Nature doesn't exclude any players, complete or not. We've seen plenty of fantastic 15 year olds hit puberty late because they were home schooled to do soccer, and then slow down dramatically because of puberty. The speed goes down and the turning ability slows down because when nature comes for you, it doesn't care how complete of a player you are.Players that are complete players are not generally affected by high school. They seem to have a focused path and a very strong mental determination to rise to the top without any distractions from high school drama. Many times they are home schooled. Most girls are done growing by 14/15 and if they are good enough they will play varsity.
Those kids that don't know how to handle high school drama will struggle to handle work place/college (pro team) drama.
Then you have the non home schooled kids that eventually catch up to those that are home schooled. There's a max to everything. It's like learning to read, early readers might learn how to do it first and focus on it to be the fastest but eventually over time, kids will catch up as they continue to learn how to read unless there's a reading genius. Same thing as soccer.