No games until 2021

What data is irrefutable? Where is your “data” to support your proposition that “I feel pretty confident it has nothing to do with restricting youth sports...”?

The problem with this line of thinking is that it tries to parse out youth soccer when social distancing cannot be a la carte. At the same time you are posting this, there’s some idiot posting the exact same words in his bbq forum, except substituting “grilling some ribs” with “youth soccer.” And someone at an AA forum substituting “in person recovery meeting”. And his former bartender posting the same except “mixing margaritas” instead of “youth soccer”. There are millions of people complaining that the thing that is important to them is the thing for which an exception should be made. Youth soccer is apparently a big deal for you, but objectively it is a ridiculously stupid and inconsequential activity under current circumstances.

The studies that have been referred to over and over again:

On top of this, our club, which has over 1000 players, has been practicing since 7/13. Not a single issue. That is also the case with all of the surrounding clubs. Kids are simply not getting covid-19 on the field. Finally throw in the fact that states that are open are not exhibiting any issues here either.

If the BBQ'ers have similar studies, which they don't, then they should be making the same arguments without a doubt. That comparison is just silly, though.

I actually have a much bigger problem with kids going back to in-classroom instruction. I'd rather see us optimize for outdoor activities for all kids so they can be physical and socialize. I don't even care if it's soccer.
I actually have a much bigger problem with kids going back to in-classroom instruction. I'd rather see us optimize for outdoor activities for all kids so they can be physical and socialize. I don't even care if it's soccer.
I have long said that school should be outside for most boys and some girls. It would be cool if we offered up more choices like, "The Great Outdoors Learning Center." Or, "Be your own boss: How to become self sufficient and not rely on others." "The Arts and just the Arts" Or my favortite "Go Pro and reach the Stars." Or, "Stay home and read and find all the cures." Choices is the key and some palces want all the kids to learn what they think is right and true. No, choice is the key to life and kindness to others. Duke it out when needed and then pick the loser up and go buy him a drink. Cant be champ all the time.

Social distancing requires a concerted effort. It does not mean social distancing except when I don’t want to. For every idiot soccer parent who thinks the risk that someone will die because of their specific interaction is low, there are tens of thousands of other idiots who think the risk is low if they go to the park, the restaurant, the bar, work, music class, the museum, school, bbq at their friends’ house, etc. And you know what, they’re all right. But they’re still all idiots because more social interactions means more dead people.

Effective social distancing cannot be a la carte. Yes, there are activities that must continue at the expense of some lives. Youth soccer is not one of them in my opinion, or that of the governor of the one state that has managed to save the most lives through social distancing requirements. If you think it is, that’s your opinion. And if that’s your opinion, how many people need to die before you decide that you were wrong?
Example of Cognitive dissonance instead of opinions based upon facts and I have been shocked with your responses since I don't see that as typical for you.

You make sweeping statements with absolutely no factual basis. You are similar to certain other people on this board though they are arguing the other side of the argument.

As of today there are 4,334 (2,133 in Anaheim and Santa Ana) confirmed COVID cases of kids between the ages of 4 and 18 of the 56,070 total confirmed cases yet kids are spreading the virus and killing people? Really?

Arizona is now the same risk as California even though they keep playing that killer game of soccer.

If you look at our hot spots for infection rates along with a high rate of our reported deaths (approximately 50% in OC) and our rapid significant declines in our those hot spots, you will find they are areas with a significant population below the poverty line and a focused effort to bring those infection and deaths rates down. America (that is her name) played a huge role with that in OC prior to the Governor doing it in other areas of the State which is why OC came down before other similar areas did after the Governor targeted those areas.

Targeting strategies is what is recommended by the experts not ending all social interactions. Restrictions on visitations with residents in senior care facilities have been allowed because with proper protocols, the risk is diminished.

Extreme of anything is not good!
THIS!!! 100%
The Covid infection rate is expected to rise in the fall and winter and with flu season coming this whole thing may get worse before it gets better. Cold and
Flu symptoms will be just another excuse/reason to delay. Any symptoms will require 14 day quarantine right or wrong.
It’s gonna suck.
That's an opinion piece by Emily Oster, who has made a career as a contrarian, including such ideas as it is ok to drink during pregnancy.
Actually she is providing data and linking to it.

That said, the European experience has been the same. In many countries schools have been open for months and they also report not seeing young people as being major spreaders.
The studies that have been referred to over and over again:

On top of this, our club, which has over 1000 players, has been practicing since 7/13. Not a single issue. That is also the case with all of the surrounding clubs. Kids are simply not getting covid-19 on the field. Finally throw in the fact that states that are open are not exhibiting any issues here either.

