not all Public schools on CA are closed to in person instruction. Depends on the local school district leadership and teachers. There were some public school districts that applied for elementary school waivers when that was still a thing, just not the large school districts in SoCal (LA & San Diego).
times are not the same bro. I used to do that do, but most of my day was still at school during the day. I had adult supervision during the day that tax dollars paid for. Those tax dollars arent covering what it used to during this pandemic. whether we like it or not, public school is daycare for many working class families. Now kids are at home alone unsupervised for most of the day. I doubt you would let your daughter spend most of her day unsupervised outdoors like you did back in the day. especially in rougher neighborhoods.
Valid points. But is opening up the correct solution? I think a kid killing their parent is far worse than a couple years as a latchkey kid.
I get it but I don’t. I come from an era where kids played outside unsupervised. I got my first kiss playing “house.” Kids can skate, bike, play tag, jump rope, climb trees, doorbell ditch, hopscotch, go hiking, lemonade stand, volunteer at old folks home etc.

Plenty of low to no cost activities available.
I never got to play house until I got married. I got tricked into spin the bottle and truth or dare and had to kiss the sidewalk first and then I had to eat an ant.
Well what is it about smart guy? Education? GTFOH...learning and becoming a well rounded person consist of more than the 3R’s. Lot’s of opportunities for non-traditional education now. Man go back to your cubicle and summarize those depositions please.

How does showing a kid mommy and daddy will make everything help with the educational process pal? You need to leave room for the possibility that the education all of our kids are getting now is to learn how to deal with adversity.
I see your reading skills are about the same as the other guys. Yes, my daughters education is more important for me than her soccer so her being able to go back to full day in person instruction but I dont have a choice in my area. I guess I'm not really understanding your post, are you saying theres a substitute for school? Just wondering if college accepts transcripts from the school of hard knocks? I get it dogg, you're from the hood, you're hard and whatever but leave that bullshit alone, wont get you anywhere with me.
I agree 100% but that is not the argument he’s making. I understand his argument as: f*ck soccer...I want my kids back in a brick and mortar school. I could understand the brick and mortar school argument from the local barber or CalTrans worker. But, this guy was coming off as a lawyer to me and I’m calling B.S.

Who's coming off as a lawyer? I do structural concrete repair for all the air conditioned high rises you work in, relax.
times are not the same bro. I used to do that do, but most of my day was still at school during the day. I had adult supervision during the day that tax dollars paid for. Those tax dollars arent covering what it used to during this pandemic. whether we like it or not, public school is daycare for many working class families. Now kids are at home alone unsupervised for most of the day. I doubt you would let your daughter spend most of her day unsupervised outdoors like you did back in the day. especially in rougher neighborhoods.
EOTL says it's bad parenting if kid is alone and decides to kill themselves after doing drugs that the neighbor offered him when his mom was at work. These kids shouldnt be born because they only have one parent and mom didnt go to plan parent hood where they "fix" your problems for free or for under $300. Isolation + hippie lettuce + vape + maybe some LSD and or cocaine and off they go. When the cat is gone ((single mom at work or single dad at work or grandma at work)) the mice will play. My teacher friend says his 16 year olds dont even show up for online class. He has lost 40% of the kids in LA. Where are they? What are they doing? Talk about losing the kids........shameful, truly shameful and super selfish and will be dealt with.
Valid points. But is opening up the correct solution? I think a kid killing their parent is far worse than a couple years as a latchkey kid.
I think ive made it pretty clear, I am about school choice. Healthy parents with healthy kids should have the choice of having their kids in school. like i said before, many school districts have hybrid, DL, and online learning plans already in place. lift the mandate and let people choose. those that need to be more careful still have the option to keep their distance.
I came from a similar generation. My parents biggest issue was getting me to come home or stay inside.

How many teenagers climb trees, build lemonade stands, etc? Can’t volunteer at old folks homes right now (both my kids are acting Presidents of their youth volunteer groups) due to the restrictions.

