BTW Luis, welcome back brother. How are you feeling? What was it like if you dont mind sharing? I know I got it Jan 22 and it was hell.
I'm with you halfway on that. I spend a lot of money I don't need to. Plenty to cut for me.Or cut back on BS that you dont need. No TV, no this & that. If you want it, go get it is my motto.
If I was poor, the last thing I would save 3K for is club soccer. Saving for a decent car or a home would probably be priority. We are discussing people who have to choose bt a decent car, decent neighborhood and club soccer. Wouldn't it be nice if parents with great athletes didn't have to choose between saving for a house or car and paying 3K a year for club soccer? The obvious choice is a reliable car or a house to build their equity and improve their long term finances.sure that's a fair statement but then I got back to my point. Where there is a will there is a way. 3000 bucks, get yourself an extra part time job and you can save that money over a few months. No excuses, if I couldn't afford it and I believed my daughter had the potential and enthusiasm to want to be part of a top club. I would make it happen. Success in life requires sacrifice.
There's 1-3 players on the team that are the difference. They don't pay (or if its your kid, you're stupid to pay). The coach and club need them as they are the ones that are the difference between winning & losing. Coaches and clubs like winning teams/programs. Coaches & clubs like alumni players who "make it". That sells spots, that sells the club, that brings in money. 80-90% of the team is very good, but if one left, then meh ... they can be replaced relatively easily. Its the 1, 2 or 3 that can't be replaced ... and the teams with 3 are the top teams.Sorry, can not agree with your opinion. Yes, in theory, you might partially subsidies some players on your team due the paying your fee in full. But if you think that club makes selection for the team based who can pay and then select a player who can play is totally wrong. It's coming from a notion that reach (what is each) can't play and can't compete. IMV, it's very wrong opinion.
How do you know your kid wouldn't be happy without club soccer if she never did club soccer? How do you know she wouldn't be happier if you had a car that worked and a place in a neighborhood without drug dealers?well it’s a matter of opinion and personal choice. I would make the sacrifice for my daughter but only if she wanted it. if she really wanted that I would
get the part time job. The same way I would do it to put her in a good private school. The house or any other material thing would be secondary for me. But seeing her happy is #1
How do you know your kid wouldn't be happy without club soccer if she never did club soccer? How do you know she wouldn't be happier if you had a car that worked and a place in a neighborhood without drug dealers?
But life's not as black and white as we think...there are many choices for many reasons.
I don't think the security to eat/and live under a roof during economic instability or the a car that is reliable to transport you to work and school (or rec soccer) is valuing material things over experiences. It's prioritizing needs over wants.I would never raise her to value material things over the experience of doing what she loves. I was raised a little different. I would hope she would value & follow the ways I‘m currently teaching her to be.
You're changing the subject on me. I'm not talking about her future bc that's a huge unknown even if she loves the game now. We're discussing whether it's worth it for parents who don't have a reliable car or live in a safe neighborhood to use 3K towards club soccer versus using it towards a reliable car to drive the kids to school and get themselves to work (to get paid). We're not talking about a fancy car vs a reliable Toyota. I never said anything about fancy things, just reliable and safe. Would you give up a reliable car, shelter and food security for club soccer?well if she no longer could play due to an injury of some sort that put her out for good then she wouldn’t have a choice. But at the end of the day it’s about what she enjoys and makes her happy. I know I’m tough in her now and she embraces it and for me it’s not about burning her out like you guys may think but to teach her that if she wants to go to the next level later it will be hard work accompanied with love for what she does. It’s about teaching her the right mindset to succeed later. Will she run with it later, we’ll see it’s up to her. But getting back to the financial burden. It’s 3000 bucks and throw another 2000 for tournaments and costs. 5000 a year. That’s doable and I’m sure that if she proves herself the financial aid will also be there. Your example is a bit extreme. She don’t need to drive a brand new car. There are plenty of cheap cars out there too. So if she drives a junker for a few years and gets to play the sport she loves at the highest level. My family would be happy. That’s how I see it.
The freedom to choose is what makes this the greatest country everwell if she no longer could play due to an injury of some sort that put her out for good then she wouldn’t have a choice. But at the end of the day it’s about what she enjoys and makes her happy. I know I’m tough on her now and she embraces it and for me it’s not about burning her out like you guys may think but to teach her that if she wants to go to the next level later it will be hard work accompanied with love for what she does. It’s about teaching her the right mindset to succeed later. Will she run with it later, we’ll see it’s up to her. But getting back to the financial burden. It’s 3000 bucks and throw another 2000 for tournaments and costs. 5000 a year. That’s doable and I’m sure that if she proves herself the financial aid will also be there. Your example is a bit extreme. She don’t need to drive a brand new car. There are plenty of cheap cars out there too. So if she drives a junker for a few years and gets to play the sport she loves at the highest level. My family would be happy. That’s how I would see it.
You're quite the gambler. I might gamble on the junk car but probably would have a hard time with the food and shelter thingI personally would do it and take the risk. I’ve driven a junker before that had all sorts of problem but made it work. I can’t speak for anyone else.
Oh no, now what? Have you ever had that barrier in life Luis or anyone reading this soccer stuff? Too small? Too poor? too Dumb dumb? What would you do @Luis Andres to get pass this freaking boulder?
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Oh well, no soccer? Go play video games and kick against the wall.? By the way, stop complaining. It's just soccer. Find a sport that's freeeeeeeeeeeee
Plus, the joy on the goats face after playing. it's tru goat magic and if it's not there, then by all means, get a nice car and stay home and!!!!you tempting me huh... lol. You know I’m crazy enough to try to make it happen and find the way. I don’t believe in failure or giving up without trying to make it happen![]()
Yes, but he's rarely the one able to pay 3K for club soccer.when do you ever see the Hispanic guy that came over here with no papers and does not speak English begging? He sells flowers and oranges off the freeway exit and finds a way to make it happen and be happy
My DD knows that school will always come first. Unfortunately, she had a coach that flat out said "If you have to miss practice for homework, you shouldn't be playing soccer." Let alone the player he told this to barely ever missed! It was a situation of finals, projects, etc.If, as a parent, you do not have a backup plan for your kid -- learn your computer science, kids -- then you need a backup plan, immediately. Getting your kid into college on an athletic scholarship is already a crapshoot and now it's going to be 100x worse. Maybe instead of kicking the ball around four times a week, you spend one of those times working with your kid on writing some code.
Yea this coach should be fired. Unless you are in a Pro Academy that has teachers on site .. the priority should always be school first, then Family .. then maybe soccer.My DD knows that school will always come first. Unfortunately, she had a coach that flat out said "If you have to miss practice for homework, you shouldn't be playing soccer." Let alone the player he told this to barely ever missed! It was a situation of finals, projects, etc.
Agreed. His comments actually caused quite a negative ripple effect. You had middle school girls staying up until 11 and 12 o'clock at night on a school night because they were too afraid to miss practice, but yet they still wanted to get all of their homework done. One of the many reasons we are no longer with that club!Yea this coach should be fired. Unless you are in a Pro Academy that has teachers on site .. the priority should always be school first, then Family .. then maybe soccer.