Bad News Thread

Yes, putting on a mask is a social norm on par with removing a hat. It is not a social norm on par with clitorectomy.

Espola mentioned a rational cow. I’m going to go see if I can find it. Perhaps the two of us can have a nice discussion.

The usual cliche is "horse left the barn", but I am seeking every chance to use "cow" since Vermont dairy farmer Elle Purrier St Pierre qualified for the Olympics in the Women's 1500 meters yesterday.

Wearing unneeded masks is not normal behavior.
You really think that most people choose their mask habits based on need?

Looking around, I‘d say mask usage might even correlate negatively with need. Plenty of unmasked, unvaccinated folks in the deep south. Plenty of masked, vaccinated people near me. Those two groups might outnumber the people who dropped their masks after they got their shots.
Yes, putting on a mask is a social norm on par with removing a hat. It is not a social norm on par with clitorectomy.

Espola mentioned a rational cow. I’m going to go see if I can find it. Perhaps the two of us can have a nice discussion.

How about standing up for the national anthem? How's that one going?
You really think that most people choose their mask habits based on need?

Looking around, I‘d say mask usage might even correlate negatively with need. Plenty of unmasked, unvaccinated folks in the deep south. Plenty of masked, vaccinated people near me. Those two groups might outnumber the people who dropped their masks after they got their shots.
Of the three groups you just mentioned, which two are at extreme ends of the spectrum and which one is in the middle following the guidelines about when masks are needed?
What? It is not virtue signaling. It is simply basic manners. If you walk into a room and everyone has removed their hat, you remove your hat.

You don't lecture them about why removal of hats is not necessary. You just take off your hat, because that is the social norm.

I wore my mask at WalMart because that was the norm. That is all.

I skipped my mask at practice, because we all are vaccinated and that was the norm there.
“ but, but . . . BUT!”
Cards can be faked. We hired a lab to verify antibody response in the blood samples. All part of team fees.
I heard of someone who bought a vax card so they can travel. I wonder how it would be to be stuck in some foreign countries jail for falsifying travel documents?
I heard of someone who bought a vacuum card so they can travel. I wonder how it would be to be stuck in some foreign countries jail for falsifying travel documents?
It has probably already happened. A college kid got months in jail on Grand Cayman for skipping out on quarantine. I don't imagine they would be any more lenient for a fake vaccine card.
I heard of someone who bought a vax card so they can travel. I wonder how it would be to be stuck in some foreign countries jail for falsifying travel documents?
I heard 4 piloits died after the jab and flying. Coincidence? I heard 13 year old.died of enlarge heart after the 2nd jab. I heard a guy was shot and killed after the jab too and now some want to blame it on the jab, just like dad and his gang tried to say that the motorcycle dude who had the Rona when he died because of Rona, not had Rona when the drunk dude ran a red light and killed him. Husker, you guys cheated. Just wait until you find out the real truth behind the cheating.
I heard 4 piloits died after the jab and flying. Coincidence? I heard 13 year old.died of enlarge heart after the 2nd jab. I heard a guy was shot and killed after the jab too and now some want to blame it on the jab, just like dad and his gang tried to say that the motorcycle dude who had the Rona when he died because of Rona, not had Rona when the drunk dude ran a red light and killed him. Husker, you guys cheated. Just wait until you find out the real truth behind the cheating.
Do you ever tire of being a fool?
Expounding on that point, this forum is basically a discussion that became an argument. (Not that unusual in an online forum) You may be able to discuss things in a forum setting and occasionally convince others to adopt your viewpoint… What I’ve never seen is the value of argument in lieu of discussion in an online forum. Personal attacks don’t ever add value to a the viewpoint you’re expressing.
I prefer the same.
IIUC, the antibody tests can't distinguish between natural and vaccinated immunity anyways. It just tells you the level of antibodies you have. So if you insist on everyone (including those with natural immunity) being vaccinated, they won't be able to tell you that anyways.
Not much better we can do. We did our best to make sure all parents stayed within the bubble, but ankle bracelets are removable, and even team fees will only pay for a certain number of armed guards.
Not much better we can do. We did our best to make sure all parents stayed within the bubble, but ankle bracelets are removable, and even team fees will only pay for a certain number of armed guards.

Not true. If you had been more forward thinking you would have foregone the armed guards and just paid the team videographer (or the GK parent, who no doubt videos everything anyways) to go and videotape the actual injections.
Looks like lausd next year will require masks even for vaccinated students and staff and covid testing every 2 weeks. Remote learning will continue to be an option for kids and staff that don’t want to go back due to health concerns.
Looks like lausd next year will require masks even for vaccinated students and staff and covid testing every 2 weeks. Remote learning will continue to be an option for kids and staff that don’t want to go back due to health concerns.
Zoom Ed only really works for highly motivated kids in low discussion fields. 12 year old in calc? Zoom is just fine. 16 year old in remedial English? Face to face.

I have a suspicion that LAUSD has more 16 year olds in remedial English than 12 year olds in Calc. Just a guess.