Bad News Thread


SF is an example of what happens when people meet outside, mask up, and get their shots.

SF has a mask mandate, 70% vax rate, and vaccine passports. SF also has cases lower than 2 weeks ago, plenty of staffed beds in the hospitals, and zero deaths per day. It works.

The problem is actually solvable, if you don’t insist on being an idiot about it.
It's here and it's Blue!!!

The Lambda COVID variant is in California: It has Blue colors instead of red

-The emerging lambda variant has been popping up in the news lately ((ya, I heard))

-Experts say lambda could be more infectious and resistant to vaccines ((oh oh, does that mean more boosters are needed))

So do Californians need to worry about this new variant? Not just yet. ((oh joy))

What is the lambda variant? ((Ya, I want to know too))
The lambda variant — also known as “C.37.” Lambda may be more infectious than the original “wild type” coronavirus and may be potentially resistant to current vaccines, although more studies are needed. The WHO thinks it's way worse. ((Of course they do))

Why am I hearing about lambda now? ((To scare the shit out of you some more))

More recently, two highly publicized laboratory studies from Japan and Chile – both in preprint and not yet peer-reviewed – have suggested that lambda may be more infectious and less susceptible to current vaccines. ((Oh bummer))

Is lambda here in California? What about other states? ((The headline said it was here))
Yes and yes.
Commercial and government laboratories test for variants by sequencing the genome of the coronavirus that caused a particular COVID-19 case and looking for mutations and changes in the virus’ characteristic spike protein. ((I wonder what the Scientists have up their sleeves with this batch?))

How does the lambda variant compare to other known variants? ((Alpha and Delta))
The Scientists don’t yet know how lambda’s different genetic profile will affect community transmission, severity of symptoms or vaccine resistance around the world. Some early clues are emerging. ((Yes, the clues are out in the freaking open. Basically, the clue is the vaccines will not work on Lambda and you and your family will need to get more jabs to continue having a job and enjoying the finer things in life, like bars, cruises, flying, eating out, buying & selling stuff and all the other beautiful things life brings for those WHO are jabbed. The anti-jabbers are already kicked out of all the fun)).

The Chilean researchers tested lambda against antibodies from health care workers who received the Chinese-made Sinovac vaccine, finding that the vaccine failed to work as well as it did with the original virus.

New York University researchers tested lambda against the vaccines authorized in the United States and found that the Johnson and Johnson one-dose vaccine was less effective against it and the delta variant compared to the Pfizer and Moderna two-dose vaccines.

Just because vaccines appear less effective when pitted against lambda in a test tube ((nothing to worry about a jab can;t fix)) doesn’t mean they won’t protect against severe illness, said Dr. Peter Chin-Hong, a University of California, San Francisco infectious disease specialist. Nearly all hospitalizations and deaths in California and nationwide have occurred in unvaccinated people. ((oh really? "Nearly" is an interesting choice of words Dr. Chin-Hong))

Do I need to worry?
Not for now, Chin-Hong said. ((Oh great, that sounds up lifting and promising)) “Delta’s aggressive all over the world and lambda hasn’t really taken off,” Chin-Hong said. “At the end of the day, it’s survival of the fittest
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Finding someone to pick on part 2 is kind of difficult. I’d consider a Democrat or a never-trump Republican, but there aren’t many of either on the ballot.
you should consider meet Kevin. You might like he’s a big idea, details and procedures be damned, visionary type. He’s also not very anti npi though he agrees newsom
Has handled everything unscientifically and with poor optics. He’s big on executive orders and has some looney ideas like building a freeway under the 405 freeway.
You are a sick bastard!!! So many people hurting right about now Espola and this is your satire? Get a life and buy a clue. No kids playing soccer yet is on here 24/7.
It’s also a stupid piece of propaganda. Like a stupid rewashed cloth mask is supposed to protect you. Even Obama didn’t buy that with his party. A better piece would be: you think a sore arm and some side effects are bad, look at x.
It’s also a stupid piece of propaganda. Like a stupid rewashed cloth mask is supposed to protect you. Even Obama didn’t buy that with his party. A better piece would be: you think a sore arm and some side effects are bad, look at x.
Dude has lost it Grace. Caught red handed too. It's like a bank robber with red ink all over his face and he still in denial of what he and his friends did all because they hate one man ((and his followers)). This is cultish behavior 101. Poorespola is in a cult. I can relate and I'm here to offer any help he might need later.

