California Crazy

Huge victory for California.

Woo-hoo!! The 50g fuel tank on my pickup is doing the Happy Dance!! Will they start allowing gas generators to be sold in CA again? When all the power goes out due to fires, earthquakes, wind events, etc how do they expect people to survive? I think we've just witnessed during these fires in SoCal how important anything gas-powered is.
In the short term yes. The search for a viable alternative is still essential.
Alternative-yes. But not the only source. CA wants to get rid of all things fossil fuel. I don't think people realize how many products around them
are built with the use of petroleum. All these people who want to outright ban fossil fuels should have to go without any of these products. If they
can do that then they have a leg to stand on. Otherwise they should shut up and get off their "save the planet" high horse.

Woo-hoo!! The 50g fuel tank on my pickup is doing the Happy Dance!! Will they start allowing gas generators to be sold in CA again? When all the power goes out due to fires, earthquakes, wind events, etc how do they expect people to survive? I think we've just witnessed during these fires in SoCal how important anything gas-powered is.

Alternative-yes. But not the only source. CA wants to get rid of all things fossil fuel. I don't think people realize how many products around them
are built with the use of petroleum. All these people who want to outright ban fossil fuels should have to go without any of these products. If they
can do that then they have a leg to stand on. Otherwise they should shut up and get off their "save the planet" high horse.

I always enjoy when a trumpian or of course trump himself the originator thinks they know something others just don’t “realize”.
I always enjoy when a trumpian or of course trump himself the originator thinks they know something others just don’t “realize”.
I guess I'm not as smart as you. I honestly didn't realize how many every day products are produced with the assistance of petroleum.
Unlike you..I can admit when I'm wrong.
Woo-hoo!! The 50g fuel tank on my pickup is doing the Happy Dance!! Will they start allowing gas generators to be sold in CA again? When all the power goes out due to fires, earthquakes, wind events, etc how do they expect people to survive? I think we've just witnessed during these fires in SoCal how important anything gas-powered is.

Alternative-yes. But not the only source. CA wants to get rid of all things fossil fuel. I don't think people realize how many products around them
are built with the use of petroleum. All these people who want to outright ban fossil fuels should have to go without any of these products. If they
can do that then they have a leg to stand on. Otherwise they should shut up and get off their "save the planet" high horse.

You can't make solar panels or operate windmills without petroleum.
Hard to believe it took THIS long. One would think ignoring ALL your own mandates for citizens you represent, and screwing your best friend's wife... thus destroying their family... would have gotten people's attention. Hopefully this is the next asshole to fall.

Hard to believe it took THIS long. One would think ignoring ALL your own mandates for citizens you represent, and screwing your best friend's wife... thus destroying their family... would have gotten people's attention. Hopefully this is the next asshole to fall.

Play with the devil and get prizes from the devil👹
Hard to believe it took THIS long. One would think ignoring ALL your own mandates for citizens you represent, and screwing your best friend's wife... thus destroying their family... would have gotten people's attention. Hopefully this is the next asshole to fall.

What else do you need to know other than Newsom took a $98 billion budget surplus to a $45 billion budget deficit in two years. Particularly when most states are enjoying budget surpluses. If that's not gross mismanagement, I don't know what is. (Queue lefty rationalizations and yeah but, Trump)
You can't make solar panels or operate windmills without petroleum.
It’s a given that in a fossil fuel powered system it will be necessary to use petroleum in a multitude of ways while attempting to develop a future fuel source. Everyone, especially oil companies, knows one day the oil will run out. That’s when the shit will really hit the fan. The “no one knows but . . .” “People don’t realize . . .” is simply a call to ignorance.
What else do you need to know other than Newsom took a $98 billion budget surplus to a $45 billion budget deficit in two years. Particularly when most states are enjoying budget surpluses. If that's not gross mismanagement, I don't know what is. (Queue lefty rationalizations and yeah but, Trump)
... and can't explain why it happened or where the money went. That's my favorite part.

But you watch. The dems don't have a better option. He'll run in 2028.
What else do you need to know other than Newsom took a $98 billion budget surplus to a $45 billion budget deficit in two years. Particularly when most states are enjoying budget surpluses. If that's not gross mismanagement, I don't know what is. (Queue lefty rationalizations and yeah but, Trump)
And you got your numbers from where? “most states”?
What else do you need to know other than Newsom took a $98 billion budget surplus to a $45 billion budget deficit in two years. Particularly when most states are enjoying budget surpluses. If that's not gross mismanagement, I don't know what is. (Queue lefty rationalizations and yeah but, Trump)
And gee, all those states are doing so well the last 3 or 4 years? For reals? The president must be commended for creating such a lucrative environment!