Bad News Thread

War is big business and a way for many to become rich as our kids are killed or lose a leg or arm or both. We need a major overhaul and clean up job asap so this NEVER happens again. War sucks, especially when people profit off of death and destruction. WTF up people!!!

Chinese News Network Headline News: Taliban Take Afghanistan

Some guy named Kyle Becker said a reporter was trying to ask the VP a Q about Afghanistan and she just walked away. Someone said they could hear her say something like, "they will not pin this s*** on me." My good pal Bruno is asking if we would also keep Haiti in our thoughts and if you pray, please pray for them. The President was assassinated for not allowing the Jab to into their country and now they get with with a 7.2 and thousand dead and missing as I type. My wife's friend husband is not doing good. Docs can;t figure out what's going on. Not fun for Gary. Lastly, big Audit news coming out of AZ and Bull Durham has some news coming. Talk about a Drip, Drip, Drip marketing campaign. Plus, Hunter has three Lap Tops directly from hell ((poor guy was born into this shit, I swear. Look at Dudes tattoo on his back)) and he gets to make $500,000 for a painting. All of this is crazy, really cray cray folks. My advice is to be a good person, stop cheating & lying and help others at this time. Things are just heating up. The mask debate will be nothing compared to what's coming.
Some natural immunity analysis for dizzy:

Seroprevalence estimate from Jan 2021 put it at 20%

Disclaimers say that antibodies last 4-6 months, so it misses some of the people who caught the virus early. Also misses anyone who got sick since very early 2021.

correcting for that still puts it at under 50%. Add in vaccines, you’re maybe at 70%. But you need 90 or 95 for Delta.

So, 25% more infections or 25% more vaccinations. Your choice.
1,025 new cases in San Diego today. 0 deaths.


"WELLINGTON, New Zealand – New Zealand's government took drastic action Tuesday by putting the entire nation into a strict lockdown for at least three days after finding a single case of coronavirus infection in the community."

Los Angeles county has accelerated the mask thing by requiring it now at large outdoor gatherings such as sporting events, concerts and presumably protests, regardless of vaccine status. It wasn't ever going to end at just masks indoors and I'm fairly surely they aren't done yet.
Los Angeles county has accelerated the mask thing by requiring it now at large outdoor gatherings such as sporting events, concerts and presumably protests, regardless of vaccine status. It wasn't ever going to end at just masks indoors and I'm fairly surely they aren't done yet.
Why would you expect public health officials to weaken disease prevention efforts while cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are all growing?

That's like watching a building burn and asking when the fire department will finally shut off the water.

Is 700 deaths per day not enough for you? Do we need 1400 or 2800 before it is worth mitigating?
Why would you expect public health officials to weaken disease prevention efforts while cases, hospitalizations, and deaths are all growing?

That's like watching a building burn and asking when the fire department will finally shut off the water.

Is 700 deaths per day not enough for you? Do we need 1400 or 2800 before it is worth mitigating?

This is an I told you so moment. I told you so it wouldn't stop at an indoor mask mandate. I'm sure you would say if cases continue to rise Los Angeles should shut down indoor bars, dining and would support that if and when it happens, correct?
This is an I told you so moment. I told you so it wouldn't stop at an indoor mask mandate. I'm sure you would say if cases continue to rise Los Angeles should shut down indoor bars, dining and would support that if and when it happens, correct?
Should we close bars? How about we shutdown indoor bars, restaurants and gyms, but only for the unvaccinated? That one I already support.

But expanding it to a total ban just makes it less effective at a higher cost. Thumbs down on that.
"dad4, post: 403361, member: 6565but only for the unvaccinated? That one I already support.
But what if they have already had Covid? Why would they still need to be vaccinated?

It is already been proven that vaccines do not prevent you from getting or spreading the Delta variant, however there are no numbers showing whether or not those with an auto immunity from having Covid already are still capable of getting and spreading Covid/Delta at the same rate as the vaccinated.

Why should this portion of our society be banned from a normal life wow the vaccinated live “free”?
But what if they have already had Covid? Why would they still need to be vaccinated?

It is already been proven that vaccines do not prevent you from getting or spreading the Delta variant, however there are no numbers showing whether or not those with an auto immunity from having Covid already are still capable of getting and spreading Covid/Delta at the same rate as the vaccinated.

Why should this portion of our society be banned from a normal life wow the vaccinated live “free”?
The problem we have is the following.

- People who want to get vaccinated have. The have protected themselves.
- The vaccinated still spread the virus. There is no point pretending otherwise. The virus isn't going anywhere. It is endemic.
- The non vaccinated have also chosen not to be vaccinated. They also spread the virus.

