Desert Hound
Prior to masks becoming politicized....News reports with bad news about 2 mask studies:
1. Surgical masks shouldn't be reused
2. Cloth masks while maybe reducing viral load intakes do not block enough particles to keep people from getting sick
Wearing a used mask 'can be WORSE than not wearing one at all'
A new study found that new three-layer surgical masks can filter out 65% of tiny coronavirus-infected particles but used masks can filter out just 25% because the mask becomes worn
Masks NOT enough to stop spread of COVID-19 without social distancing
A new study, from New Mexico State University found that cloth masks let in more than 1,000 sneeze droplets, each of which could contain millions of tiny virus particles that could infect
The CDC has/had a page talking about the effectiveness of masks vs the flu.
They looked at numerous studies. What did the studies find?
That masks were ineffective at preventing the spread of the flu.
Where were the studies done?
In hospital settings. By people (doctors/nurses) who knew how to properly wear masks.
We know covid is more contagious vs the flu. And we know that previous studies showed that masks did not prevent the spread of the flu.
So why do we now suddenly believe that masks used by the population at large will stop or even slow the spread of covid?
Further we are seeing high mask compliance today and yet numbers of positive tests have risen dramatically.
That should lead one back to the realization that the original studies cited by the CDC regarding masks and flu were/are correct.