Sandy, where have you been? One day I will share all the positive PMs I get almost every week, like "Were with you bro, keep it up." Or, "I'm super sorry to hear about what happen three years ago and_____________________________." "I would share more but I dont want to be retaliated against and labeled by past Docs on here." It's the PMs and little love from the likes of Eagle that keep me going. It's you Sandy, 46 n 2 and Espy that bring attention to me by responding and actually say, "Must of us ignore him" except you? Come on Sandy, you need to practice what you preach. I'm full of garbage. Garbage in and garbage out. What are you full of? The key is to really ignore me and just dont worry about me and say nothing. BTW, big props on getting a "like" by Espy. That is a great accomplishment and should be a badge of honor for you. Pay to play folks are struggling right about now. Tough times for sure and I will be more sensitive to others who played in that arena.