So we are left with a virus that will spread through the vaxxed or the non vaxxed. Those that want protection have it. Those that chose not to have also made their choice.

At that point we should move on.

Pretending that allowing non vaxxed to enter into a place is an issue when the vaxxed people who are allowed to enter still spread the virus is idiocy. The virus spreads no matter what and no matter if one is vaxxed or not.
How about we shutdown indoor bars, restaurants and gyms, but only for the unvaccinated? That one I already support
Dude, you must have OCD and come from the bloodline of Howard Hughes. You can have it all, everything you want. I only ask for free access to the ocean and my little piece of land. I can live off all that and will be super stoked and happy with juts my wfie and a few friends who think like us. At this point, only those who support freedom of choice are allowed on my land. You and all those just like you can have all the public schools, health care system, pro sports teams, bars, jobs, big box, media, Hollywood, ESPN, Big U, Disneyland, TV Land, cruise ships, hooters, strip joints, all the booz you want and all the meat you can stuff your arteries with. Crush will grow his own and look to share with others who are like minded and who look out for others and who care for others besides themselves. I can't live among people who kill their babies, support the sell of their lungs, brains and little hearts for profit to scientist WHO use the parts for experiments for vaccines. I can't live among those WHO support forcing kids to wear a mask at school all day and if they dont, no sports or social life. I can;t live among people WHO supports Employers who are like the Terminator and make worker feel like Schmuck if they are second guessing the idea of taking experimental injections during war time. I surely can't live among dads WHO think it's perfectly find for a nurse to be fired because she wont get jabbed. I will never live among someone WHO thinks like you Dad, Husker, Poorespola and a few others on here who are so exposed by the light, it's obvious. Mr. Orangeman really did a number on some of you. Exposed!!!
Should we close bars? How about we shutdown indoor bars, restaurants and gyms, but only for the unvaccinated? That one I already support.

But expanding it to a total ban just makes it less effective at a higher cost. Thumbs down on that.
The numbers have not supported a total ban since May of 2020. But you people ignored IFR's and hyped the cases. You're addicted to Panic Porn.
But what if they have already had Covid? Why would they still need to be vaccinated?

It is already been proven that vaccines do not prevent you from getting or spreading the Delta variant, however there are no numbers showing whether or not those with an auto immunity from having Covid already are still capable of getting and spreading Covid/Delta at the same rate as the vaccinated.

Why should this portion of our society be banned from a normal life wow the vaccinated live “free”?
I will let the immunologists say whether a positive antibody test or previous positive PCR test is as good as a vaccine. If they say yes, then yes. If they say no, then no.

Thinking you have had covid, with no test, is not as good as a vaccine.
The problem we have is the following.

- People who want to get vaccinated have. The have protected themselves.
- The vaccinated still spread the virus. There is no point pretending otherwise. The virus isn't going anywhere. It is endemic.
- The non vaccinated have also chosen not to be vaccinated. They also spread the virus.

So we are left with a virus that will spread through the vaxxed or the non vaxxed. Those that want protection have it. Those that chose not to have also made their choice.

At that point we should move on.

Pretending that allowing non vaxxed to enter into a place is an issue when the vaxxed people who are allowed to enter still spread the virus is idiocy. The virus spreads no matter what and no matter if one is vaxxed or not.
It hurts my head just reading this.

Data is being cherry picked to support big pharma bank accounts.
George Mason Univ. Caves to NCLA’s Lawsuit over Vaccine Mandate, Grants Prof. Medical Exemption Aug 17, 2021

Washington, DC (August 17, 2021)The New Civil Liberties Alliance is pleased to announce today that George Mason University (GMU) has granted a medical exemption from its mandatory Covid-19 vaccination policy to NCLA client Todd Zywicki, George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law at Antonin Scalia Law School. NCLA is delighted with Prof. Zywicki’s victory for freedom. His brave determination to fight the university’s misguided and scientifically unsound vaccination mandate has garnered nationwide attention. GMU and other universities must stop ignoring science and cease forcing mandatory vaccines on even those with naturally acquired immunity (especially if only approved under a federal Emergency Use Authorization statute).

Strangely, despite solid scientific evidence, GMU continues to refuse to recognize that Covid-19 vaccination is medically unnecessary for ALL students, faculty, and staff with naturally acquired immunity demonstrated with antibody testing. At times GMU officials have appeared to deny that such a thing as naturally acquired immunity exists. This refusal is particularly odd, as the efficacy of the very vaccines GMU wishes to mandate are measured against levels of natural immunity acquired by those who have recovered from Covid-19. For this reason, NCLA continues to explore litigation against GMU. We also welcome hearing from others on public-university campuses in Virginia—particularly tenured faculty—who have naturally acquired immunity backed by antibody testing and whose schools are similarly disregarding the scientific facts surrounding naturally acquired immunity.

