Bro, I was going to be a teacher and a coach in high school. I have many really good friends in education. My good friend is the boss of all the principles. His boss is the Super boss. He told me that's one of the big issues. Most teachers are at high risk. He wants the healthy teachers to teach the healthy kids in person and make sure they have sports. The teachers at risk will do the online courses with kids who want to do online and are at high risk as well. This is a great way to teach. I do agree 100% that teachers are in really bad shape. I had to debate some folks back in early 90s that were higher ups and they kept telling me PE is a waste of money on the budget and when money is tight, cut PE. Well, now we have teachers who have not lived a healthy life and now when we need them, they can;t take risk like so many others have to to put food on the table. If you dont have money, you will go out and find some like this find couple did. People will get theor asses kicked in just because and maybe killed so someone esle can eat. It's just getting started.My wife is a teacher. She wants to go back but she also knows that many of her peers are at high risk. By the way, you all should chill on bashing on teachers. I am sure most of you had a tough time teaching your kids back in the Spring. It's one of the toughest jobs and it just got tougher trying to teach via zoom and keep kids focused.
Ireland Baldwin Shares Photos of Her Bruised Face After Being 'Attacked' and Robbed in Parking Lot
"Luckily I had witnesses and got assisted really quickly," Ireland Baldwin said
"Yesterday in the late afternoon, I was attacked by a woman who was high out of her mind on drugs and desperate for cash. She decked me in my face in a parking lot and took my belongings and jumped in a getaway car while her husband took off. All was sorted with the police and she was arrested. Luckily I had witnesses and got assisted really quickly. The cops told me this is happening frequently because people are desperate for money right now due to Coronavirus and people being out of work. There is a lot of theft and muggings going down." IB-