New Research on Covid Transmission

Grim statistic, but whatevs. What’s 400k more dead people, even when it’s preventable? It’s the price they must pay so I can go to a bar and live vicariously through my daughter.
Spin it how you’d like, but it really isn’t preventable. Curbable likely, but not preventable. If it was preventable, we would not have any deaths from the seasonal flu.

I’m more focused on getting people back to work and some semblance of normalcy for my kids. I realize that doesn’t affect you but it does MILLIONS of others.

Have a day!
Spin it how you’d like, but it really isn’t preventable. Curbable likely, but not preventable. If it was preventable, we would not have any deaths from the seasonal flu.

I’m more focused on getting people back to work and some semblance of normalcy for my kids. I realize that doesn’t affect you but it does MILLIONS of others.

Have a day!
Why not preventable? CO and NM are doing much better than AZ and TX. SD and SJ are doing better than OC and LA. Germany handled this better than France or Italy.

This isn't just fate. Our actions matter. Right now, by our actions, we are collectively choosing whether we end up with 200,000 deaths or 400,000 deaths.
More evidence that kids likely aren't super spreaders.

Median age 5 years. More evidence that elementary age kids, with precautions, are not major spreaders.

Still good news. Just dont use to justify your teenager's pool party.
Again, bureaucrats will mumble and stumble their way to inaction, paralyzed by analysis and listening to ridiculous requests from unions that demonstrate their complete lack of interest in becoming part of the solution. Have fun in California getting anything done until post election and beyond.

Ah, who started the blame game?? "bureaucrats, unions, and post election." Gee, I wonder who you're blaming? So if you're going to go down the blame game route, grow a pair, and blame the person ultimately responsible. Sounds like you are pumping your fist in anger and wasting energy.

Not having balls to call someone out has nothing to do with anything and again gets nothing done. Sounds like you are comfortable with bureaucracy. In my house (to use your comparison, which is still silly by the way), we get stuff done - wife, kids, dog, leopard geckos, the whole shebang. No reason to waste time bitching and moaning about how the bad actors are keeping us from doing what we need to do.

This is exactly why I am calling you a pussy. You can't give a straight answer to a straight question. You dodge and weave ONLY so you don't have to OWN it and blame the person that needs to be blamed. You have to bring in your dogs, geckos, and kids to dodge a question? Grow a pair brother, grow a pair.
Just take a cruise thru Venice, Downtown, Sherman Oaks and check out the condition the city is in, it is scary

I'm assuming you're referring to the homeless issue. The homeless issue has been around forever, especially in the big cities. Are there more homeless in Southern California now than ever before? Yes.

Kicker, I have lunch about once a week at the Fisherman's Outlet on 5th and Central, a hard core homeless area. I grew up in Boyle Heights, walking distance to Downtown (I walked to a couple Laker's parades in the 80's). My dad attended AA meetings in skid row and I went to a few Al-Anon meetings there in the late 70's. I used to accompany my dad all over downtown to the garment district, jewelry district, and electronics district. I've seen homeless my entire life. The homeless that I see Downtown now is about triple what I remember seeing back in the 70's-90's.

But ask me if I spend one mili-second losing sleep over the homeless issue? The honest answer is I don't. I may be more immune than others, but it doesn't phase me one bit. Now, when I see it, it's not aesthetically pleasing, but as soon as I'm passed it, it is completely gone from my mind. I would bet the house that that is the way it is for everybody on this forum. None of us stay awake at night thinking, god that was a great goal my little Suzy scored, but man, that homeless problem has me worried.

So when people talk about the homeless, do they really give a shit about it, or is it just politics? Do we just point it out to talk smack about the opposing party or not? I think you know my answer.
Ah, who started the blame game?? "bureaucrats, unions, and post election." Gee, I wonder who you're blaming? So if you're going to go down the blame game route, grow a pair, and blame the person ultimately responsible. Sounds like you are pumping your fist in anger and wasting energy.

This is exactly why I am calling you a pussy. You can't give a straight answer to a straight question. You dodge and weave ONLY so you don't have to OWN it and blame the person that needs to be blamed. You have to bring in your dogs, geckos, and kids to dodge a question? Grow a pair brother, grow a pair.

Who is it that you hate specifically? And who is it that you blame specifically? What am I supposed to own? You should have an understanding by now where my position lies. If your idea of getting things done means more divisive rhetoric between factions, then so be it.

I don't know why body parts are even part of this discussion but if it makes you feel like you have a bigger pair of bolas, then so be it, you are entitled to that feeling. Me blaming someone else doesn't make me feel better - do something about it - go vote, set up a petition, talk to the school district, volunteer.

And it's one dog, but two geckos. Not multiple dogs.
I'm assuming you're referring to the homeless issue. The homeless issue has been around forever, especially in the big cities. Are there more homeless in Southern California now than ever before? Yes.