NCLA filed Professor Zywicki’s complaint in the Eastern District of Virginia on August 3, 2021, challenging GMU’s “reopening policy.” The policy, announced June 28, requires all faculty and staff members, including those who can demonstrate natural immunity through recovery from a prior Covid-19 infection, to disclose their vaccination status as “a prerequisite for eligibility for any merit pay increases,” unless they obtain a religious or medical exemption. On July 22, GMU emailed the policy to students and employees and threatened disciplinary action—including termination of employment—against any who do not comply with the vaccine mandate. The university’s website describing its vaccination policy reiterated this threat.

Prof. Zywicki has already contracted and fully recovered from Covid-19. As a result, he has acquired robust natural immunity, confirmed unequivocally by multiple positive SARS-CoV-2 antibody tests conducted over the past year. In fact, Prof. Zywicki’s immunologist, Dr. Hooman Noorchashm, has advised him that, based on his personal health and immunity status, it is medically unnecessary to get a Covid-19 vaccine—and that it violates medical ethics to order unnecessary procedures.

As a result of the exemption it granted, GMU is permitting Prof. Zywicki to remain unvaccinated for medical reasons. GMU has assured Prof. Zywicki that he will not be subject to disciplinary action, and that he will be allowed to hold office hours and attend in-person events provided he maintains six feet of distance. He must get tested for Covid-19 once per week on campus at no cost to himself. This favorable result should encourage others to fight irrational vaccine mandates elsewhere on the same bases laid out in the Zywicki complaint against GMU.

NCLA, a nonpartisan, nonprofit civil rights group, argued in the lawsuit that under GMU’s flawed reopening policy, unvaccinated professors cannot carry out their responsibilities as effectively as their vaccinated counterparts, jeopardizing teaching evaluations, future student enrollment, opportunities for academic collaboration, reputational standing, pay raises, and other professional opportunities. Because these requirements would have diminished Prof. Zywicki’s efficacy in performing his professional responsibilities, the policy would have coerced him into receiving the vaccine.

NCLA released the following statements:

“NCLA is pleased that GMU granted Professor Zywicki’s medical exemption, which we believe it only did because he filed this lawsuit. According to GMU, with the medical exemption, Prof. Zywicki may continue serving the GMU community, as he has for more than two decades, without receiving a medically unnecessary vaccine and without undue burden. Nevertheless, NCLA remains dismayed by GMU’s refusal—along with many other public and private universities and other employers—to recognize that the science establishes beyond any doubt that natural immunity is as robust or more so than vaccine immunity.”
Jenin Younes, NCLA Litigation Counsel and lead counsel in Zywicki v. Washington, et al.

“I am gratified that George Mason has given me a medical exemption to allow me to fulfill my duties this fall semester in light of unprecedented circumstances. Thanks to NCLA, we have increased public awareness that vaccinating the naturally immune is medically unnecessary and presents an elevated risk of harm to Covid-19 survivors. I speak for tens of millions of Americans in the same circumstances I am in, and I call on leaders across the country to develop humane and science-based approaches as opposed to one-size-fits-all policies.”
Todd Zywicki, George Mason University Foundation Professor of Law, Antonin Scalia Law School
Brumby tweets

Sweden’s 7-day average COVID deaths have been at ZERO for about a month now.

I feel like its only a matter of time before the very existence of a place called Sweden is scrubbed from the internet.
Hey, this is what one dude had to say about the endless war in the Middle East that T 100% was against and what he thinks what-happened over there. Watch what brother Assange had to say back in the day regarding Afghanistan. The Sons of Afghanistan didnt have much to do last 40 sum years either with their choices. Heroine Scientist or Poppy Picker is not much of a choice or be a radical terrorist. It's hard to tell WHO is Who these days so just be patient and the truth will come out dude. Mr. Wiki knows his stuff so I would listen to what he knows. He has it all. Sick shit you guys. Watch and then look at Uncle John's picture. They do look alike and Uncle John was best pals with Nikolia.

I will let the immunologists say whether a positive antibody test or previous positive PCR test is as good as a vaccine. If they say yes, then yes. If they say no, then no.

Thinking you have had covid, with no test, is not as good as a vaccine.
"you’re peddling panic porn – which has become a lethal collective addiction."