Your points are valid, but can not be extrapolated across all age groups. Teenagers have different interests that are far more socially based.
I was in Palo Alto a few nights ago and I crossed EL Camino Real and I instantly had a flashback to when I was 15 before I got my L’s. What about cruising @kicker? Maybe it’s time to bring cruising back for the teens!
I just found the “prove a link between X and Y” discussion to be boring. It’s a weak argument, and that kind of proof requires a ton of data that no one here has or is qualified to assess. So I figured it was time to replace it with a better one.
We can’t do anything so why even try?
I am left wondering. If proving a link between X and Y is boring. Then why do you do that with respect to AZ? And why do you ignore that with respect to how CA has done vs Utah?
I think ive made it pretty clear, I am about school choice. Healthy parents with healthy kids should have the choice of having their kids in school. like i said before, many school districts have hybrid, DL, and online learning plans already in place. lift the mandate and let people choose. those that need to be more careful still have the option to keep their distance.
Sounds nice but expensive. How should we pay for all these great “choices” you speak of?
Sounds nice but expensive. How should we pay for all these great “choices” you speak of?
those choices are already in place once the mandate is lifted. public schools would have started the year with these choices if newsom didnt close schools to in person learning. Our public school is doing DL or Online learning right now because of the mandate. once schools open up, they will introduce the hybrid as a third option until schools are fully allowed to open.
this is the third week in a row that I’ve heard Oceanside is hosting scrimmages. Anyone’s club or team participating? What guidelines do they have set up? Fans, masks etc?
I am left wondering. If proving a link between X and Y is boring. Then why do you do that with respect to AZ? And why do you ignore that with respect to how CA has done vs Utah?
Proving a link between opening restaurants and increased covid cases is hard. Out of my league, certainly. Fortunately, CDC and others have done the work on that. Indoor dining spreads covid.

Proving (or disproving) a link between shutdowns and suicide rates is also hard. I haven’t seen a report where someone has done the work on that either way. Same thing goes for outdoor sports and covid. There is probably enough data to disprove a strong link, but that isn’t saying much.

CA versus Utah? Are you sure they are similar enough to be a good comparison? I’d think southern Utah versus northern AZ would be more similar. Or AZ versus NM.

That’s what I mean by it being hard. Proving cause and effect in an epidemic is hard.

What I did was easy. All I did was look at Arizona’s death rate and say “something went wrong”.

If you want to know *what* went wrong, that’s a whole ‘nother problem.
this is the third week in a row that I’ve heard Oceanside is hosting scrimmages. Anyone’s club or team participating? What guidelines do they have set up? Fans, masks etc?
funny part is you can't play outdoors but indoor private facilities have been having full contact soccer going on for a while now.
Don’t forget the “if you send your kids to school you are murdering them and teachers”
and it is funny that he is a proponent of social distancing and masks but apparently they won't work in schools? I am confused.
I think it really has to do with other factors.

Take for instance Utah.

From what I understand they have been far more lax over the entire covid period vs AZ. But looking at their numbers they have substantially fewer deaths per million vs AZ.

They have been much more open in comparison to CA as well. And their numbers are dramatically lower vs CA.

This would seem to imply that it isn't so much gov mandates or policies that determine what the virus does. It would seem more likely that the virus affects people differently based on location, the makeup of the population, etc.
Utah is high risk as of today while Arizona is low risk. Most of Arizona's deaths were prior to the implementation of significant restrictions.
and it is funny that he is a proponent of social distancing and masks but apparently they won't work in schools? I am confused.

Utah is high risk as of today while Arizona is low risk. Most of Arizona's deaths were prior to the implementation of significant restrictions.
Any idea how to disentangle the effect of restrictions in AZ versus the effect of having already had a lot of cases?
I have to hand it to the clubs up here, (as those are the only ones I can speak to,) they are really trying to keep the players engaged while following the rules. And as we know those rules are impossible.

Well- one up here got hand slapped but has been pretty quiet ever since.