you should consider meet Kevin. You might like he’s a big idea, details and procedures be damned, visionary type. He’s also not very anti npi though he agrees newsom
Has handled everything unscientifically and with poor optics. He’s big on executive orders and has some looney ideas like building a freeway under the 405 freeway.
Kevin? Good point.

Kevin Paffrath for governor.
Oh boy, this is getting gnarly. I have been called more things in two weeks then in my entire life combined. I'm a religious fanatic, I'm against killing babies, I'm a moron, I'm against lying & cheating. For all that, I'm now a drunk driver, freedom less, no jab no job,100% a Schmuck and I'm a potential terror threat now.

Some natural immunity analysis for dizzy:

Seroprevalence estimate from Jan 2021 put it at 20%

Disclaimers say that antibodies last 4-6 months, so it misses some of the people who caught the virus early. Also misses anyone who got sick since very early 2021.

correcting for that still puts it at under 50%. Add in vaccines, you’re maybe at 70%. But you need 90 or 95 for Delta.

So, 25% more infections or 25% more vaccinations. Your choice.
A good summary of the lack of mask data and the problems with the observational mask studies.

Do Masks Work? | City Journal (
It basically shows the data on masks. And sorry @dad4 and others...there really are not any good studies out there showing masks make a difference.

"In sum, of the 14 RCTs that have tested the effectiveness of masks in preventing the transmission of respiratory viruses, three suggest, but do not provide any statistically significant evidence in intention-to-treat analysis, that masks might be useful. The other eleven suggest that masks are either useless—whether compared with no masks or because they appear not to add to good hand hygiene alone—or actually counterproductive."

We have decades of studies on mask effectiveness. When covid became political...suddenly various gov agencies around the world changed their mind and want masks.
This reminds me of people who think masks work... despite no evidence.

"Obey your leaders and submit to them, for they are keeping watch over your souls, as those who will have to give an account. Let them do this with joy and not with groaning, for that would be of no advantage to you." Hebrews 13:17

Do not entertain an accusation against an elder unless it is brought by two or three witnesses." I Tim 5:19

Check this out Hound. My buddy finally left the cult he was getting played at for over 33 years. The straw that broke his back was the full time Elders/Ministers playing a video the other day telling the members that they need to obey the leadership of the church and the governing authorities of the Biden Admin and get the jab as to make nice with everyone. I'm not making this up at all. The true fact is in order for these Elders to make $200,000 + a year ((401b3, free housing, ect in benefit package)) they have to obey the city leaders to stay open. It's weird to see some churches take a hardline stand like, "never" and then some just cave in to keep their high pay. Many industries are in a tough spot. I like home church now with just my wife and I :) My dd is free to do as she pleases and is always invited to Crush's House Church. I dont push Jesus on anyone anymore. That is personal choice, moo :)
From the Great OC.........

After a spike in COVID-19 cases during the winter surge dropped off dramatically in spring and early summer, Orange County government – one of the county’s largest employers, with more than 16,000 workers at numerous locations – is seeing infections rise again.
All CNN & Fox are preaching today is the "Fall of kabul." Afghan President just bailed and flew the hell out of Kabul. I dont know who is who and what is what. I dont believe anything anymore. I just hope I dont have to get a jab to buy or sell. I do pray for all the men & woman stuck in the middle as these assholes play war games of "Us vs Them." No more war please. Come on, no more hate.
This is example of the "Us vs Them" that the Atheist Mr. Soros wants us to jump into. No one kicked anyone's ass. Cops stood around watching them duke it out. This looked staged to me, moo!