Kicker, I have lunch about once a week at the Fisherman's Outlet on 5th and Central, a hard core homeless area. I grew up in Boyle Heights, walking distance to Downtown (I walked to a couple Laker's parades in the 80's). My dad attended AA meetings in skid row and I went to a few Al-Anon meetings there in the late 70's. I used to accompany my dad all over downtown to the garment district, jewelry district, and electronics district. I've seen homeless my entire life. The homeless that I see Downtown now is about triple what I remember seeing back in the 70's-90's.

But ask me if I spend one mili-second losing sleep over the homeless issue? The honest answer is I don't. I may be more immune than others, but it doesn't phase me one bit. Now, when I see it, it's not aesthetically pleasing, but as soon as I'm passed it, it is completely gone from my mind. I would bet the house that that is the way it is for everybody on this forum. None of us stay awake at night thinking, god that was a great goal my little Suzy scored, but man, that homeless problem has me worried.

So when people talk about the homeless, do they really give a shit about it, or is it just politics? Do we just point it out to talk smack about the opposing party or not? I think you know my answer.
Bro, my bro Bruno got his first start at school in Boyle Heights. I also walked the streets down there trying to help get kids free vaccines. I door knocked for two days. I used to live up the 60 in Montebello. Great peeps bro :)
I'm assuming you're referring to the homeless issue. The homeless issue has been around forever, especially in the big cities. Are there more homeless in Southern California now than ever before? Yes.

Kicker, I have lunch about once a week at the Fisherman's Outlet on 5th and Central, a hard core homeless area. I grew up in Boyle Heights, walking distance to Downtown (I walked to a couple Laker's parades in the 80's). My dad attended AA meetings in skid row and I went to a few Al-Anon meetings there in the late 70's. I used to accompany my dad all over downtown to the garment district, jewelry district, and electronics district. I've seen homeless my entire life. The homeless that I see Downtown now is about triple what I remember seeing back in the 70's-90's.

But ask me if I spend one mili-second losing sleep over the homeless issue? The honest answer is I don't. I may be more immune than others, but it doesn't phase me one bit. Now, when I see it, it's not aesthetically pleasing, but as soon as I'm passed it, it is completely gone from my mind. I would bet the house that that is the way it is for everybody on this forum. None of us stay awake at night thinking, god that was a great goal my little Suzy scored, but man, that homeless problem has me worried.

So when people talk about the homeless, do they really give a shit about it, or is it just politics? Do we just point it out to talk smack about the opposing party or not? I think you know my answer.
Said it before and Ill say it again.....

If they can protect a cashier in a supermarket checkout line that sees hundreds of random people everyday within a 6ft radius and they are OK ... how can they not protect teachers seeing the exact same smaller number of low risk kids? I smell politics in this one. Or.. maybe when the teachers explain again how important they are and why they need raises we give that money to the true heros in the grocery store.
That's right, they are protected. They are protected by glass, constant wiping down and sanitizing their area, never touching credit cards, one person at a time. CDC just reported that children from birth to 22 have a higher viral load than adults even when they are asymptomatic or symptomatic with covid. Teachers in an enclosed room with many children who don't keep the masks on for six hours, who don't use proper sanitation when using the bathroom, when many rooms don't even have sinks, when the two windows in the classroom don't even open, when you keep your doors shut because there could be a shooter and you want to protect your students, when kids need help or hug because they are overwhelmed, you will see teachers getting sick, some dying, maybe many. Over 50% of the teachers in California are over 50. It takes a minimum of five years of college before you can start teaching. They can not be replaced over night. During a normal school year, districts frequently have a tough time even getting the minimum number of subs for those who are out sick. Then what happens? We used to double up if they couldn't find a sub, sometimes sending 7-8 students to several teachers until a sub could be found. My room was so crowded you could barely walk around it. When elementary schools went 20-1, (this no longer exists) they created smaller classrooms so when we were suddenly back to 32 students, guess what, a very crowed room. Where do you put students if you want to keep the rooms to 15? There just isn't the space. Oh, okay, outside you say, yep, in 100+ temperatures, Santa Ana winds, blowing work every which way, or what about those damp mornings? That is one way to keep kids healthy. I suspect those grumbling about keeping kids home until we get a vaccine, want their freedom, don't want to bother helping their kids all day. Some will say I have to go back to work, okay, then what do you do during the summer and breaks? Be creative, have a bubble, figure it out among close friends if it is so easy to protect. This isn't forever, unless a child dies or a teacher dies, then it is forever. Teachers are absolutely hating this, many in tears, they want to be back in the classroom probably more than the students. We will get through this. I never imagined there would be so many weak minded, selfish, people in the US. Every teacher I know would be willing to die to protect your children from a shooter and some have, many teachers constantly review what they would do if a shooter entered their school or room, yet parents can't handle the current situation to protect everyone. Say what you want, this is an incredibly sad and disappointing time for teachers for many reasons. We will be back in the classroom, children will adjust, they will be okay.
You must have tough skin to be from California. I travelled all over the country and the moment I mention I am from California, all the jokes begin. It’s funny because they laugh at our state but love to come for vacation. If you don’t like this state, now is the time to move. Personally, I can’t find too many places better than California. Colorado is a strong 2nd but the winters can be rough.
Why not preventable? CO and NM are doing much better than AZ and TX. SD and SJ are doing better than OC and LA. Germany handled this better than France or Italy.

This isn't just fate. Our actions matter. Right now, by our actions, we are collectively choosing whether we end up with 200,000 deaths or 400,000 deaths.
Because we can’t even prevent the common flu or H1N1 from circulation and claiming lives, how can we prevent Covid from doing the same.

What you are referring to is minimizing, not preventing.
I'm assuming you're referring to the homeless issue. The homeless issue has been around forever, especially in the big cities. Are there more homeless in Southern California now than ever before? Yes.

Kicker, I have lunch about once a week at the Fisherman's Outlet on 5th and Central, a hard core homeless area. I grew up in Boyle Heights, walking distance to Downtown (I walked to a couple Laker's parades in the 80's). My dad attended AA meetings in skid row and I went to a few Al-Anon meetings there in the late 70's. I used to accompany my dad all over downtown to the garment district, jewelry district, and electronics district. I've seen homeless my entire life. The homeless that I see Downtown now is about triple what I remember seeing back in the 70's-90's.

But ask me if I spend one mili-second losing sleep over the homeless issue? The honest answer is I don't. I may be more immune than others, but it doesn't phase me one bit. Now, when I see it, it's not aesthetically pleasing, but as soon as I'm passed it, it is completely gone from my mind. I would bet the house that that is the way it is for everybody on this forum. None of us stay awake at night thinking, god that was a great goal my little Suzy scored, but man, that homeless problem has me worried.

So when people talk about the homeless, do they really give a shit about it, or is it just politics? Do we just point it out to talk smack about the opposing party or not? I think you know my answer.
I eat there once a month......the homeless population has increased double digits each year for the past 5 years. It is our governors policies that have turned a blind eye to the impact on the community. So when people say California has become a dumpster fire, this is just ONE part of the reason.
Then why did you do it?

Man, this circle is long. There is plenty of blame to go around. Read my entire post with context and stop cherry picking. This entire conversation stems around the fact that Private Schools and charter schools are not waiting on anyone to get things done. Outside of testing, they are busting their asses to educate kids in a safe and efficient environment. Some with deeper pockets will incorporate testing in spite of bumbling bureaucratic idiots. Your accusations of being a cat and not having large pelotas is confusing and not providing any type of intellectual value to this discussion.

And yes, I squarely place the blame on bureaucracy on both sides of the aisle for the temperature of our cities, counties, state, and country. Guess what, you (and I) have choices. Many will turn their backs, for now, on their elected and non elected officials and act with their wallets. Parents will pull their kids out of public schools and focus on getting access to private/charter schools. If that doesn't work, their are plenty of great online programs that look good and come highly regarded. It's happening all over the country.

Kids want to go to school and play sports. It can be done in a responsible way - it's being done right now in places all over the country. Some have screwed it up, most haven't.

Juan Pelota.
I eat there once a month......the homeless population has increased double digits each year for the past 5 years. It is our governors policies that have turned a blind eye to the impact on the community. So when people say California has become a dumpster fire, this is just ONE part of the reason.

I’m not up to speed on homeless policies or causes, so I’m not about to pretend to know. And you’re right, it has increased, especially in the last 10ish years imo.

And yes, it is aesthetically displeasing, and people can call us on it, that’s fair game. I just question the extent it actually bothers people who say they are bothered by it. That’s my only point.

Because when I go to New York, I expect to see homeless, I expect the subway to smell a certain way, I expect traffic, I expect F’ bombs from taxi drivers, and it doesn’t bother me one bit.

BTW, I’ve been going to Fishemans Outlet since the 70’s. Their clam chowder is the standard by which I judge all others.
I’m not up to speed on homeless policies or causes, so I’m not about to pretend to know. And you’re right, it has increased, especially in the last 10ish years imo.

And yes, it is aesthetically displeasing, and people can call us on it, that’s fair game. I just question the extent it actually bothers people who say they are bothered by it. That’s my only point.

Because when I go to New York, I expect to see homeless, I expect the subway to smell a certain way, I expect traffic, I expect F’ bombs from taxi drivers, and it doesn’t bother me one bit.

BTW, I’ve been going to Fishemans Outlet since the 70’s. Their clam chowder is the standard by which I judge all others.
It has moved beyond aesthetics......I can take some pictures from my commute if you’d like.
I may be getting old, but I remember back in the day when we used to say "flatten the curve" and we worried about people dying in hospital hallways because doctors had to decide who lived and died since we weren't going to have enough ventilators. Now the young bucks these days say "we need to vaccinate everyone!" and they have to wait for lab results from comprehensive peer reviewed studies instead of actual real world results, which us old timers thought were sufficient. I miss the good ole days.
they want to drag this thing on as long as they can .