Splitting hairs, but I don't have a strong opinion whether deaths are overcounted, I suspect they are because of the CDC's data that says most people had 2.5 comorbidities and some states admitted to counting covid positive murder victims. I do believe that kids hospitalizations are overstated as is evidenced by the study posted (wouldn't be unreasonable to assume that its the same for adults). Even if child deaths are overstated, its still a statistically irrelevant number as published (obviously not irrelevant to those that lost a child).
I actually agree with Dad4 that masks are somewhat effective, I just don't think there is compelling evidence either way in regards to masks in the real world. I firmly believe that masks have been grossly oversold in terms of their effectiveness (I still wear one in public indoor spaces). In the real world masks have limited effectiveness and I believe we've over relied on them. When your told that masks are better than vaccines etc, you are misleading the public. My biggest concern is that those that had symptoms, or known Covid, went out in public thinking their mask would protect others. Also wearing masks after vaccination sends the wrong message about vaccinations. Moving things outdoors is multi times more effective than masks. CDC's own data shows that.
I'm not going to die on the hill of mask effectiveness. I will die on the hill of having had kids back in school full time at the beginning of this school year. I will condemn that policy at every turn for all the reasons previously mentioned.
PS: I do believe that cases are likely understated, and likely materially understated.