If the BBQ'ers have similar studies, which they don't, then they should be making the same arguments without a doubt. That comparison is just silly, though.

I actually have a much bigger problem with kids going back to in-classroom instruction. I'd rather see us optimize for outdoor activities for all kids so they can be physical and socialize. I don't even care if it's soccer.

Anyone referring to a Surf Cup study supporting why it’s safe to spend money on Surf Cup is desperate and knows why their “study” is bullshit. Seriously, your “study” is embarrassing.
That's an opinion piece by Emily Oster, who has made a career as a contrarian, including such ideas as it is ok to drink during pregnancy.

She is also an economist whose “analysis” is based on unspecified “data” by people she’s “working with” and anecdotal “evidence” by people in two states that badly want to believe it’s all a big hoax. No scientific method used for the studies, no data support other than taking her at her word, nothing but “believe me I’m an economist so I know how covid spreads”. Such crap.

That said, the Atlantic has put out some decent articles in recent weeks if you know what I’m talking about. Happy to link them in off topic.
She is also an economist whose “analysis” is based on unspecified “data” by people she’s “working with” and anecdotal “evidence” by people in two states that badly want to believe it’s all a big hoax. No scientific method used for the studies, no data support other than taking her at her word, nothing but “believe me I’m an economist so I know how covid spreads”. Such crap.

That said, the Atlantic has put out some decent articles in recent weeks if you know what I’m talking about. Happy to link them in off topic.

She appears to have been The Atlantic's "on the other hand" contributor for some time.
The predictions about hundreds of thousands was very accurate. What was your prediction about how many people would die? How many more dead people is an acceptable risk so you can live vicariously through your kid?
What data is irrefutable? Where is your “data” to support your proposition that “I feel pretty confident it has nothing to do with restricting youth sports...”?

The problem with this line of thinking is that it tries to parse out youth soccer when social distancing cannot be a la carte. At the same time you are posting this, there’s some idiot posting the exact same words in his bbq forum, except substituting “grilling some ribs” with “youth soccer.” And someone at an AA forum substituting “in person recovery meeting”. And his former bartender posting the same except “mixing margaritas” instead of “youth soccer”. There are millions of people complaining that the thing that is important to them is the thing for which an exception should be made. Youth soccer is apparently a big deal for you, but objectively it is a ridiculously stupid and inconsequential activity under current circumstances.
Social distancing requires a concerted effort. It does not mean social distancing except when I don’t want to. For every idiot soccer parent who thinks the risk that someone will die because of their specific interaction is low, there are tens of thousands of other idiots who think the risk is low if they go to the park, the restaurant, the bar, work, music class, the museum, school, bbq at their friends’ house, etc. And you know what, they’re all right. But they’re still all idiots because more social interactions means more dead people.

Effective social distancing cannot be a la carte. Yes, there are activities that must continue at the expense of some lives. Youth soccer is not one of them in my opinion, or that of the governor of the one state that has managed to save the most lives through social distancing requirements. If you think it is, that’s your opinion. And if that’s your opinion, how many people need to die before you decide that you were wrong?

It’s kind of sad really, you are just one of the sheep. The thing with sheep is they don’t know they are being herded, they just follow along. You can literally walk them right off the cliff and if everyone else is doing it, they will follow right along.

You are always so quick to bring up the death toll but have no other support for any of your claims. How do you know that doing it any other way would have produced any other outcome? You don’t. There are studies that go back to a 2006 pandemic when doctors tried to explain that isolation and lockdowns are a bad idea. And now WHO and other doctors are beginning to realize what some tried to tell them 15 years ago.

Please stop being part of the problem and look critically at what others tell you, stop being a sheep and think for yourself. There is plenty of research coming out suggesting your thought of mitigating the virus is actually WRONG. But I’m sure you are as smart as the Doctors that are also suggesting these ideas, there’s always 2 sides to a coin!


Yes, we will be making up for lost time with literally every single activity in the world that requires close contact. If only people had worn their masks and socially distanced like they should have done.... Of course, if Americans weren’t such self-pitying p**sies, however, we could end up having the greatest generation in world history for runners, swimmers, tennis players, rowers, skate boarders and many other athletes.
That said, the Atlantic has put out some decent articles in recent weeks if you know what I’m talking about. Happy to link them in off topic.
They are by far the brightest and shiniest example of responsible, factual, hard hitting, and honest journalism. They do not leave any stone unturned in their effort to provide the sheep the unvarnished truth. It's uncanny.
The Covid infection rate is expected to rise in the fall and winter and with flu season coming this whole thing may get worse before it gets better. Cold and
Flu symptoms will be just another excuse/reason to delay. Any symptoms will require 14 day quarantine right or wrong.
It’s gonna suck.

Dammit... you may be right :confused: