I'm assuming you're referring to the homeless issue. The homeless issue has been around forever, especially in the big cities. Are there more homeless in Southern California now than ever before? Yes.
Kicker, I have lunch about once a week at the Fisherman's Outlet on 5th and Central, a hard core homeless area. I grew up in Boyle Heights, walking distance to Downtown (I walked to a couple Laker's parades in the 80's). My dad attended AA meetings in skid row and I went to a few Al-Anon meetings there in the late 70's. I used to accompany my dad all over downtown to the garment district, jewelry district, and electronics district. I've seen homeless my entire life. The homeless that I see Downtown now is about triple what I remember seeing back in the 70's-90's.
But ask me if I spend one mili-second losing sleep over the homeless issue? The honest answer is I don't. I may be more immune than others, but it doesn't phase me one bit. Now, when I see it, it's not aesthetically pleasing, but as soon as I'm passed it, it is completely gone from my mind. I would bet the house that that is the way it is for everybody on this forum. None of us stay awake at night thinking, god that was a great goal my little Suzy scored, but man, that homeless problem has me worried.
So when people talk about the homeless, do they really give a shit about it, or is it just politics? Do we just point it out to talk smack about the opposing party or not? I think you know my answer.